
Tensura: Supreme Kitsune

Knight_Riku · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4: Fury Vs Loli Part 2 & 3

u lot are lucky that i decided to give you this 2 in 1 chapter and another one right after this!

this chapter is already like 3850 or so words and my average limit is like 1500 words.

now start reading u heathens!!!




The 9 Milims had finished surrounding Riku in the instant that he was charging his attack.

This was even harder for Riku as he has all his skills relating to Sage, Great Sage, Wisdom Lord Rafael or even Manus:---- still sealed away. That means everything he is doing this fight all on his own.

Riku had finished his grand attack and released it in the form of a roar from his mouth. Bright black-red beams of energy were released in multiple ring-like blades that surrounded his entire body, encasing himself within and making him the epicentre of this attack.

(a/n Imagine how Aang looked when he entered Avatar State against Fire Lord Ozai. Lol he was so scared, that face)

All this happened in less then a second, but to all the beings present this was nothing more than child's play for all parties, of at least S Rank or higher, to witness.

The 'Chaos' rings all were released in as a wave outward from Riku's position. The 9 Milims had effortlessly dodged this, but that was to be expected. Who would allow themselves to get hit by an attack that radiated the power of an Ultimate Skill, and multiple Ultimate Skills at that which were from 3 True Dragons, a Demon Lord and a Hero + a reincarnated Furry's own personally made skill.

After the Milims had dodged the Chaos rings, the multiple Chaos rings then changed their shapes from 6 rings of energy into 3 condensed lines which arced and turned themselves around, homing in on 3 unfortunate victims of these beautiful yet chaotic looking threads of energy.

Once they made contact the 3 Milims suffered great damage. Of course, this would not be enough to fatally harm an entity of Milim's level. However, Riku has an intrinsic ability of being a Kitsune God. His intrinsic skill Nirvana Flames.

They are capable of creation, destruction, resurrection, life and death manipulation, absolute fire manipulation, purification, spiritual attack, soul attack, pain infliction/manipulation and partial curse infliction.

He had secretly imbued his chaos rings, now amply called energy rays, with Nirvana flames, already adding to the previous 5 Ultimate Skills and custom skill he had channelled into his attack.

As a result, the 3 Milims thrashed around wildly as they attempted to put out the fire that had engulfed their body but no avail, for these fames can never be extinguished.

While he waited for the 3 flaming Milims to be turned to ashes, he immediately swiped with his Nirvana Flames infused claws at the real Milim to weaken her so that he can incapacitate her with Divine Flame King Cthugha and Divine Ice King Cthulhu's abilities.

He would use the former to make the fire prison that Velgrynd used on Veldora, and then he'd use Zenith Tempest and Creation Lord Ahura Mazda to make an ability from Divine Ice King Cthulhu in an attempt to freeze Milim within an Absolute Zero ice crystal dome, similar to the Unlimited Imprisonment used on Veldora.

As if in denial to allow his plan to come into fruition, one of the phantom Milims close to the real one to the front of Riku's claw swipe and was severly injured by it, having 5 large gashes from her left shoulder down to her right thigh. The phantom Milim did not scream in pain because Riku didn't want to hurt the real Milim, afterall despite being killed for fun by Milim over and over again whenever they 'played', at the end of the day she was not even 15 years old yet, let alone 13 from what Riku suspects of the Lolis appearance. In addition, to the fact that she has not mentally matured after thousands of years until the Post-Rimuru Birth. Like how she actually used her brain to fool everyone that she was being 'controlled' by Claymen but actually wasn't and was a double agent. That definitely caught everyone of guard by slapping everyone watching with a massive UNO card to their face.

The Real Milim backed away and retreated realising that she was his main target. Riku shifted his focus to an approaching clone from behind him and swung 2 of his tails at her, one sweep to the head from the right and one sweep from the left to her legs. This will ensure that he still hits her regardless if she tries to jump or dodge. Unless she completely moves away from him.

Riku having to deal with multiple, dangerous and powerfully fast opponents for the first time, was hit in the spine by a clone that had jumped at him in the instant he was distracted.

The other clones took advantage of this and attacked Riku, by now the 3 burning clone were not just a pile of dust in the wind, and the one he had attacked with his tails had probably attempted to jump, as he could feel his tail making contact with something along with a "ugh!" sound.

Riku thrashed around violently like a crazed animal, attempting to knock of the Millims as best he could.

The one of his back had used her strength to tear into his back and is currently ripping his spine from his body, one tried to hold down his back leg but he just kicked her away as he recoiled his leg and released it like a spring. Another had done a kick to his right arm at the elbow and then advanced to his other arm to break it like the last one.

He immediately grabbed her and brought her to his mouth were he had his jaws wide open, ready to devour her head whole and remove it from her body, he coated his teeth in Nirvana Flames and Chaos energy as he brought her close. Meanwhile, his right arm had already regenerated and Riku still ignored the clone on his back, that was still tearing out his organs from out of his back.

His back now looked like the horrific image of the 'Bloody Eagle Torture' of his past life.

(a/n the 'Bloody Eagle Torture' is a very disturbing torture method which if you are not able to handle it then do not look at it or this small Author's Note and skip what will this says from the end of this sentence and go to the word "Suddenly, the real Milim…". LEAVE NOW......….All I'll say is the bones are torn out of the back while the person is still alive making him have what looks like wings of bones, then the lungs are torn out and the person finally dies)

Suddenly, the real Milim jumped into his mouth saving the clone, knowing full well that Riku cannot kill her as that wasn't his intention based on her earlier assessment.

The clone broke free of his grip and broke his hands and fingers, tearing some out on the way. Two of the clones that still had not taken action yet had finally jumped into the fray. One went below Riku and blasted a mini-Dragon Nova into his chest completely evaporating his heart and most of his upper torso along with it.

He was barely still connected with his lower body. Held together by only a few veins and arteries and flesh of the left side of his mangled body.

His Nirvana Immortality and Nirvana Regeneration was not fast enough not healing his body at the rate it was being destroyed at.

The real Milim, still inside his mouth, broke free by punching open a way out through Rinku's brains and skull. She then subsequently raised both her fists and punched both of Riku's eyes at the same time, causing them to pop like grapes.

The clone that was thrown away by his tail long ago had returned and joined the other clone which had not joined her comrade in attacking his chest but by entering his body through the massive hole in his back and chest to tear Riku apart.

Riku having had his brain and head destroyed rendered him in a state where he was still concious and aware of everything that was happening while his body was healing at a rapid place in the areas that have recently been damaged and had finally been neglected by the Milims. He was simply incapable of movement for a few seconds.

The fear that he had from Milim's 9 'meteor streak' attack at the beginning of the encounter had not returned again for some reason and he did not know why.

(a/n this is important, even if he has Nirvana Immortality this was important. But that will be spoilers but I said this so you all don't say it was useless since he can't die. Yes, he can't die but that doesn't mean…whoops, almost spoiled it there, hahaha. You'll have to wait to find out.)

Riku who was being 'beaten' one-sidedly finally had an evil grin in his mind as he saw that the real Milim was the furthest as she was quite cautious against Riku and retreated after a few attacks.

At this moment his entire body was literally a pile of paste spread out everywhere, his bones looked like millions of shredded pieces of paper. And a lake of blood that spanned 20metres in length and was 1 meter deep, causing all the Milims to be submerged in his blood from their feet to waist level.


That was the single thought of Rikus.

"!?" "!!!" "!!!" "!!!" "!!!" "!!!"

All 6 remaining Milims instantly felt danger creep up their spines causing them to shiver. The only one that felt less killing intent being radiated from…somewhere, was the real Milim.

Although she did sense something was of and tried to figure out what it was. And so she activated her Milim Eye and that was when she saw it.

As for the others, the reason they did not think like the real Milim was because their minds were currently in chaos, due to them being the target of such tremendous killing intent, while trying to figure out a way to escape.

Without a second's delay or thought, they all, including the real Milim, activated their dragon transformation and tried to flee, but it was too late.

The vision of 3 Milims was already blurry. When out of nowhere 3 large 9 Tailed Forces exactly like Riku but each made of a different element. In the next instant before any of the 6 Milims could react, the 3 Riku Foxes had killed the 3 Milims before them. One devoured the head of the Clone that Riku would have eaten were it not for the real Milim's interference, another swiped their claws coated in a powerful fire at the 2nd victim. The result was the same as the first 3 Milims that were turned to ash long ago, however it was not instant but definetly faster, and so the 5th death in the battle occoured as her lifeless body slowly turned to ashes. The last Riku simply released a Frost Breath from it's mouth that caused the 6th Milim to die as she was frozen in an instant and shattered into billions of pieces. What the 3rd…or 4th Riku? Anyway, what he had done was used Zenith Tempest to create Absolute Zero sub skill from Divine Ice King Cthulhu.

One Riku was made of Fire, one Ice and one Wind.

Yes, these three each represented the Ultimate Skills of each of the True Dragons.

'What just happened?' is what a void might ask or anyone witnessing this battle.

Knight_Riku: "Well, allow me, the illustrious Author/ROB tell you. But first wait."

Each of the elemental Foxes radiated a great amount of power, even more so by the version of Riku you had just witnessed.

But there is something you all forgot.

His names and forms.

You might have forgotten or maybe not bothered to pay attention to the name Inari, which is the name of Riku's current Fox Form you had just seen getting beaten into becoming pasta and tomato juice.

Well, here it is:

Riku (Unnamed) – ??? – Human Form

Inari (Unnamed) – ??? – Fox Form

Cthugha – Fire – [Fox Form]

Cthulhu – Frost/Ice/Water – [Fox Form]

Hastur – Wind – [Fox Form]

(Unnamed) – Earth – ???

Metatron – Light – ???

(Unnamed) – Darkness – ???

(Unnamed) – Poison – ???

Now you are probably wondering, those names are of 4 of his Ultimate Skills, why do 3 of his forms say [Fox Form] in the brackets? He already has Inari as a Fox From. Why are Inari and Riku Forms unnamed yet he already has names for it? Why are the remaining 3 unnamed?

All simple really.

He has 5 names unnamed because he hasn't been named by anyone upon reincarnating. The only exception to this is Veldanava who named himself and became only a slight bit weaker then when he was unnamed at his birth. Reason for this is that you gain more power if you are named by somone, like how Veldora named Rimuru granting him immense power and power potential right of the bat. Also Rimuru named Veldora by giving him a last name. Despite him being a weak slime, he did contribute to increasing Veldora's strength by like a decimal. Regardless he did get stronger.

This is why Riku doesn't want to name himself. Despite reading me, the illustrious Author type "Riku", the question you have to ask yourself. Did Riku ever once say his name when speaking or thinking? No. He actually hasn't. he simply just lived all this time with no name. reason being why he didn't ask for Veldnava for a name was because he can only be named when the plot begins. How does he know this? Simple. Because the ROB/Author/Knight_Riku is Riku and visa versa. Thus, Riku can very easily know what he would do to himself if given the chance. As a result, he is unnamed.

He did bypass this by having the Voice of the World actually name him by pulling a reverse UNO card on the Voice by making a skill that would have any name spoken to Riku become a name of that respective element which he possesses. Since each of his elements which he possesses has a form for them he was able to have the Voice assign the Fire, Ice and Wind Forms the 'names' of the Ultimate Skills once the Voice spoke them after their respective titles. Furthermore Purity King Metatron was a difficult one to get but he did it since that skill is heavily associated with the element Light, However, he could not obtain Hope King Sariel as it was not associated with any of the remaining skills.

In addition, if your wondering, upon reincarnation he had no skills other then what he wished for or his race intrinsic skills. All of the skills mentioned were created by Creation Lord Ahura Mazada, which then caused the Voice to give him the announcement of obtaining the said skills, hence how he was able to get the Voice to say the names and in turn 'name' him.

As for the Names Riku and Inari. He can choose any remaining unchosen element to be assigned to his names once being named by someone when the plot begins.

As for his multiple fox forms. Easy. He simply doesn't have any skills related to sgae, Great Sgae, Wisdom Lord Rafael and Manus:---- and Parallel Mind is apart of it hence he can't control multiple copies of himself at the same time.

When he attacked the 3 Milims he could only do that like this. He had all 3 Riku's appear. They all moved one at a time, but due to him catching the Milims unaware he could kill them all one-by-one. Also, he had simultaneously activated speed enhancement skills and Mythical Beast Lord Bahamut to slow down the 3 Milims so he could kill them fast enough which made it appear like he had killed them all at the same time.

That was why he needed all of his forms to be the same otherwise he would have to have the mindset of him controlling different bodies with different limbs and movements and so on.

He simply would not be fast enough to adapt to the changes in switching between them, hence why he kept them in a form he had been familiar with for thousands of years and has mastered.

Now that that is explained let's get back to what just happened.

After Riku had killed the 3 Milims the remaining three was in chaos as the hive mind they shared had managed to share what the Real Milim has seen with her Milim Eye.

She saw that the all the Rkus were real and were able to conceal their auras.

This was because Riku had used another ultimate skill but this time one that is an intrinsic skill of being a Kitsune Deity bloodline.

Illusion King Mephisto

However this skill was sealed as well, only partially though as Riku managed to get Veldanava to unseal it slightly.

That meant Riku needed to use one of his bodies as the main one that still hosted 6 forms within it and the 3 individual forms of Fire, Ice and Wind will be nearby. Riku used Illusion King Mephisto to solely conceal the other 3. Due to Milim's Rage she had not anticipated this scenario.

In fact, Riku had originally planned to do this stratagem on Milim on her own so that he could harmlessly capture her without causing harm.

That all changed due to the 9 Milims appearing. What changed exactly? Only one thing. Remember the 1st Riku…

Yes, that lake of blood he was turned into…

Which he still hasn't healed from…

The Lake of blood began to write and wriggle to life as a hundreds of tentacle like arms made of blood were created as they rose up into the air to incapacitate the Milims. But the real one and the closest clone were able to jump high up into the air and avoid the tentacles. The other one wasn't so fortunate and was subdued.

Riku's main body, the lake of blood he is currently in the form of, turned his attention to the other Milims quickly due to the immense difficulty of controlling hundreds of arms at once without skills to help his mind.

Just as they had managed to escape his range of tentacles, a red haired half-naked figure had appeared and kicked his foot in the clone Milim's face and pushed her into Riku's tentacles which amply secured her.

"Long time no see Inari"

The figure that had now turned their attention to the real Milim now said

"Well, well, well…now this is troublesome…could you do me a favour and calm down Milim? Hmm, I guess not."

Yes, if you haven't already realised, the figure is none other then the Primordial Demon and Demon Lord Guy Crimson.

Additionally, you may have noticed that Guy had called Riku by Inari, and earlier it was made clear that his name was as such, unnamed. That's because the name wont be permanent until the plot begins or unless Riku names himself. When the plot begins any core character can name him, due to his wish with the ROB, this means that the first name anyone will come up with will be Riku and Inari for his respective forms when it is time for him to be named. But Riku wants to avoid this and be named by a powerful main character I the story like Demon Lord Rimuru, a True Dragon, primarily Veldora due to him having that extra decimal increase, Chloe/the Hero Chronoa because she is a True Hero, enough said of how powerful she is. He could be named by others like Milim or Guy but he prefers them two as they will be his Harem members and so the connection through naming is very important.

Riku decided to now merge all his bodies back together after freezing the two Milims in a temporary Ice Prison.

Once he was merged, so to did the Milims break free.

As for the real Milim, well…she is currently fighting Guy for the next three days because Riku has had enough fighting Milim, even if they are fake ones!!!

Riku jumped at the Milims uncaring of receiving damage at this point.

One Milim had punched Riku in the jaw, completely causing it to be torn of his face, so to return the favour Riku rematerialized his lost lower jaw using only blood and used it to devour that Milim whole completely cutting and bisecting her in half. While that happened, the last clone had torn out Riku's heart but Riku simply finished the battle by using his nine tails to impale her and channelled all his energies, elements and skills through them.

This caused an interesting event to occur, but due to Riku being unable to access an analysis skill he could not understand what happened. What did happen was simple. That Milim just exploded and that's that. For it was what happened at the heart was what he was focused on. He knew that he would have to conduct this experiment in the future.

All this happened within 12 seconds, including his jaw being healed once more, replacing his temporarily made artificial-blood-jaw.

Riku now turned to the fight between last remaining and real Milim and Guy.

Riku's only thoughts on the fight he just had were…

"That was fun…I guess"

Certainly, Riku had just fought 9 perfect and fully powered Milim Navas at her strongest…but even still, in the future he will have even more fun battles as his battle against Milim was quite simple. Milim just had a very strong physical enhancement X9 Milims.

Other beings in the future would be more fun since they are capable of using many skills like illusion or situational abilities. One example of this is Guy and Chloe. Guy will copy your fighting style and use it against you which also means coping you skills and magic too. Chloe on the other hand is a straight up cheat unless you have a way to resist her Time Stopping abilities. She literally beat Rimuru in a duel in the WebNovel the instant the match began. Rimuru literally didn't even move by the time the coin that signalled the fight touched the ground and Chloe literally had her sword at his neck. If she wanted to, she could have killed Rimuru right then and there. That is the kind of fights Riku wants.

As he thought this, he simply watched Guy and Milim fight. Riku had now long since shifted back into his mini-Inari form the size of a normal fox but with 9 tails.

Loud sounds of explosions and earthquakes could be felt throughout the world for the next 3 days…