
Tensura: Companions For Undeath

Jeff died. And that was the end. Or was it? This story is available in Webnovel, Wattpad, Royalroad, Scribblehub I go by the most boring person (Without any spaces) in Royalroad

Dr_Armstrong · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs


Chapter 6 - {Never}

{Skele-Knight's Pov}

Cardinal World, Vramus Forest.

'What in the hells am I looking at' Skele-Knight thought as his vacant eye sockets were beholding a rather peculiar sight that he was definitely not expecting.

"Woah that was a great argument companion, however... 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧," The rather hideous undead monster said to literally no one with a victorious expression as if he had already won the imaginary squabble.

'Ok... It seems brother was right this time, I really shouldn't rely on this skill too much' Skele-Knight inwardly grumbled as he let out a mental sigh...

"Hmm...? What's this, Did I just hear someone mentally sigh in frustration near 𝙢𝙮 presence?" The Ghoul said rather loudly in a somewhat angry tone.

At that very second, the band of Skele-Boys froze and started to sweat liquid calcium nervously.

"Well, it actually kinda smells like rotten milk left in the sun for too long," The Ghoul said in obvious disgust.

'Well, that was weirdly specific... Luckily it seems that this Ghoul doesn't have any magic sense so he shouldn't be able to find me and the others' There was no comment from his brother or the skeletons as they were trying their damn hardest to keep silent and sneaky.

"And did someone just underestimate me!?" The ghoul stated in a furious voice.

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

The sound of skeletal feet crashing against the hard rocky ground resounded through the cave as a bunch of skeletons suddenly marched from the shadows and into the Ghoul's direction.

The Skeletons quickly got on their knees and bowed down planting their skulls into the ground.

"Forgive us, great Ghoul!" One of them said.

"We did not mean to offend you!" Another said.

"Please don't make us experience death again!" Yet another one said.

"Huh!?' The Ghoul responded with a confused and baffled expression.


A couple of minutes earlier...

{Ghoul's Pov}

[I'm telling you, Ghoul. Pineapple pizza is actually good you just need to try it out] Companion stated.

"So what you're saying is... I should eat what the mongrels' stuff into their mouths? Well, I'll have you know that my culinary preferences are more refined than a lowly peasant with ghoulish tendencies" I responded with a top-tier argument.

[Bro... I know you're "special" and all but let me remind you that you 𝙖𝙧𝙚 indeed a Ghoul] Companion said in a nerdy tone.

"Woah that was a great argument companion, however... 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧," That's it bitch, I win and it only took like ten words =]]]]]]

[Sighhhh... Now I wished you weren't granted so many mentally influencing unique skills before you died... You might have just been a normal person or at least not autistic without all that spirit waste in your soul] Companion complained in frustration.

"Hmm...? What's this, Did I just hear someone mentally sigh in frustration near 𝙢𝙮 presence?" That wasn't acceptable at all. Not in the slightest.

[Whatever... So pineapple pizzas, Why do you dislike them so much?] Companion questioned.

'The same reason I don't eat human corpses' I mentally responded since I realized that talking to the air and responding to the voice in your head was pretty Devildamn unusual.

[But you're a Ghoul that's literally your main diet, Also don't assume that I forgot about Lord Boner...] Companion stated.

'Ughh... Don't make me have flashbacks about that... Also, I swear it was self-defense bro, that douche mark tried to eat me first so I just responded in kind' I shot back.

[Pff... As if you could actually put up a fight against Mark. You fecking killed that bastard while he was having a wet dream about your mom!] Companion quipped.

"And did someone just underestimate me!?" I frowned and shouted in fury 8'[

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

Suddenly a bunch of skeletons jumped out from nowhere and started fanatically bowing to me whilst shouting countless apologies.

"Huh!?" Well, that was unexpected.


{???'s Pov}

Kingdom of Trachwant, Duchy of Rumellis

"No sire, There haven't been any unexpected disturbances to your righteous vision and all non-loyal inhabitants have been escorted out of the manor under the pretense that your highness is falling ill" A butler in black calmly stated from my right as we walked into the inner corridors of the castle.

"Good, Good. I wouldn't want any grubby hands bothering me when I do the summoning ritual" I said as we entered a room where a large gathering of mages standing around a circular sigil painted on the ground

"Now, Prepare all of the materials, and let us summon an Archdemon from the abyss!" I announced to the mages who had waited patiently up until now.



Sorry for the short chapter. School is just too much these days. I literally only have about one hour and a half worth of free time.

So please give me some stones cuz I'll never give you up.

Fun fact: Dolphins are the only other organism aside from humans who derive pleasure from sexual intercourse... Have fun knowing that =)

Word Count: 829

Howdy Companions! Always Remember To Contribute By Voting And Giving Me Stones.

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