

A few years have past and the once peaceful place of Tempria has fallen. Three sisters must come together with some strange people to defeat the darkness that awaits them all.

GeekyCryBaby · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Episode 4

Melody rushes in the house. "I'm back!!" She yells out of breath. She notices no one is around. "Hello?" She looks around but no one is around. "Anyone home?" She calls out. Suddenly, she hears laughing. She follows it to Margret's room. "You guys in he-" She opens the door to find both of her sisters with two strangers. "AHH!" She screams.

"Oh hey." Margret stands to walk to her. "Kyle, Micky, this is our sister Melody."

Micky smiled. "Well hell-"

Morgan slapped him in the back of the head. "Don't even think about it!"

Micky growled. "I wasn't even going to!" He snapped back.

Both of them went at it.

Kyle walked up to her. "Hello. Nice to meet you." He shakes her hand.

Melody looks confused at Margret. "Who are these people?"

Margret smiles. "They claim to be the ones on the "plane""

"Plane?" Melody looks confused.

"The flying thing in the sky." Margret reminded her.

"Ohh that thing!" Melody thought for a moment. "That's a weird name for it." She shrugged.

"Anyways, we were just showing them our land." Margret shows her the map on the table.

"Oh yeah.." Melody sits in the chair next to the table. "I forgot we had this.." She studies the map.

"You guys have no idea how excited it is to be here!" Kyle smiles big.

"Why?" Melody looks up at him.

"Because-" He goes to say when Margret cuts him off.

"They haven't heard of us before. Their humans." Margret smiles. "It's weird seeing them."

"Ohhhh!" Melody starts to exam Kyle. "So no fur?" She picks up his arm. "Anywhere?"

He laughs. "Well in some places."

Her eyes widen. "Where?"

He starts to blush. "Umm..." He looks at Margret.

Margret laughs. "Come on you perv. Lets go see what you brought us for dinner" She pulls Melody away from him and out of the room.

Kyle looks over at Micky and Morgan, who hasn't stopped arguing. He sighs. He looks back at the door. He rushes out of the room.

*In The Kitchen*

Margret stands at the stove as she cooks some meat in the pan. Melody hums as she sits by herself at the dinner table cutting up carrots.

Kyle comes up behind Margret. "Hey.." He smells the meat. "Wow. That smells really good!"

She laughs as she turns the heat down. "Thanks." She turns to the island an starts to cut some potatoes.

Kyle looks at the stove. "Say, how do you have power?" He walks beside Margret. "I don't see a generator anywhere." He looks at her confused.

She laughs. "That's because there is no such thing on this island." She looks at him. "My father built his own. See I know about a little of you humans and what you build. It was either over the years of my parents teaching me little things here and there or it was things that wash up on the shore." She smiles. "So, one night I walked on the beach. I wanted to see if I could find anything."

"Did you?" He asked excited.

She smiled big. "Oh yes!" She pointed to the curtains under one of the counters. "Look." She pulls the curtains away. "This baby is a self made gen."

He looks at her confused.

She rolls her eyes. "Generator?"

He nods. "Wait. But you said-"

"I know. I mean it is one but it isn't one at the same time" She stands. "Don't think too hard on it. You'll hurt that little brain" She smiles as she walks away towards her bedroom.

Kyle thinks as he watches her. 'Strange woman..' He looks at her butt. He blushes. 'OH GOD!' He hits his forehead. 'Don't do that!'

Micky walks up behind him. "Whats up?" He throws a piece of cooked meat in his mouth.

Kyle jumps. "Nothing!" He walks away quickly.

"Hmm." Micky watches him.

"Stop eating all the food!" Morgan growls at him as she walks up. "Pig.."

"Dog.." He looks at her.

They glare at one another for a moment until Melody interrupts them.

"You two just need to stop!" She crosses her arms after setting the cut carrots down. "You guys fight too much."

Morgan rolls her eyes. "Whatever..." She sits down at the table.

"Is she always this mean?" Micky asks as he looks at Morgan.

Melody laughs. "No..." She looks at her. "She use to be different....but I don't mind her this way." She looks back at him. "She's my sister. I would love her even if she said she hated me for stealing the last piece of pork"

He laughs. "Yeah...that sounds a lot like me and my brother..."

"Kyle?" She looks at him.

"No.." He shakes his head. "My brother lives back in the city."

She tilts her head confused.

"New York" He laughs. "Yeah he lives there with his wife and kids." He sighs. "But we don't get along as we use to...." He looks at her.

"Awe its okay.." She smiles faintly. Trying to cheer him up.

"But hey! We still love one another!" He lies as he didn't want her to become sad.

She smiles. "Well that's good!" Suddenly, something catches her eye in one of the windows behind Micky. She looks closer and sees Kai. He was waving at her as he floated above some trees. Her eyes widen. She quickly looks at Micky. "Hey I need to go do some things. Can you tell my sisters I'll be out for a bit. Thanks!" Before he could say anything she rushed out the door.

"Oh...um okay.." Micky looks over at Morgan, who was staring outside at the moon. He groans as he slowly walks over to her. Before even walking a little closer she turns to him and gives him a death stare. "Annddd nope!" He walks away.

Morgan rolls her eyes as she goes back to watching the moon.


Melody and Kai stood in front of each other.

"What do you mean you need a place to stay?" She glared at him.

"I mean that I can't stay with my parents..." He sighed. "Hey, I promise to not get caught..." He goes to her. He puts his hands with hers. "Please let me...I'll be out of your hair before you know it..." He smiles.

She blushes before looking away. "If they find out that your....your a..." She looks at his vampire teeth. "A vampire they'll kill me!"

He hugs her. "I promise..."

She hugs back. "Good!" She smells him. 'SO GOOD!' She smiles big.