

A few years have past and the once peaceful place of Tempria has fallen. Three sisters must come together with some strange people to defeat the darkness that awaits them all.

GeekyCryBaby · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Episode 5

"So what are we doing again?" Kyle asks Margret a they sit in a tree, staring at the trees before them.

Margret looks closely. "I told you." She growls as she reaches in her bag. "I found some strange fabric on the beach the other day." She pulls out a strip of a red and blue fabric.

"That's weird. We crashed here about a week ago." He takes the piece of fabric. "Maybe the stuff is washing up."

She nods as she stares at the trees. "Still, something is off about it. I mean why now?" She sighs.

*Inside the tree house*

"I don't care!" Morgan slams her hand on the table.

Micky sighs as he sits across from her.

"Morgan, just calm down. He didn't mean to upset you." Melody rolls her eyes. "My sister is annoying." She whispers under her breath. She takes a long yawn.

"Oh shut it!" Morgan sits down. Her arms crossed.

Melody yawn again. This time she lays her head on the table.

"Whats with you? You been staying up all night." Morgan looks at her. "Sleeping beauty? Hello?"

Melody smiles in her sleep.

"Soooo" Micky looks at Morgan.

Morgan stares out the window. The wind blowing in her black long hair. She sighs.

"Wow" Micky stares at her.

"What?" She glares at him.

He shakes his head. "NOTHING!" He runs off.

"Weirdo." She rolls her eyes. She looks down at Melody.

Micky stands outside. Looking around. He spots Margret and Kyle on the beach. "What are you doing?" He asks as he walks up to them.

Margret looks through the sand.

"She thought she saw something." Kyle sighs. "Though I think she is just crazy."

"FOUND IT!" Margret shouts as she stands.

"Found what?" Micky looked confused.

Margret turns to them. With a bandage. "This!"

"A bandage? Why did you want to find that?" Micky shakes his head.

"Because..." She pulls out a little bag from her big bag. She opens it on the ground. "I thought I was crazy but..." She smiles as she pulls out a cloth with some dry blood on it.

"Okay. Shes diffidently crazy." Micky goes to walk away but Margret starts to speak.

"See, us werewolves can smell your blood. Once we get familiar with it we know it by smell. So when I smelled this new blood I knew it wasn't one of yours." She stands with the cloth.

"Meaning?" Micky raises a brow.

Kyle smiles. "Meaning-"

Both him and Margret both shout. "Someone else is on the island!"

"Cute." Micky rolled his eyes. "So someone else survived the crash?"

"Looks like it." Kyle sighed. "Maybe its someone that knows how to get off this place."

"Doubt it. Everyone on that plane were either idiots or children." Micky sighed. "So I really doubt it." He turns. "If you find anything tell me. I'll be in the tree house."

"Yeah sure. While we do all the work." Kyle shakes his head. "How do you put up with it?"

"I'm use to doing everything." Margret stands. "Being the oldest means I look after my sisters. I don't mind." She smiles.

He nods. "Got it."

*Later that night*

"So everyone ready?" Morgan looks at everyone. "Wait. Where's Melody?"

"She wasn't in her room earlier." Margret adjusts her belt.

"Hmm. Maybe she's hunting." Morgan shrugs.

Micky tries his hardest to not look at Morgan.

"Why are we out here again?" Morgan puts her arms behind her head.

Margret rolls her eyes. "We are seeing if the person is out there."

"Why didn't we do this during the day?" Micky asks.

"Because if we did we wouldn't do it sneakily." Kyle smiles.

"Oh got you." Micky nods.

"So are we going to turn into our werewolf forms or no?" Morgan asks Margret.

"Maybe. If it comes to it." Margret shrugs.

Micky and Kyle swallow.

*Next to the portal*

Melody lays on Kai's chest. Both looking at the night sky.

"So pretty.." She says in awe.

He chuckles. "Not as pretty as you."

She lifts her head up. "Awe. Hehe" She kisses him deeply.

"You know for a wolf you honestly don't taste like wet dog." he laughs at his own joke.

She shakes her head smiling. "Oh shut it." She sits up.

"Whats wrong?" He sits up with her.

"Nothing...." She sighs.

He holds her. "Something is. You've been acting differently lately."

"Sorry. It's just that..." She takes a deep breath. "I wish we didn't have to be so different. You know? I mean I wish my sisters could meet you but I know they would just rip you to pieces."

He nods. "I know. If my parents knew who I was seeing they would-" He stopped. "Never mind." He hugged her tight. "I don't care what my parents think. I would still see you."

She giggles.

He starts to kiss her neck.

She giggles a little and moans.

Suddenly, something grabs him and flies off.

"Kai?" Melody looks where he went. Her eye's widen. "Oh no!"

Morgan, in her werewolf form, had Kai by the throat. Her claws digging deep.

"You okay?" Margret asks her.

Melody pushes her away and rushes to Morgan.

"So that's your guy's werewolf form?" Micky asks.

"Scary.." Kyle shakes his head.

Melody pulls on Morgan. "Stop it! Stop it right now!"

"What?" Morgan looks at her. "Melody this is-"

"I don't care! Let him go before you kill him!" Melody shouts.

Morgan goes to her human self. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Kai coughs a little as he has now some air.

"Kai.." Melody looks at him worried. Tears forming in her eyes. "Let him go! NOW!" She rips Morgan off him.

Morgan falls on her butt.

"Are you okay?" Melody looks at him. His throat a little bloody.

He nods. Smiling a little. "Yeah. I am."

Margret helps Morgan up. "Melody?" She looks confused at her.

Morgan growls. "What the hell is going on?!"

"He isn't going to hurt us!" Melody turns to her sisters.

"How can you say that!" Morgan shouts at her. "Those things kill and never care about others!"

Melody shakes her head. "Can't you see he isn't hurting me?"

"Well, he hasn't gotten the chance to!" Morgan yells back.

Melody clutches her fists. "I've been seeing him for a while now. And he hasn't hurt me once. You are wrong. He had chances but never did. Vamps aren't the same as they were back than...I know...I know they killed our parents but they would agree that these one's today aren't like the ones back then. They aren't responsible for their parent's actions!"

"You think they'll change?" Morgan bites her lip. "Vamps will never change! Its in their blood!"

Melody stands in front of Kai. "You want to kill him? You want to hurt him? Well you have to kill me first!"

"You would really die for this thing?!" Morgan clutches her fists so hard they start to bleed.

Melody bites her lip. "Yes.."