
Tell Me Again, My Love

On the surface, Ryn looked like a normal quiet girl who only focused on her study and did not even bother about things outside her study. However, the whole campus was shocked to know she was actually a popular model who just made a comeback after two years 'retired'. To make them more shocked when a very popular singer, Jeremy was her ex-boyfriend and now wanted her back. Of course, to add the spice in her life, a model who is her university's mate fell in love with her. Now she had to choose between these two, as well as balancing her life as a boring student but an exciting model. ******* “Sign this contract.” He nudged the contract toward her. “Can I think first?” she asked weakly. “Five seconds.” Jack felt generous and gave her time to think. “See how good my mood is today?”

Fifie · สมัยใหม่
766 Chs

Am I pregnant?

Ryn stepped forward and grabbed Mika's hand. She handed the small box to her best friend without a word and turned her toward the bathroom. She pushed Mika to move after she was sure Mika was still holding the box.

"What the... Ryn, what is this?" Mika cried when she finally realized what she was holding. She stopped, not moving even with Ryn pushing her from the back. She stepped to the side to avoid being pushed by Ryn and turned to look at her best friend in disbelief.

"What are you thinking giving me this?" Mika cried. She showed the box to Ryn. "How could you give me a pregnancy test kit?"

"Go and test it first before I explain," Ryn urged. She stepped aside so she could continue to push her best friend into the bathroom.