
Chapter 19: Yasmine

(Authors note; not a goal. Just asking if you guys like the novel. Potential suggestions I MIGHT use, and to leave a review if it doesn't take too much time :))

Chapter 19: Yasmine

No matter how much I had grilled Archer about how he walked through the wall, he didn't tell me.

He had just snickered at me.

So I decided to call up someone who was an expert in the supernatural.

"Yes, Mathew?" Mr Nakamura answered my phone, right before school.

"I was wondering if you knew about my bond having powers." I asked, as I explained what Archer had done.

"Well that's weird. Bonds also have stringent requirements to fulfill, since not everyone can become a messenger of God, and usually they are weaker than their masters. What you explained sounds like intangibility. An extremely powerful power." Mr Nakamura explained, amused.

"So you know nothing about it?" I asked, as I fed the purring Archer some treats.

"Nope, but this is intriguing. Also, I found some texts about Banshees, werewolves, Kitsunes and Cherubims. You might want to meet me after History." He told me.

"Alright sir. I will see you soon then."

"Bye." He said, as he cut the call.

I picked up Archer in the sky and made him look at me, but he just kept turning his head away.

"You stupid cat." I called out, as he looked at me, offended.

"What are you? Why can you just walk through walls." I asked him, but he turned guilty, as he looked away again and didn't answer.

"Are you going to harm me?" I asked, but then he quickly turned around and let out a sad Meow.

He was basically asking me, 'How could you even think that?'

"Fine, then I don't care." I told him, as I flung him across the room.

He understood my personality, so he knew I dropped the topic, and went back to cleaning his paws.

"After all, according to Mr Nakamura, no matter what, I will be stronger than you. So I really don't care what you do."

"RAWRRRR!." Archer mimicked a lion, as he tried to scare me.

"BRING IT ON! IT'S A BATTLE!" I shouted at my best friend.

As I was driving to school, I was thinking about the Triton training I had just gone through.

I first had my skill which canceled sound around me, which I had decided to call my 'Silent Zone.'

And today, I was able to create something else.

'Amplification'. When I snapped my finger, I could amplify the sound being produced from it.

And then 'Direction.' I was able to direct sound.

I also completely mastered basic sound wave emission, since when I raised my hand and looked at it, I could see the sound waves that are produced when air contacts my hand.

Seems like Noriko was spot on, since my Triton abilities are advancing way more quickly than my Cherubim abilities.

That, and I didnt want to use a bloodline skill that would eventually have a price of being devoid of emotions and answering to God.

I just wanted to live my life. Was that too much to ask?

Anyway, for the next 2 days, Nogitsune should be running around with Stiles. From his expression with me the other day, he should also be trying to avoid me, so he might even take longer than 2 days.

As I reached school, I was 20 minutes early, so I walked to the floor of my mathematics class, but as I did, I heard a sobbing voice from inside of the class.

I sighed, as I heard who it was crying.

I couldn't understand why she was crying, but I tried not to judge it.

I could feel her emotions of sadness, hurt, betrayale and depression radiating off of her…she was also contemplating suicide.

I knew better than anyone, there was a reason how people behaved the way they behaved. Nobody knows what happens in another's life.

I sighed, deciding to help her, as I walked into the classroom.

Hearing me enter, she quickly wiped her tears, closed her books and turned to look outside of the class. The teacher had yet to enter, which was perfect for me to talk to her.

She was sitting at a different place than me, so I walked right beside her, and sat on the desk beside her.

The class still had the pairing system for the tables, so I sat beside her.

I could sense confusion from her aura. She was probably wondering why I was sitting beside her when the entire class was empty.

As I glanced down at her table, I could see that she was holding a familiar paper. She had the back of the paper flipped up, but I still recognised that question.

'Was that from our test?' I thought, as I looked in front to see our tests arranged on the teachers desk.

I forgot that she usually wants us to just take the tests before class to review it during class.

This was already our 3rd test, and just like the other 2, I had aced them.

Lydia as well, who joined after my first test aced her tests.

I picked up the paper and sat back down beside her.

After about a minute of silence, I sighed and asked, "Didn't do too well?"

"What do you care?" I heard her voice. She was trying to fix her make-up, so she had her back facing me.

"What's the point of crying over math?" I asked her a bit confused. We were already taking subjects beyond our grade. She could just drop it if it felt too hard.

"Of course you wouldn't understand. The genius transfer student from Asia." She muttered.

Then, she turned to me and asked me," Do you even study at home?"

I thought about it for a bit before replying," I do when I don't understand concepts."

"And when is that?"

I didn't say anything, since till now, that has yet to happen.

"Exactly." She said, as she revealed her test grade, showing me a 5/20.

"This is the class average. We all are failing and you don't even listen in class and get perfect grades. How is that even fair?"

My honest response to that question was…life was not fair. No one could say life was fair. But I couldn't say that, not to someone emotionally unstable.

So I used my pathokinesis on her, and made her feel more calm.

As she calmed down, I replied to her question.

"Life's not fair. But isn't that the entire fun part of life?" I asked her a question, steering her in my opinion on a contradictory topic.

"How the hell is it fun that life is unfair. Of course you would say that, you're talented in everything you do, while I am fucking stupid!" She spat at me and then dissed herself in the end.

This was probably how most people felt.

50% of the rich people in the world had gotten lucky, but the remaining 50% had worked their asses off to become successful. Either way, it just looked like luck to unsuccessful people.

Which she isn't even wrong. I was lucky to merge with a soul not of my world.

I was lucky to have powers beyond the ordinary world.

I was lucky to have Archer in my life.

Lucky for the Pearson Hardman gang.

But I was not lucky for the abuse I had gone through.

I was not lucky for wanting to kill myself.

Not lucky, for all the times my hands were placed into burning hot coal for making mistakes.

I was not lucky, for all the times I was shocked awake at 5am. The only reason I had probably survived was because of my supernatural blood.

"Have you heard of the concept of regression to the mean?" I asked her, as I quoted Deaton to her.

"What is that about? What does that have anything to do with this?" She asked.

"Well, it's a concept that says life cannot always be bad. If it is horrible now, it won't always be horrible in the future. Sometime soon it will be normal." I explained to her.

As she took in my words, I proposed to her," How about this. I will help you with math a little. If you really can't understand what I teach, maybe you are just stupid." I said, chuckling a little at the end.

"Really?" she questioned in surprise, probably because of our interaction in the gym.

"Yeah. Maybe it isn't that you're bad at Math, you just haven't found a way to study it properly." I told her, as the class slowly started coming in.

Soon, Lydia walked in, and as she saw me sitting beside Yasmine, I could feel anger radiating off of her, not at Yasmine, but herself.

Maybe it was because she had arrived late.

She sat to my right. The next closest place to me, which had a small gap to walk around.

"Hi Augustine." Lydia called out to me as she took out my notes.

"Hi Lydia." I replied, trying to control my aura so she wouldn't get too affected.

(POV Lydia)

As I sat down and took my books out, I was trying to think of a way to make small conversions with Augustine.

Being around him always calmed me down.

The voices left.

Responsibilities left.

This invisible veil, ever since I was bit, left me.

"Hi Augustine." I greeted him as I took my stuff out.

"Hi Lydia." He replied, and as he did, I could feel the veil slowly coming back. I felt horrified. Why was it coming back?

Was the calming presence temporary? Or was it that I was not close enough to him…

If only I sat right beside him.

I remember when I had hugged him last time…it felt ecstatic. I need to feel that again.