
Chapter 11: Change in Attitude

(Authors note: if we hit 50 power stones. You get 1 extra chap, since tmr would make it the normal 3rd upload.)

Chapter 11: Change in Attitude

"He's up." Allison told Scott, and I was able to hear them, as I was exiting the room. It seems like my body also got pushed into the superhuman range but I didn't know the extent of my new physique.

I walked out of the room, with my accessories in hand and Archer on my neck.

"Hey man. I was the one who brought you to the hospital, you good?" Scott asked as I walked out of the door.

"Ah thanks for saving my life." I told him, even though he was the one who put me in danger.

Scott could tell if people were lying due to an increase in heartbeat, but my powers gave me control over my emotions, at least surface level ones like nervousness from lying so Scott couldn't tell.

"Why were you there anyway?" I asked him as I followed a nurse to check myself out of the hospital.

"We were there finding something about a missing girl." He told me honestly, probably since it was common information.

"I see. Well honestly, thanks for saving me, and you didn't have to check up on me."

"Are you okay?" Allison asked, cutting the small talk.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" I asked her back.

"I mean do you feel different? You don't seem to have to wear your mask and sunglasses anymore. You seem like you put on some muscle. Do you feel any different?" She asked me.

"Not really. I am just glad I don't have to worry about my skin anymore." I said.

I also decided I didn't need to wear any masks or stuff to cover my face, since it has been a couple years and it's highly unlikely people might connect me to my singing years.

Scottie as well, thought my new hair was dyed so I didn't think I had too much of a problem.

If I get caught I get caught, so be it. I can't keep avoiding the problem.

Scott held Allison's hand and pulled her back slightly, to talk to her as the Nurse signed me out.

"Danna Scott has already paid for your fee in full." The nurse told me.

I nodded and decided to text a thank you to Scottie, and also asked her to pick the first song I was gonna write after coming back.

"Augustine." Scott called out, probably finding my name out from his mother.

"What's up?" I asked him as I turned around.

"Some cops wanted to talk to you, but your lawyer took care of it." He told me.

Then he passed me his phone and said, "Give me your number. If anything happens, please text me."

I nodded and did as he told.

After that, I bid the pair goodbye and left the hospital.

After I went home, the first thing that I wanted to do was test my strength.

I went to the pull up bar and started doing pull-ups, however the second I used a miniscule amount of strength, my entire chest went above the bar.

"I could get used to this." I said out loud, and did over 300 muscle-ups before I felt fatigued and gave it a rest.

"Now that's a monstrous improvement. Noshiko didn't say anything about physical strength. Maybe it's from my other side." I told Archer, who was eating food while looking at me occasionally.

I then decided it was time to order some weights. I was planning on doing calisthenics until I could build a body but I guess I could skip that.

I decided to remodel my garage into a gym, and just put Bumblebee parked at the entrance. No one would take it anyway, this was the safest side of the town and even if they did I would be able to hear it.

After that, I saw Scottie's topic and couldn't help but smile a little.

[Scottie: About a girl asking a boy out.

Me: Who's the boy? Does he have anything to do with my life is this, and I like this?"

Scottie: Shut up and write the song you brat]

I decided to also text Mike and told him that I didn't mind advertisements anymore. I wasn't gonna hide from the public and I might as well make some money and take of pressure from Pearson Hardman while I am at it.

As I walked up to my station to play music, I realized what song I wanted to play. A song that was sung by a female, but I am pretty sure I can make do with singing it.

I was contemplating on whether to tweak the lyrics but decided against it. What happens happens.

After recording the musical part of the song, it was time for me to go to school so I left.

As I reached the school, I saw the twins convincing Scott that they should protect him but I just walked past them.

As I walked in, I realized I could sense the emotions of everyone around me. Like an aura, the world seemed to bend to my will as I could set the atmosphere.

I innately knew a part of my powers. I could set the tone of an atmosphere. If I wanted to, I could make the atmosphere become serious, sad or happy and it all depends on my whim.

I looked around and saw plenty of people looking at me, not at all connecting me with the kid wearing oversized hoodies and a shit ton of accessories to cover his face.

"Augustine? Is that you?" Kira asked me, as I walked to my locker and opened it.

"Yes, it's me." I said, as I put my bag inside of the locker and took out my mathematics textbook.

"Wow." She said, as I closed the locker door and I looked towards her.

"Hmm?" I asked back, as I turned towards her and didn't shy away from making eye-contact with her.

"Ah Mr Augustine." Mr Nakamura called out to me.

"Mr Nakamura." I replied back as I turned to him.

"My wife and I would like to invite you to our house for dinner tonight." He said, as he turned towards his daughter.

"Dad?!" She said in shock, but then quickly continued, "I can't tonight I'm meeting a friend for something."

"Well then Augustine will have to come without you. Please take the address from Kira and come over at 7." He said while smiling as he left.

After he left, I took Kira's number from her, and walked over to my calculus class.

Before I walked in, probably from just looking from my back, I heard Yasmine call out to me.

"Hey, Nerd!" She said.

I was a bit annoyed by being called a nerd. I mean, how is being properly educated, enjoying something one loves and talking about it being a nerd?

And if social awkwardness is included in that list, so what? It's not like everybody has great circumstances, what if they just were never taught differently.

However I showed no anger on my face. I had a method in my past life that I picked up which was very easy for me to use.

When someone does something you would not do and you're not happy about it. Imagine a glass. Behind that glass is a monkey screaming. Now imagine yourself in a zoo. If a monkey screams at you, will you scream back at the monkey? No, the monkey is being an idiot, so don't be an idiot.

"What do you want?" I asked, as I turned back. I was about half a head taller than her, so I simply looked down to make eye-contact with her.

I didn't have control over it, but my golden eyes shined a little, as I made eye-contact with her, and I watched as she became less confident in herself.

From her confident, outgoing posture of having her chest out and a smirk on her face, I watched as she slouched a little and moved her hands closer to each other, seemingly wanting to cuddle herself. I remember reading that when one takes up less space in their vicinity, they are less confident.

'My emotions, no matter how small, impact my powers.' I couldn't help but think.

"I was just wondering if you could help me with the assignment since you had finished it." She asked.

"You haven't done it for 3 days?" I asked her.

"It was always supposed to be due today." She replied.

I sighed, as I decided to not do her homework. She has to learn that if she truly doesn't know how to do her work, she should tell that to her teacher.

Most teachers aren't unreasonably, trying is way better than not.

"No." I told her, as I walked into the classroom, and reached the same seat as last time.

The atmosphere was weird. Normally I wouldn't have realized it since I was not one to mind, but it seems like due to my powers, I would find anything that didn't resonate with me weird. I had to get used to this.

I then checked a notification from my phone, which was from Jessica.

While coming to school, I had told Mike marketing my music was fine, so Jessica seems to have drafted a contract that she wants me to look over before she would mail for me to sign.

I ignored the contract for now since I didn't want to stress about it in school and focused on class.

"Class we have another new student, Lydia Martin." The teacher said, as Lydia walked in, and then quickly moved to sit beside me.

I could sense her emotions, and she seemed to be at peace and serene as soon as she entered the class.

She seemed in pure utter shock as she sat down and looked at her own table.

I was confused, since her face and emotions conveyed 2 different meanings.

She looked up at me in surprise, and inside of her eyes, I could see a white, foggy figure which reminded me of Nemeton.

"You don't have it." She couldn't help but say, in a trance-like state.

I decided for the first time, to control my powers, and made her answer my question, "Have what."

She looked up at me, with hazy eyes, seemingly lost in happiness, as she replied, in an extremely calm state.

"The stench of Death."