
Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

California is infested with vampires but in a town called Beacon Hills exists another apex predator. The Werewolves. Vampires fear Werewolves because of their venomous teeth and superior strength. Lucien is part of a hunters family dating back to the 1500s that gained their fame by killing the infamous Dracula and another monster called The Beast of Gevaudan who reign supreme back then, There exist multiple companies that buy Vampire teeth due to their medical breakthrough on healing properties and thus these companies buy Vampire fangs as well as werewolves and any other creature for the development of humans, of course, this goes all under the public's eyes. Lucien was turned at a young age and will have to deal with his change. He will become a Hunter an Alpha Hunter. ..... Reas Auxiliar Chapter Before diving into this kinky book .... By the Way, there will be Sex, a LOT of it. a LOT of unconditional sex friends would do anything for Lucien, even kill themselves. The plot? The plot is trash, I'm going with the wave, I planned this after watching Day Shift. I have to say. Teen Wolf world doesn't have Vampires but since it doesn't have Vampires then that gives me more world background in the future as I introduced these Day Shift vampires in the world. Harem Yes, this is Harem so if you don't like that don't read it, I don't wanna see low reviews there just because it's a harem, I'll delete those mfs so be warned. You can review my trashy fic but not just because it's a harem, besides Harem, there will be cheating and netori . No women will cheat on MC of course. You know me I don't do da shet. Again, I only own my MC everything else belongs to their respective authors or directors. Names here that are alike in the real world is just coincidence and don't relate to the real world. OUR world. All of these characters are fictional characters. Also, I downloaded the pic from google but can't find the original author, I however only changed the eye color to red. I do not profit from this, I do this for free since this isn't my original world but I sure hope you vote with stones though if you like, and leave a review. Anyways, that's all, and have a great day, humans!

TheLonelyGod · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
62 Chs

Uber Vampire #6

"I'll like one room please" said Lucien politely, he'll come back later and kill this guy.

"Sure, one bed or double bed? nonsmoking or smoking?" asked the vampire.

"I want the last one" Lucien pointed at the last room and the man nodded "One bed, Nonsmoking. That'll be 80 dollars for the night"

Lucien snorted "Here is a 50 you old fart. You think just because I look young I don't know the prices!?"

The man just grunted, grabbed the money and gave him the keys.

Once outside, the vampire smelled the wind that came blowing in and smelled a wet dog, that's what vampires smell when there is a werebeast near by.

The vampire assumed it was a werewolf since he's only heard of them. He sweated and got nervous since he's never dealt with a werewolf before but he hoped it was just passing by.

What he smelled was Corinne's, Lucien is actually scentless right now due to his earthly powers allowing him to guise his scent with that of the nature around. He only lets his scent be know around females, hot ones.

Lucien opened the door of the room and Corinne rushed inside.

"Well, I will sleep on the bed and you on the ground" said Lucien carelessly.

"What?" Corinne was flabbergasted "Shouldn't you be a gentle man and give the lady the bed?" she asked.

"That's a good question... have you seen a lady around?" he responded in a care free tone.

Corinne widen her eyes at his shamefulness "How rude!" she said.

"Well, I don't see a lady here to be honest, what I see is a naked woman that looks like a whore" said Lucien.

Corinne stood there wide eyes and mouth agaped, she can't deny what he says since she is actually naked and she does look like a cheap whore.

'Wait! Nooo. why am I agreeing to his words!?' she repriminded herself.

"Another thing we could do is, you can sleep with me if you want but I kick and throw punches in my sleep" said Lucien joking about the last part, how could he do that when Allison always slept with him?

Corinne just clicked her tongue "I guess we'll have to share"

"I don't get why you are here, though" said Lucien.

"Oh, I have to pass by this town to get to somewhere" she lied looking away from him.

"Okay... I guess"

Lucien was going to leave the room when she asked "where are you going?"

"To get you some clothes" said Lucien.

Hearing this Corinne smile brightly "Okay, I'll wait here... can you bring Pizza on your way back?" she asked.

"Sure, would you like that with pinapple? some tripple meat? Peperoni? Nachos? whatever pleases the madam" mocked Lucien.

Corinne just sat there with a smile "Anything is fine really"

Lucien rolled his eyes at her before closing the door. He smirked as he got an idea 'I should buy her a skimpy outfit, something tight too' he rubbed his chin at his evil idea

"Wuahahaha I'm evil!"


After buying her a one piece cowl mini dress and a see through dress for sleeping he went to the Pizzeria.

"Pizza time!" he joyed as he sat at the table and ordered 2 pizzas for him to eat now, a meats lover pizza and a peperonni with heavy cheese and some garlic.

"Hmmmm. Pizza rocks damn it! if there is ever an apocalypse, I will save as many as Pizzeria stores as I can" he hummed licking his fingers.

"I'm glad you liked it, sir. We pride ourselves for making the best! mamamia!" said the chef fixing his mustach.

"Of course of course!" said Lucien pleased with the service "Here!" he gave him a 50 dollars bill tip and left.

The man saluted Lucien "grazie per aver mangiato la mia pizza!"

"Arrivederci" said Lucien... After a couple minutes Lucien came back walking fast.

"Can I have one HawaianPizza and a Chicken Alfredo with cheese sticks to go?" asked Lucien with a smile.

"Whutz wrong, my friendo? you forgot la donna?" asked the man teasing him and elbowing his ribs.

(A/n: la donna means girl but I had no idea if it could be used here, but it sounded good to me so I used it ; p)

Lucien nodded smiling and watched as the man went back to work and came back 10 minutes later with fresh and hot pizza and pasta.

"Thank you, old man! See you around!" Lucien left after payin, this time for good.


"I'm back!" said Lucien as he opened the door.

Corinne was there on the bed with her legs spread wide not caring that Lucien can see her private parts.

Lucien smelt the air and glanced at her dripping cave "If you want to touch yourself, please make sure not to leak on the bed" warned Lucien.

Corinne looked at the wet spot om the bed and shrugged, she took the bags with her clothes and after inspecting them "Hmmm" she moaned in delight seeing her outfits "I quite like these since you picked them up" she said putting on her thin night gown ready to sleep.

She would wear the lingerie and skimpy outfit tomorrow.

"Here is the Pizza... hold on, I'll go grab a water from the machine outside" said Lucien, he had forgotten to buy a drink.

The reason why Lucien is able to buy all this is because of that same drug smugglers, he not only was carrying drugs but a suitcase full of cash. 5 million dollars to be exact, and Lucien was carrying all of it on his backpack that he carried on him at all times.


Lucien whistled a tune while getting the water bottle from the vending machine, soon he saw a shadow over him. Lucien could feel this guy approaching from a distance away but decided to play his game.

Lucien turned around and asked the fat middle aged man "Can I help you?"

The fat man's face suddenly changed into an ugly ass vampire and hissed at him as he jumped on Lucien.

Lucien jumped out of the way not wanting to be pressed down by a hairy fat man and took out his belt that became a sharp hard sword.

The fat man approached Lucien "What are you? a hunter?" hissed the fat man.

"How did you know?" asked Lucien acting surprised.

The fat man snorted "I can also tell a hunter by the way he carries himself and you... you are full of it. I hate hunters, so Imma kill you right now and eat yer slowly and then fuck the prostitute you brought, such a curvaceous woman should be with a man like me"

Lucien kept quiet and chuckled when he called Corinne a prostitute "those who threaten the ones that belong to me will wish to die quickly... it just so happens that THAT prostitute is mine already" said Lucien, his stare became ice cold and the vampire felt threatened.

Lucien did not move, he stood there waiting for the vampire, the fat vampire saw this and growled at him before jumping on him again.

Lucien saw this in slow motion, most of these vampire are weak and only those over one hundred years gain super speed and strength, this fat man seemed to be about 90 years old however he was still quiet fast despite his body size.

Lucien swung his blade faster than the vampire could react, a shiny silver arc had followed the sword before Lucien appeared behind the fat man.

The fat vampire surprised that the kid disappeared looked around hastily only to see him behind him. The vampire grinned seeing this and took a step towards the hunter kid who was elegantly putting his sword away.

"It's done" mumbled Lucien enough for the vampire to hear.

After taking the step, the vampire stopped completely he widened his eyes as his head slid off from his neck onto the floor.

"Your fangs will catch quite the hefty price, guess that will have to do instead of owning this crappy motel" sighed Lucien as he walked to the head.

"You won't get away with this!" barked the head.

Lucien, surprised he had his first encounter with an Uber Vampire "Cool! you can speak even after decapitation, you vampires are a nuisance but that's our job anyways, to rid of nuisance and infestation of vampires and werewolves" he said hipocritically.

"Now then" said Lucien taking out a pair of pliers, from his backpack along with a small bottle container.

"Wait! what are you doing?" the fat man panicked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm about to take your fangs"

"Wait! I'll give you anything you want just don't kill me, okay?" asked the vampire hopeful.

Lucien made a thinking face making the vampire nervous "Nah! I wanted this motel to be mine but I suppose you won't give it to m-"

"It's yours!!" replied the fat head rapidly.

"That's what I wanted before you insulted that woman" said Lucien casually. He approached the pleading head with pliers in hand.

"Besides, your fangs will be worthy enough, as my first ever uber vampire" Lucien procceded to remove the fangs.

"Aaaaarrghhhh!" screamed the fat man in response.

The motel was almost empty, there were only a couple rooms occupied but they weren't at the motel presently.

Corinne hearing the horrendeous scream ran outside "What was tha-" she stopped herself seeing Lucien removing the fangs from the momster she hasn't seen before.

"What is he?" she asked

"Vampire, an uber vampire to be exact. Pesky little things don't die even with decapitation, I'm taking his fangs, his fangs will fetch me a good ten thousand dollars as he was entering his elder age"

Corinne was fascinated by this imformation never has she encounter a vampire before despite being a bounty hunter 'guess I was the frog inside the welll' she thought before speaking "where do you sell them?" she asked curious,

"There is a hunter's agency in California that's where I'm going to be a liscenced hunter" Lucien finished taking both fangs making the vampire die "they die without the fangs since that's their whole weakness, without it they can't feed and won't regenerate"

Corinne nodded thinking " Do you think I can be a hunter too?" she asked hopeful "with you" she finished looking away from Lucien's stare.

Her nipples were hard since it was chilly outside and they could be seen through the thin nightgown, her pubic hair could also be seen.

"Sure, if you have the skills than you shouldn't have a problem. Just don't tell them you are a shapeshifter because they will probably hunt you down too, they not only take vampire fangs but werewolves and any werebeasts too"

Corinne shivered and nodded and went back inside the room with her water bottle that Lucien had come to get earlier, she will think this through.

Lucien seeing she was gone, opened a hole on the ground that swallowed the dead vampire deep into the ground along with the blood, he close the hole again and walked into the room to get some rest.

When he entered, a pair of big tits hit his back and hands started travelling his chest down his stomach to his dick.

"I'm horny!" she purred into his ears.

"I can tell you are in heat" chuckled Lucien giving her a smirk.


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