
Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

California is infested with vampires but in a town called Beacon Hills exists another apex predator. The Werewolves. Vampires fear Werewolves because of their venomous teeth and superior strength. Lucien is part of a hunters family dating back to the 1500s that gained their fame by killing the infamous Dracula and another monster called The Beast of Gevaudan who reign supreme back then, There exist multiple companies that buy Vampire teeth due to their medical breakthrough on healing properties and thus these companies buy Vampire fangs as well as werewolves and any other creature for the development of humans, of course, this goes all under the public's eyes. Lucien was turned at a young age and will have to deal with his change. He will become a Hunter an Alpha Hunter. ..... Reas Auxiliar Chapter Before diving into this kinky book .... By the Way, there will be Sex, a LOT of it. a LOT of unconditional sex friends would do anything for Lucien, even kill themselves. The plot? The plot is trash, I'm going with the wave, I planned this after watching Day Shift. I have to say. Teen Wolf world doesn't have Vampires but since it doesn't have Vampires then that gives me more world background in the future as I introduced these Day Shift vampires in the world. Harem Yes, this is Harem so if you don't like that don't read it, I don't wanna see low reviews there just because it's a harem, I'll delete those mfs so be warned. You can review my trashy fic but not just because it's a harem, besides Harem, there will be cheating and netori . No women will cheat on MC of course. You know me I don't do da shet. Again, I only own my MC everything else belongs to their respective authors or directors. Names here that are alike in the real world is just coincidence and don't relate to the real world. OUR world. All of these characters are fictional characters. Also, I downloaded the pic from google but can't find the original author, I however only changed the eye color to red. I do not profit from this, I do this for free since this isn't my original world but I sure hope you vote with stones though if you like, and leave a review. Anyways, that's all, and have a great day, humans!

TheLonelyGod · TV
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62 Chs

Meeting The Dessert Wolf #5

Lucien sat down in front of the coyote

"Transform" his eyes glowing red, the coyote shook her head in defiance.

Lucien was amused by this, he knew he was born an alpha so he had more authority over regular alphas but here it was an alpha coyote defying him.

"Are you courting death little coyote?" threatens Lucien. Lucien reads chinese novels on his free time and liked to act as a young master sometimes.

The coyote out of her stupor, snorted and then her body started changing.

Aftet a few dislocated bones and new skin, a naked woman was in front of the sitting Lucien, her pussy as well as her pubic hair was basically in front of him.

Lucien's eyes twitched seeing her careless action "What are you? an exhibitionist?" he yelled feeling irritated by her lack of common sense, then again he couldn't really tell people they lack sense since he was basically finger fucking a pack of SkinWalkers for a whole year as an 11 year old kid... 10 actually.

The woman gave him a smirked and stepped closer "What's wrong kid? never seen a woman before?" she teased him.

"I have" said Lucien nonchanlantly.



Both stood quiet until Lucien said "Could you move your hairy womanly parts from my face, thank you very much!"

The mature curvy woman blushed in embarrasment as she has never been called out like that, she was hairy down there so what, she thought, but hearing someone say it to her face was different, well... to her pussy.

She snorted hiding her embarrasment and turned around.

"Your butthole atleast is hairless" commented Lucien again.

"Why YOU!" She turned around ready to slap the disrespectful kid but she saw him get on his bike.

"Where are you going?" she asked curious.

"California" said Lucien.

"You think you'll get there with that bike? also why did you stop anyways?" she asked.

"I was curious about you... now I'm not. and about my bike... Dullahan can take this and much more" he said proudly patting his bike, after all he spent some time fixing the bike after that nasty crash with its orginal 'owner'.

"I see" said the woman, seeing Lucien about to drive off, she smirked and got on the bike naked and hugged him from behind, she started feeling his muscles 'Mmm, so hard and well formed' she said as she moved her hands bellow his stomach.

She was waiting for him to stop her since boys don't like women to touch them but Lucien let her keep going 'someone is confident' she thought grinning and sensually breathed near his ear and grabbed a hold of his little wolf.

"What the?" she was confused, she felt something big and thick there, she laughed "you shouldn't stuff your toys or socks there" she said hoping to be right because if not then this kid really would be a bitch breaker in the near future.

She could smell the scent of women around him now that she notices, familiar scents, one of which she met during her travels. 'Savannah?' she wondered as she sniffed his neck and moaned since his scent was mixed in aswell.

Lucien seeing this just laughed, he was used to these actions from women, Lysa was clingy much like Susannnah and now this unknown woman wants to mate with him despite his age, he could smell her in heat and he guessed she was following him since he is strong and a female will always looks for a strong mate.

"You can keep smelling if you want but can you stop touching my dick?" he said amused.

The Werecoyote realized she was still stroking his clothed dick while also feeling aroused from smelling his neck, she blushed, her heart beat spiked up "S-sorry kid" she tried to compose herself but it was hard after recognizing his scent as her mate, of course she will deny it in front of him.

'Damn it!' she cursed 'Of all alpha males out there, I went and bonded with a boy, a big boy' she corrected herself.

"Still think I'm a kid after having a feel of that, Coyote?" he teased as he drove at 50mph again.

The woman did not care about the speed but she did care that this boy was actually making her flustered and she did NOT like that, she is always in control so this is new territory for her.

"My name is Corinne Tate" she introduced her self "and yes, I still think you are a kid, a virgin with a big dick, what's a virgin with a big dick if he doesn't have experienced" she snorted.

"Well, you'd be surprise" said Lucien.

Corinne raised her eyebrow 'he can't be experi-' her thoughts was interrupted by him giving his name this time.

"I'm Lucien"

She nodded and looked up at the sky, she was so into feeling Lucien that she lost the motion of time and now it was getting dark but a town was nearing up ahead.

'wait' she thought 'a town? full of people? I'M NAKED!'

"Stop, Lucien! People will see me like this!" she said worried.

Sure, being a werecoyote comes with being naked most times, but a town full of people, people that will see her with Lucien. Despite not having problems with being naked, she did NOT wanted to exhibit herself like this.

"What's wrong? I think you look okay?" grinned Lucien not stopping.

He drove by a gas station, Corinne went red and hid her face om his back. She was getting cat and dog

calls. She felt humiliated but why, why does she feel good? she hugged Lucien tighter and grabbed his cock and squeezed.

"Wow wow okay okay just don't tear it off" he said with a sweat drop.

He stopped by an almost empty motel, he parked the bike in front of an empty room all the way to the end of the bulding, Corinne rapidly got off and ran to hide in the shadows of the trees around waiting for Lucien to rent the room.

Lucien seeing this laughed and went to the office.

Once he entered he stopped. He looked around 'a vampire?' he thought smelling the disgusting vampire smell, most vampires smell bad but there are still some who smell delicious, old ones and the pure ones to be exact.

The one in here is probably a newly turned vampire "Hello!" he called out.

*Ding ding*

He rang the bell on the counter.

"I hear yah I hear yah!" said a grumpy voice.

When he came out, a middle age man with hairy chest and a beer belly came out, he was wearing a tank top that barely covered his belly button.

Lucien seeing this felt disgusted, he can smell this guy reeks of sweat and blood.

"What can I do for you?" he asked seeing Lucien and snorting at him for being a kid, thinking he was probably here to bother him.

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