
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Prostitute - Chapter 14

--5 Years Ago--

Raven cackled as she place down the rubber snake in Aoyama's cape. Oh, this was gonna be a good one.

Today, with the insistence of Denki, Raven is pranking Aoyama.

Given how flamboyant he is, Raven thought the best thing to do is plant something gross in something of his. Yes, this might be a little mean, but if he's going to be out in the real world fighting villains, he better get used to seeing gross things.

At least, that's what Raven told herself.

Anyway, Raven had snuck into his room and found his cape on the ground. Coincidentally, they were also going to do some hero training during class, so logically, she decided to plant it while he was out of his room.

Her plan was, while Aoyama is out of his room, she would sneak in and place the snake, and the book it. She would eventually find him before he went back into his room and follow him, so that she can stand outside of his room and listen for a reaction.

He's most definitely going to scream, that's for sure.

Part three of her plan is set, as she ran out of his room. Not before making sure everything was back in place before she left, though.

Soon, she made her way through the hallways of Heights Alliance to the lobby, where she found Aoyama conversing with Koda.

She noticed how Aoyama always talks with koda, yet their personalities differ so much. Aoyama is loud and extravagant, while Koda is quiet and reserved.

Well, that's not really important right now. For now, all Raven has to do is stalk Aoyama until he goes back to his room. Simple as that.

She waited around for a little bit, keeping her eyes open so she could take note of where and what he was doing.

Raven looked at her watch, it was almost time for class and most of the class had gone back up to their rooms to get ready for the hero lesson today. What was Aoyama doing?

She glanced back up, just in time to see Aoyama sauntering down the hallway as usual. Quickly, she grabbed her phone and trailed behind him, making sure to stay in the shadows of the early morning shining through so she wouldn't get caught.

Finally, they reached his room, and just as he closed the door, Raven bolted out and stopped right next to it.

She whipped her phone out, making sure the time it perfectly. As she heard him humming through the door--something about him getting dressed in sparkles--she started recording.

Not moments later did something happen.

The girliest scream a man could have ever scrumpt, was heard from the other side of the door.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! A THNAKE!!! OH, GREAT HEAVENS!" Raven covered her mouth from that last part. But then, the door handle jiggled and out came a half clothed Aoyama.

Raven instantly switched the camera and pointed it at him, soon ending the video. Raven couldn't contain her laughter and wheezed when she got a good look at his frantic state. His hair was disheveled, he was only half way in his hero costume, and his underwear was tighty whities.

"Raven!! You must help me!" He pleaded, before he realized she was laughing, and look down at himself. "AHHHH!!" He screeched again, "Don't look at me!! Get that monstrosity out of my room at once!!"

The scream from Aoyama must have triggered some of the other students, because Denki and Kirishima came running out of their rooms to help.

Denki, who knew what was happening, nonchalantly walked up beside Raven and said, "You sure that toy snake is the monstrosity here?" He said, crossing his arms before giggling along with Raven.

Aoyama paused his panic, looking at Denki like he was crazy. "Wh-what? It's fake?" He trembled, "Wha-"

Raven cut him off, "Aoyama," She said, still recovering from her fit of laughter, "It was a prank. It's-" Giggles, "It wasn't real. Now, go back in there, get dressed, and let's go to class," Raven said, coaxing him into his peacefulness.


This really was a good one.


--Present Time--

Raven sighed, dropping all her bags of new stuff on her bed. Izuku was in her living room watching TV, while Raven was determined to go through all the stuff he got her from the mall. Maybe washing a few things, too.

She pulled out a few t-shirts, some baggy cargo pants, and threw them on the floor in a pile. She was planning on washing all of these. Who wouldn't?

Seriously, anyone who doesn't wash their clothes after just buying them is actually crazy.

Everything she got, was all things that Izuku bought her. She doesn't know why he did this for her, just the fact that he wanted to get her new clothes. If this is what being friends with Izuku is like, then she plans on staying friends with him for a long time.

Minus the fact that they got mistaken for dating.

But, before she pulled anything else out, she noticed something. There was a bag missing.

Her mind immediately went to Izuku. She huffed as she threw down the article of clothing on her bed and stomped out into the living room, where she found Izuku crouching, sneakily trying to look through a bag from the mall.

He looked up and stopped in his tracks, eyes wide from being caught.

Raven paused, and they stood there staring at each other, both looking like deer caught in headlights. Until, "..What are you doing?" Raven asked suspiciously.

Izuku, still crouching over the bag, "..Nothing," He said, but the voice crack didn't go unnoticed.

Raven stepped forward slowly, as if not to awake a beast, "Looks like you got something there," She stated as a matter of fact, "What is it?" She pursed her lips, stepping forward again.

Izuku's eyes widened in fear, clutching the bag to his chest and covering the logo from whatever store he bought it from. "I can't tell you," He responded as his eyes flicked to the side, the air still tense.

She narrowed her eyes, "..Why not?" She questioned, getting even more suspicious. 'Just what had this idiot done?'

Raven watched as his eyes flicked to the side again, a moment longer than before, "Because it's.. a surprise?" He asked, more to himself than to Raven.

An eyebrow raised, "I don't like surprises," She said, walking toward him. The short distance between them closing quickly due to how small the shabby apartment was, and Izuku's eyes widened to saucers as she got closer. "Give me the bag, Izuku," Raven demanded.

He clutched the bag even closer to his chest and he shot up from the ground, turning his back towards her so she would have to reach around to grab it, "Izuku!" Raven raised her voice, trying to grab it from behind him. He kept turning every time she tried to get in front of him, so she was always facing his back. It was getting on her nerves.

Finally, when he was facing the couch, she pushed him onto it. He fell with an 'oomph' sound, and turned over, finally facing her right as she climbed onto his lap so he couldn't get away, straddling him. "Give me the bag," Raven huffed, looking down at it and finally seeing the logo.

Her eyes widened as she read it, 'THE LINGERIE STORE?!' Raven grew livid.

"What. Did. You. Get?" She snarled out, reaching for the bag right as he lifted it up, higher than she could reach.

Izuku was beyond scared, he was terrified for his life! "I can't tell you! You'll kill me!" The shrill of his high school voice coming back for a moment.

"I'm gonna kill you either way!" Raven shot back, reaching up and trying to snag it, but realized her arms were too short, so she sat up on her knees and reached higher. She grabbed onto his forearm to stable herself, and finally, finally, got her hands on the bag, yanking it out of his hand.

But then, she froze, realizing Izuku had been silent. She looked down, only to see a bright red Izuku underneath her, her face slowly becoming the same shade.

Her tits were in his face.

Oh, my god.

That's so embarrassing.

What the fuck?

She sat back almost immediately, trying to brush off the embarrassment as she dug around in the bag, only to grow a shade darker when she pulled it out.

She wasn't paying attention to Izuku, no, but the violet shade of the lingerie article of clothing in her hands.

"What the hell?" She asked him.

Izuku avoided eye contact at all costs, "I- uhh.. um, I-" He tried, but it was fruitless.

Raven raised a brow, "Who is this for? Cause I know damn well it ain't for you," She growled once again. She didn't know if she had the right to be angry, because she didn't know why he had bought it, or who it was for.

Izuku opened his mouth, then closed it. His blush growing darker within the second. Suddenly, he pointed at Raven, scratching the back of his head.

Raven's jaw dropped. He had gotten lingerie for her??

Suddenly, she remembered the position they were in, and instantly hopped off of his lap and walked inside her room, slamming the door in the process. Izuku sat there a flustered mess.

Meanwhile, inside Raven's room, she paced frantically. When did he buy it? Why? What made him do it? Did he want to see-



Did he..?

Why else would he buy it?

Well. If that's what he wanted, then he shall get a show.

Mmm, maybe not a full show.

"Izuku!" Raven yelled out from her room, not opening the door but instead locking it, "This actually doesn't look half bad!" She said, laying it out on her bed. "Imma try it on!"

Outside, Izuku sputtered, his face lighting back up, "W-w-what??! Why would you do that??" He asked incredulously.

Raven snickered inside her room, "Well, you bought it for me! What else would I do with it?" She said like it was obvious.

Suddenly, the door handle jiggled and Raven jumped out of her socks, "If you have it on right now, at least let me see!"

"WHAT? No!!" Raven shot back immediately, almost flustered at the fact that he wanted to see her in something like that.


But like, he did buy it for that reason.

"Why not??" Raven could practically hear the pout from Izuku.

She rolled her eyes, "Because I don't want you to see! it's embarrassing!" Raven wrapped her arms around herself as if she was actually wearing it.

She heard him groan through the door, "You're such a tease, Raven!" That shot her back a few years, "It's just me!" He said.

That got her thinking though. It is just him. So why couldn't she show him? He bought it just for that reason, it wasn't like anything was going to happen anyway.

But, it's really revealing! It is lingerie after all. It would just make her uncomfortable for him to see her in that light, after all, she's still a virgin! Raven's never done anything in her life!

But, what's the real reason it would make her uncomfortable? Is it because she's known him for so long? Is it because he's a guy? Is it because she doesn't want him to judge her body? It could be any of those reasons, but all she knows is that she doesn't want to show him.

She'll try it on after he leaves.

She was quiet as she thought. "Just go home, Izuku," She responded, "I'm tired."

Raven heard him huff from outside of the door and his footsteps fading away, along with the quiet opening and closing of the door. She sighed as she slid down her bedroom door, her mind whirring at all of the possibilities.

But.. A part of Raven feels a thrill of showing him. And the possibility of what could happen.

What would happen.