
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Promise - Chapter 8

--6 Years Ago--

Cardio and all is a great practice to get fit, but what really works on lungs is blowing up balloons.

This is the prank that will end Tokoyami's bloodline.

Not literally.

Raven is currently blowing up one hundred brightly colored balloons to fill Tokoyami's room, with Kaminari's help of course. Raven would not be able to get this whole thing done before Tokoyami gets back.

Tokoyami is a very dark and dramatic individual, so these bright neon balloons will be the best prank to pull on someone like him. With the brooding attitude he has, this will go splendid.

Raven huffed a breath into the rubber, her cheeks sore from all the pressure she's putting on them. So far, both Kaminari and Raven have about eighty three balloons filled, over a third of the way there.

Tokoyami was coming back within the hour, so they need to hurry up. They have about twenty five minutes left.

Tying off an end to the balloon Raven just finished blowing up, she tossed it aside and grabbed another one. Some of Raven and Kaminari's classmates were participating in the prank, so they were stalling him from coming back to his dorm until they were done.

Kaminari leaned back on his haunches and groaned, "Ugh, why'd we pick such a tedious prank?"

Raven just smiled at his antics and continued to blow up the balloon she was holding, watching as he reached to grab another one. They were almost finished by now, only eleven more balloons left to fill.

Raven got a text from Kirishima, saying Tokoyami was back in the dorms and they were stalling him until they got the go ahead. But Kirishima relayed that Tokoyami was really tired, and he wanted to go to his dorm. Raven hurried and blew up her current balloon. They needed to finish this, fast.

"Hurry Denki! Tokoyami is coming!" Raven rushed him as she grabbed another balloon.

Soon, they whole room was filled with one hundred balloons, they could barely walk in it! Raven pulled out her phone and texted Kirishima, saying that he could let Tokoyami go to his room now.

Raven turned off the lights and they both got into their hiding spots. Raven was behind his bed, and Kaminari was hiding behind Tokoyami's dresser.

Then, the door swung open, revealing a disheveled bird head talking to someone, presumably Dark Shadow. "-No, Dark Shadow, I do not want a Twinkie so we can be twinsies!" He said frustratedly, slamming the door shut and turning the lights on.

Raven held her breath when she heard Tokoyami gasp in horror at the sight before him. "What has happened to my dark chamber?!" Tokoyami exclaimed, frazzled at the thought that someone would do this.

"Looks like someone's having a party! Don't worry, Fumi! You really needed a change of scenery." Dark Shadow commented, and Denki stifled a giggle.

At this time, Raven and Denki both decided to jump out of their hiding spots, "Surprize!!" They yelled in unison, and Tokoyami jumped back in fight mode.

Raven burst out laughing, hearing others outside the door laughing as well. "Don't look so scared Toko! It was just a prank! Now we can play with all these balloons!" Raven said ecstatically.

Kirishima opened the door now, revealing him, Mina, Sero, and a grumpy looking Bakugou standing outside of Tokoyami's dorm room.

"What- what are you all doing??" Tokoyami exclaimed, his dark demeanor not intended for all this happiness.

Raven scooped up an arm full of balloons and threw them into the air, "They're here to witness the prank, silly! Now, let's go pop these balloons and scare people!"

Raven grabbed up a neon yellow balloon and ran into the lobby of the dorms, seeing a particular green haired boy sitting on the couch looking at his phone. She grinned ferally, looking at Bakugou to see he had the same expression on his face with a balloon in his hand.

Yes, this might be mean, but she was going to apologize after, so no harm done, right? The both of them snuck up behind the broccoli looking boy, raising their balloons and popping them right next to his head.

"AHH!!" The poor boy screamed, ending up activating his quirk and detroit smashing the coffee table.

Raven and Bakugou burst out laughing at the results of the second prank, Bakugou falling on the floor rolling, and Raven sitting on the couch next to the adorable boy, Izuku.

She ruffled his hair, causing his cheeks to turn a light pink, "Sorry, Izu! Kaminari and I just did a prank on Tokoyami that involved a hundred balloons!" She said excitedly, turning to face him.

"Oh wow! What happened?" He asked, intrigued.

Bakugou butted in, "It's not of your damn business, Nerd! You weren't there!"

Izuku sweatdropped, "That's kind of why I'm asking," He said deflatedly.

Raven laughed at their banter. Sure, they were frenemies, but that didn't mean it wasn't funny to watch.

She looked around the lobby, seeing other people bouncing around the balloons, playing hot potato, all different kinds of games.

She smiled. This was one of the better pranks, for sure.


--Present Time--

"I can't believe she died!" Raven sobbed as the credits rolled from the movie they just finished watching.

"I know, right!" Midoriya cried along with her, wiping his tears with a tissue.

After their little bonding session, Raven and Midoriya decided to watch a movie together to pass the time. One might be thinking, why the change of heart, Raven?

That is because she realized she would not be able to get the man off of her back by pushing him away. What was the point if he knows what the outcome might be? Raven doesn't even fully know that herself!

The point is, is that Raven realized that she should just accept her fate and have a good time while it lasts. If he really wants to be friends with her again, then so be it. She just can't fathom why he would want to be friends with her after what she did.

After everything she did.

But, still. She's made her first friend in the last five years.

Raven's happy.

She sighed wistfully, thinking about an old prank she did on one of her classmates. Back when she had a bunch of friends.

"What are you thinking about?" Midoriya's words shook her out of her thoughts.

She snapped her head to his frame, "Huh? Oh!" She chuckled, "Oh, nothing. Just a dumb prank I pulled way back when," She said with a small smile on her face.

That right there.

That's what Izuku wished to see more often. Her perfect smile to grace her features. He would savor it everytime.

Midoriya wasn't one for revenge. In fact, Midoriya decided, right then, that instead of getting 'revenge' on the woman in front of him, he was going to help her. Help her become what she once was.

Because that's what heroes do.

He's noticed, ever since he's bumped into her, that she's changed drastically since high school. And not for the better. No, she may think she's changed for the better, but they both know deep down, that this is not who she is meant to be.

She's meant to be the happy go lucky girl who pulls pranks to make people laugh, not to get credit for stupid decisions she's made. Pranks are to be funny, not to hurt people.

Midoriya swore to himself once he saw that same smile he saw at the park, that he was going to save Raven.

How? Well, he'll figure that out along the way.

"You should smile more often," Midoriya said honestly, not realizing the mistake he made.

Ravens small smile dropped immediately, making the man wonder what he did wrong, "Yeah? Keep wishing, buddy," She snapped. You should never tell a woman to smile more.

Midoriya's eyes widened, "I'm just saying, you-"

"And I'm saying you should stop fucking talking now," Raven growled.

He put his hands up in surrender; what was so bad about wanting her to smile more? He didn't know, but he made a mental note to not say that to her again.

Raven took this as an opportunity to tease him though, to regain that little bit of comfortability they took for granted. "Huh, you're more submissive than I thought," She smirked at him.

Midoriya narrowed his eyes at the sudden change of attitude, "And I bet you like to be called Mommy," He shot back, making her chuckle.

"Damn right," She said jokingly, but it made Midoriya go wild.

He sat up, "W-wait, seriously?!" He squeaked out, waving his hands everywhere.

She laughed, forgetting about the situation beforehand, "No!! I was just kidding!" She playfully smacked his arm. Neither of them would speak it, but they both noticed the change in Ravens behavior.

One minute she was pissed at him, and the next they were bantering like old buddies. Well, one could say they were old buddies.

"Oh!" Midoriya let out a sigh of relief.

Raven raised a brow, "What's got you so worried there?"

A huge blush appeared on his face at her words. Not wanting to reveal what he was really thinking about, even though he was pretty sure she already knew--which only made him blush even harder--so he just shrugged.

Raven made a face at his answer, but decided not to press on it if he didn't want to say anything. Suddenly, she remembered something, "Don't you have to go on patrol today?" She asked in a slight panic.

He smiled and waved her off, "Oh, you don't have to worry about that! I took the day off to spend it with you!" He said brightly.

Her eyes widened tremendously, getting up off the couch to start pacing, "What?! But- You're the number one hero!" She said frantically, "You can't just take the day off!"

"Well I can and I did," He stated, "Now, sit down and help me figure out what we should watch next," He said, picking up the remote and clicking off of the credits to pick a new show to watch.

"Wha-" She started to protest.

Midoriya grabbed her hand and pulled her down onto his lap, "Do I need to make you?" He demanded in a husky voice, one that sent shivers down her spine. His hands made their way to her hips and stayed there, not moving an inch.

His hands on her body made her breath hitch in her throat. 'No time to get flustered, you need to react!" She told herself, before planting her hands on his bigger ones making them grip her hips roughly.

"You couldn't even if you tried," She said back in an equally seductive tone, making his exhale onto her shoulder, which caused a chain reaction in her and gave her goosebumps all over.

Now, Raven was good at concealing her emotions and acting a certain way to fool another. Midoriya, however, was not. So when she said that, revealing his weakness so bluntly like that, quite literally made him fold for her.

He chuckled breathlessly, "Yeah, you're probably right. You're way better at this than I am," He said, deflated.

Raven shifted on his lap, "I know," She stated, and got up to sit next to him.

Despite her reaction to the situation, her heart was pounding out of her chest. Why was she having such big reaction to something that didn't mean anything? She didn't know, and it kind of scared her.

"Anyway, let's start this next movie," She cleared her throat, grabbing the remote out of his hands and clicking on the next movie she saw.

Throughout the next movie, Raven found herself getting more sleepy as time went on. They were both curled up in blankets in a dark room, the curtains drawn and the lighter were off. She didn't question it when she felt herself beginning to drift off into the dream realm. In fact, she welcomed it as she felt her head hit Midoriya's shoulder.