
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Prominent - Chapter 13

--5 Years Ago--

Summer break is chaos.

Yeah, that was four weeks ago.

But, there's nothing wrong with wanting to go to the mall for some cute winter clothes, since winter is coming up. That's what class 2-A is doing this weekend. Aizawa had already approved, but told them they would have to find a way to get there by themselves.

He's a great teacher, but who ever said he would be a good dad?

Eri says otherwise.

Anyway, everyone is coming along, getting prepared for the wintery season, and hopefully picking out some new clothes. At least, that's what Raven had in mind.

Until she heard everyone was going.

Raven quickly formed a beautiful plan in her head. They were going to take the public bus, and she was planning on sitting by her favorite little cinnamon bun.

Of course, things always find a way to mess with Raven's plans.

One thing she didn't think about, is since everyone was going, there weren't going to be enough seats on a public bus, since, you know, it's public?

So here she is, grumbling to herself at the fact that she had to stand up while some other cute girl got to sit next to him. And talk to him. And flirt with him.

Raven scowled as the bus hit a bump, making her latch onto one of the handles above her head. "Whoa, chika, what's got you so grumpy?" Sero asked from behind her. She hadn't even noticed that he was standing too.

Raven looked back at him and huffed, "I had this big plan! I was going to prank someone but something just had to happen! And now I can't do it!" She said, crossing her arms and pouting like a child.

Sero scratched his head, "That's.. a little vague," He responded.

She rolled her eyes in return, "Just tell that same thing to Denki; He'll understand," She said, when suddenly, the bus hit a huge bump.

Raven went flying backwards, stumbling over her feet since she wasn't holding onto the handles anymore, and got bumped around the bus, soon landing on something squishy but also.. muscular?

She opened her eyes slowly, to find the one person she was getting so worked up about looking down at her with a surprised expression.

"R-Raven!! What are you doing!!" Izuku exclaimed frantically, but he wasn't so surprised as to push her off.

Raven sat there, on his lap, stunned. The bus had given her a chance!

She smirked, "Well, what does it look like? I'm shooting my shot!" Raven teased.

Izuku lit up in flames, "W-what!?" He screeched, the girl next to him no longer trying to flirt it up with him as she scowled and looked away.

She sat up in his lap, the other students looking their way. "You don't mind if I sit here, do you? My legs are kind of tired from standing up for so long!" Raven looked at him with puppy dogs eyes. That was a total lie. They had only just got on the bus not five minutes ago, but Izuku bought it completely.

"Oh! Yes, of c-course!" He said, hero mode taking over.

Raven scrunched up her mouth. This is not what she wanted. She wanted him to get flustered at the fact that he would have a girl sit on his lap, not see this as a way to help someone out.

So, she decided to step it up a little.

"Are you sure? You don't have a problem with a girl sitting on your lap?" Raven looked at him with doe eyes, smirking internally when he lagged, the gears turning in his head as he took in the situation.

His face turned rose as he tried to think of an explanation. It's not that he didn't want her to sit on his lap, but it would also be weird if he let her. 'But her legs are hurting!' He thought to himself, 'It shouldn't matter if it's weird!'

With a still red face, he nodded, "W-well if your legs are hurting you, then you should sit down!" He reasoned, "I don't mind! Really!" He said, not making eye contact with the purple haired girl.

Raven smirked, 'well if he wants to play that game..'

"Okay!" She said a little to preppy, and leaned back on his muscular chest. "Then you're gonna have to keep me from falling off!" Raven said right as she came up with an idea on impulse.

As she leaned back, she reached behind her and grabbed his arms, wrapping them around her waist to secure her from moving.

Izuku froze, letting her maneuver his arms. At this point, he was short circuiting.

Raven was quite surprised, because usually, it didn't take this much for her to get him to blank out like this. Back then when she had just started, a simple flirtatious joke would have him staring off into space with wild thoughts running through his mind.

They stayed like that for the rest of the ride, the girl beside them having moved seats after she realized Raven wasn't going to move, and someone else quickly took her spot. Izuku was blankly staring out the window, faintly making himself remember the feeling of her shirt as his grip tightened around her waist every time there was a turn.

Raven, well, she was having a field day. She couldn't understand why she had this feeling in the pit of her stomach everything Izuku's grip tightened. She felt like she had to throw up.

All she knew was that she liked it.


--Present Time--

"Please!! Raven, please!! We could have so much fun!" Izuku pleaded, his hands around her waist and his head pressed against her stomach as he looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

How could she say no to that face?

"No," She deadpanned.


Well, let's recap. Izuku was already in her house this saturday afternoon, as she was coming home from work. He fully planned on getting her out of the house and spoiling her rich. But, all his plans were ruined the moment she stepped through the door.

Izuku unlatched himself, "Oh, come on! It'll be so much fun!" He promised.

Raven continued doing her laundry. "Absolutely not. I'm not going to a mall with you. Do you know how much attention we'll get? Not including the fact that I could be mistaken for your girlfriend!" She threw her arms up.

Izuku pouted, "And what's so bad about being my girlfriend?!" He defended.

"I'm not answering that," Raven responded.

He huffed, stomping his way over to her closet and throwing the door open. "Look at this! You barely have any clothes in here!" He prodded.

Raven raised a brow, "Maybe because I'm doing most of it right now?"

"Ughhh, you're so stubborn! Here, you let me take you to the mall, and I won't bug you for a whole week!" He offered, showing off a suggestive face as if it would persuade her.

She thought for a moment.

"Hmm," She hummed, "Sounds like a deal."

"Yes!" Izuku cheered, throwing his hands in the air, "Go get dressed!" He said, shoving her into her room.


"Alright, I'm coming out now!" Izuku said as he flung open the door of the changing room, covered head to toe in a bunny suit.

Raven, being the devil she is, had whipped out her phone in a matter of seconds before he came out, and hit record. As soon as she looked at him, she burst out laughing.

"Oh my god! There's no way!!" She heaved, folding over and wheezing. She got the whole thing on camera.

This was too good, she had to post it on her insta. Izuku posed as she ended the recording, switched over to insta and posted it on her story.

Contrary to her belief, she actually had quite the following, many who were also Deku fans. She knew they would eat it up.

She cackled out as she posted it, "What did you do?!!" Izuku screeched out, stomping his way over with fear in his eyes.

"Go check my story and you'll find out!" She said with a bright, mischievous smile.

Izuku deflated, "No.."

Raven nodded, her smiled never leaving, "Oh, yes," She said as blood drained from his face, "better go get dressed so you can buy me some more things!" She sang out, holding up her arms to emphasise the things he's bought her.

So far, Raven and Izuku were walking around the mall together, they only stopped when they found a store for costumes and saw a bright green bunny suit in the window.

This was how the situation went: Izuku saw the suit, nudged Raven, Raven saw it, they looked at each other, and here they are.

Izuku sauntered back inside the room as Raven laughed out loud, some other customers looking at the duo warily.

Once he got dressed, they looked around the store a little more. They saw some crazy things, like an alien suit, a zombie bumble bee suit--don't even ask why--and something that looked like a best jeanist cosplay, but was different in all the wrong ways.

Soon, from the lack of interest, they left the store and wandered the large hall of the mall. They came across a chocolate shop, which ended in Raven persuading him to buy one hundred different chocolates so they could try them all when they got home. She was most definitely looking forward to that soon to come stomach ache.

They even got some samples!

Izuku took his sample from the lady behind the counter, "Raven, I have an idea," He said with an innocent smile, "Open your mouth," He ordered, and Raven hesitantly obliged, "Close your eyes!" He said, giggling a little bit.

She gave him a weird look, but complied anyway. Izuku smirked evilly to himself, then shoved the chocolate into her mouth making her choke. Her eyes shot open as she composed herself, and started beating the living shit out of the poor broccoli boy.

"You little shit! I should never trust you again!" She screamed as she got a clean punch to the gut.

Izuku toppled over, "Oh, shit," He wheezed out as he went down.

They got kicked out.

As their walking down the hall of the mall once again, Raven cleaned her mouth of chocolate. "So, where do you want to go next?" She asked Izuku, who was now holding her bags for her since there were so many.

"Let's go to that store!" He pointed at the women's lingerie store across the hall from them.

Raven scowled immediately, "What the hell! You pervert!"

He raised his hands in defense, "I'm no pervert! I just want to see you looking good!" He said suggestively and then laughed at her reaction.

She had lit up like a cherry.

Raven doesn't understand, but the thought of Izuku seeing her like that made her so very flustered.

Maybe that's an idea for later, though..

Raven perked up, an evil face of her own this time, "Yeah! Let's go!" She said as she grabbed his arm full of bags and pulled him along.

"W-wait, what?? I was just playing!!" He squeaked out in fear.

Raven cackled, "Oh, don't tell me! You're too innocent to go into a lingerie store!" She looked over her shoulder to see Izuku with a surprised look on his face at the accusation.

"Oh, you wanna know innocent? Let's see how innocent I am when you're underneath me-" He began, but Raven put a stop to it.

"What? When I'm underneath you wearing this?" They were already in the store now, as Raven pulled off a black something off the wall. It was literally just a bunch of string.

Izuku couldn't handle it. He gaped like a fish until he covered his eyes, facing away as Raven took his other hand and led him around the store.

He peaked through his fingers to see a bunch of bras, underwear, and skimpy clothing around the place. It's like he's seen a new world.

But then, he saw a violet article of clothing on the other side of the store. He mentally kept that thought in the back of his head.

Raven was browsing a section of the lingerie, when two cute girls walked up and started talking to her.

"Oh my god! Are you Mischief!" One of the girls asked, fangirling.

Raven smiled and nodded, even though she's not the type of hero to interact with her fans.

The girls silently screamed, "Oh my gosh! We saw that video of you and Deku in the changing rooms!! It was so funny!" The other girl said.

Raven laughed as Izuku popped his head up from behind her, "What are they talking about?" He asked lowly.

She whispered back, "I think you already know," She smirked.

"Ahhh!" The girls continued, "You're both still here! Are you guys, like, a thing or whatever? Everyone has seen you talking more the last few months!"

"I ship it!"

"Omg, could you imagine them fighting together?? They would be unstoppable!"

Raven finally interjected, "Okay, guys! We're not a thing," She said, making their fangirling session come to a stop, "Buuttt," She said, drawing the word out, "It could be in the future," She smirked, watching as Izuku's face dropped in surprise.

"WHAT REALLY??" The girls screamed out, getting a few complaints around the store.

Raven hummed in reply, "Mhmm! But only if you tell everyone to look at my story and to follow me," She said, with a finger over her lips.

Izuku shook his head in disapproval, "Shameless," He said, crossing his arms.

The girls waved their goodbyes, and took off. Probably signalling that it was their time to leave as well. They had spent the entire day there, after all.

They soon got everything into Deku's small sports car, and drove off.

Both of them have surprises in mind, but neither one knows of the other.

What's gonna happen?