
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Prohibit - Chapter 7

--6 Years Ago--

It's been approximately two months since Raven has started her little game of teasing Izuku, and she is eating every bit of it up. She absolutely loves his reactions, and everytime she comes up with something new, she can't wait for his response.

Today, however, she really can't wait, because they're in class right now and she's about to do something that is prohibited.

She's about to pass notes.

To Izuku, of course.

She ripped a piece of paper off from her notebook, as they were currently taking notes. She looked up, pretending that she was paying attention to the lecture, as she was thinking of what to write.

'Ah,' She inquired, and began writing down the sentence.

Tapping Denki's shoulder, Raven gave the piece of paper to Izuku who was right beside him. She almost felt bad that Kaminari had to be the messenger, but it was for the good of pranks, so she didn't feel any remorse.

She snickered to herself as she watched the broccoli haired boy read the note, covering his mouth as his eyes trailed over the words again and again, a faint blush forming on his cheeks.

The note read, 'I can't stop thinking about you,'

He dragged a hand down his face at the innocent note, as he pick up his pencil to write back to her.

'Me neither,' He wrote in reply, folding the paper and sending it over to Denki for him to give back to Raven.

Raven smiled at the note, but not for the reason Izuku thought. He thought it was because of the sweet sentiment of the note, but really, she was smiling because her plans had been working.

She readied her pencil, already having an idea of what she was going to say.

'I guess I'm too irresistible,'

And again, the note was passed back through Kaminari. He had already accepted his fate by the time the piece of paper was passed back the third time.

Izuku giggled to himself, writing down on the paper underneath her most recent reply.

'Something like that,'

Raven was surprised from his new found confidence, deciding it was because they were hiding behind a piece of paper and not face to face.

She looked up, just in time to catch Izuku's eyes and sent a quick wink his way, making his pink cheeks light up even more.

"Raven Tanuki and Izuku Midoriya," Aizawa bellowed out Raven's name once again, it was like the equivalent to saying Alvin, "You both have lunch detention for passing notes in my class," He dismissed, finishing up his lecture to the class and writing down their detentions on a note.

Raven groaned at the new punishment. It wasn't like she didn't get them often, of course she did. She pranks people for a living! Raven gets detention about twice a week, more so if she does something drastic.

Izuku, on the other hand, looked like he was just stabbed. 'Poor Izuku,' Raven thought as she looked at the pain stricken boy. Raven didn't mean to get the boy in trouble, if anything, she even feels bad about it. Izuku had never gotten in trouble before, besides that one time with Bakugou out on Ground Beta.

Raven sighed, causing Aizawa to glare at her unbotheredness. It wasn't like this was her first time.

Soon, the class ended and lunch came, everyone making their way out of the class to go to the cafeteria while Raven and Izuku stayed in the classroom. "Alright, you two stay here and don't move. I'm leaving," Aizawa said, and then immediately left the classroom.

Raven perked up, smiling wide as she made her way to a frazzled Izuku. "S-so.. He always leaves like this?" He asked Raven, knowing she had her fair share of lunch detentions.

She shrugged indifferently, "Yeah, pretty much. But usually I don't have anyone in here with me, so I'm always bored," She explained.

Izuku nodded in understanding, "..Am I the first person you've had detention with?" He asked.

Raven shook her head, "No, I've had detention with Denki before, but you're the first person I'm gonna enjoy having detention with," She smirked, putting her hand on his desk and leaning over him.

Izuku leaned back and tried to de-escalate the situation by avoiding what she implied, "W-wait, you didn't like detention with your best friend?" He dodged, but she saw right through it.

"I mean, does anyone really like detention?" She asked to no one in particular, leaning back on the desk behind her before locking eyes with him, "I just know I'm gonna have fun with you!" She giggled, crossing her arms.

He sweatdropped, "What are you implying?" He asked her hesitantly.

Her eyes darkened in mischief, "Nothing you should be worried about, Izuku," She said in a tone that could be taken as innocent or seductive.

A shiver went up his spine at the tone of her voice, making him let out a raspy breath. Just how much was she going to tease him this time?

"So, you seemed to have some balls when we were passing notes. Why don't you tell me what you really think of me then, if you think I'm so irresistible," She said those last words underneath her breath, creating a thick tension.

Izuku's breath caught in his throat as he looked at her with wide eyes. How was he supposed to answer this without messing everything up? He cleared his throat, "I-I don't know how to answer that," He said honestly, but his poor mind began to cloud with panic as she pouted, deflated because she didn't get the answer she wanted. "B-but!!" He waved his arms around, "I think you're great! Really! A-and I-"

"Oh yeah? What else?" She pried, bringing her face closer to his as she spoke, neither of them breaking eye contact.

"I-I think you're e-eyes are really pretty," He said in a whisper, causing Raven to smile wickedly as she leaned even closer, but Izuku didn't back down this time. Even with a furious blush, he stayed right where he was, letting her come as close as she wanted.

Raven decided to tease him even more, knowing that he was looking at her eyes. She looked at his lips and licked her own, causing him to direct his attention to them.

'I-is this.. gonna be my first kiss??' Izuku thought in a flustered panic, before she pulled away and headed back to her seat from hearing footsteps coming down the hallway.

When she sneaked a peak at him, though, Izuku looked torn. Almost as if..

..He didn't want her to stop.


--Present Time--

The last thing Raven remembered from her dream before she woke up was sitting down right before Mr. Aizawa came back into the room.

She opened her bleary eyes as she sat up in her bed, ignoring the heart tugs that memory gave her.

'Man, this is gonna be a tough day,' Raven thought to herself as she pulled the blankets off of her frame and stood up, stretching and popping every muscle and bone in her body as she pulled herself out of her deep sleep to get ready for the day ahead of her.

She grabbed her phone off of her nightstand, making her way into the kitchen; still in her pajamas as she looked at the time. 'Ugh, it's only 6:27,' She cursed her horrible sleep cycle as she put her phone down to look at what she had in her pantry.

All she had was a half empty box of Cheerios.

Raven didn't even know if she had any milk left.

She walked over to the fridge to check if there was any milk.

There was none.

Raven groaned as she realized she would have to go to the store today, heading into the living room now, when a knock at the door caught her attention.

Furrowing her brows, she went and looked through the peephole.

"Are you fucking shitting me right now?" Raven grumbled to herself as she unlocked the door and flung it open. "The fuck do you want now?" She growled to the man in front of her, just a little hangry since she hasn't had anything to eat yet. Plus, what is he doing here at 6:30 in the morning?

Midoriya smiled as he lifted up a bag of McDonalds, "Hi, Raven! I brought breakfast!" He smiled innocently as he waited.

She stared at him suspiciously, "How did you find where I live?" She asked, not moving to let him inside.

He shrugged his shoulders as he invited himself inside her shabby apartment when she didn't move, "That doesn't matter. Have you eaten yet? I got us some food so we can eat together, since it's your day off and all!" He smiled again brightly, turning around once he was done getting a good look around the place.

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Whether I've eaten or not doesn't matter either. Now, get out!" She pointed to her door that was wide open.

"Mmm," He hummed, before sitting himself on her couch, "I don't think I will," He stated, causing her jaw to drop.

"What do you mean you 'don't think you will'??" She cursed him, walking over to stand in front of him to make him look at her, raising her eyebrows when he did to emphasize that she wanted an answer.

He raised an eyebrow, "I mean, I'm already here so.." He held out his hands in a, 'what do you want me to do about it' manner. "Besides, I know you haven't eaten yet, you look like you just woke up," He chuckled, covering his mouth as he silently judged her.

A tick mark formed on her forehead, "Ugh! You're so frustrating!" She snapped in front of him, running a hand through her hair, "You just show up out of nowhere, invite yourself inside my apartment--where you're not welcome--and expect me to eat some poisoned bullshit you got? Your head is too far up your own ass that you can't even think straight! You're smoking crack if you think I'm gonna be okay with it." She ranted, not realizing he wasn't even listening as he began digging into the food he brought.

"Suit yourself," He simply said with his mouth full.

She stopped pacing and looked at him in disbelief. "I can't fucking believe it," She muttered to herself, "He became a narcissist."

Midoriya choked, and began laughing so hard he almost dropped his food. Raven looked down at him, almost falling off the couch from his laughing, and realized what exactly she had said about him.

Eventually, she started laughing too, finding it funny she just called her abandoned long time prank a narcissist.

She sank to the floor giggling with Midoriya as she held her stomach, no doubt going to have stomach cramps after their laughing session was over.

"Di-did you really just call me a narcissist?!" Midoriya clarified, still clutching his stomach as he tried to take in a breath.

She threw her arms up, "I was upset!" She retorted, wiping a stray tear that fell down her cheeks.

However, this only made them laugh harder.

Finally, after a few more minutes of the two pro heroes finally bonding, Raven stood up and took a breakfast burrito from the bag, unwrapping it and taking a bite. "This is pretty good, thanks, Midoriya," She said.

Izuku sighed in contentment, before a mischievous smile formed on his face, "I know something that tastes even better," He smirked, waiting for her to get mad.

But, that never came when she only smirked too, "Oh yeah? Give it here and let me try it," She shot back, causing Midoriya to fall back into his old self, all flustered and not being able to speak for a second. "What? Cat got your tongue?" She said seductively and leaned forward, not being able to hold herself back from seeing his flusteredness.

He covered his bright red face and punched her lightly, "You're not supposed to do it back!" He squirmed. Raven only laughed in response.