
Hide and Seek (part 2)

I began approaching the fireplace, and everyone else watched as I studied it. The space seemed to be hidden right behind a type of door, right on the fireplace.


"It's… a sewer??"

From the outside, it looked to be a sewer where people could crawl on. It is too small for an adult person to crouch, one has to actually be prone in order to enter. But for a child like Elvin, he can still crouch while slightly curving his posture.


"Oh my… to think a sewer like this exists."


The head maid also approached the boys's hiding spot and commented. Everyone else also seemed to just found out about this spot as well, and looked surprised.


"That is not a sewer. That is a secret escaping route."


A heavy voice suddenly came from the halls, at the entrance to the dining room. Every eye in the room turned towards the source, and immediately got petrified by the sight.


Mom and Dad are standing there, with their arms folded and wearing a really annoyed expression. Everyone in the room immediately sweats heavily.


"Everyone, return to your posts."


My mom said coldly, and every butler, maids, and chefs immediately dispersed and exited the dining room through the other entrance. Mom and Dad began walking towards us as everybody was leaving.


Seeing their faces now, simply made me realize that they were quite pissed at something.


"D-Did I do something wrong…?"

"Yes, two things, exactly.


One, was to use magic sense inside the royal house. Even if he is a trustworthy butler, even if he is the general knight of the kingdom… having an outsider use their magic sense inside the royal house is like asking to be beheaded."


"E-Ekk!! That was my fault… Please don't blame Sir Marst."


Hearing that I cared more for the guard rather than myself, mom let out a sigh.


"Hah… it's okay. We won't be doing anything bad to him, but you just have to understand. The privacy of the royal family is the highest in the kingdom. An outsider checking in on our privacy is like begging to have a war."


"Privacy… were you two doing something when he checked?"

"No. Don't think like that."

Too late… I already imagined it.

Mom let out a sigh after seeing me grinning stupidly while Dad turns his gaze to the fireplace.


"Man, that place has been there for ages…"


He said as he approached it, being watched by the boys. They also peaked their heads in to study as well.


"Who found this thing?"

"Elvin did, and I suggested that we hide in it to play hide and seek with sis."

Ars explained proudly and Dad laughed out loudly.


"Hahah! You guys did the exact same thing I did when I was a child. You guys are more like me than your stupid sister, you know that?"

Who is he calling stupid…?


"That is your second mistake, my dear. You just revealed one of the secret escape paths of the royal castle."


"B-But that was Ars and Elvin!"

"While it is true that it was them who found it, don't forget who brought an outsider to use his magic sense to check where it is."

"The entire thing was an accident… I was not expecting them to be there. Please understand…"

I feel like I am being backed into the corner. My voice went lower a few octaves and mom noticed it as well.


She let out a sigh and patted me in the head.


"That's fine. Like you said, it was all an accident. It was Ars and Elvin's fault to begin with."

Mom turned her sharp eyes towards my brothers, and they quickly panicked.


"But… I want to know. Why is there a secret escape path?"


I asked the two of them, and they turned to one another as they answered.

"So the residents of the royal castle can escape, at any time."

"But… this is the most fortified place in the kingdom. Why would we need to escape?"

I asked the stupid question, and this time Dad is the one answering. He stood up and chuckled, all while still keeping his gaze to the fireplace.


"The beautiful thing about life is that it is unpredictable. Anything can happen, the best, the worst, or even the impossible.


What you said isn't wrong, the royal castle is the most fortified spot in the entire kingdom's capital. Then, why should there be any secret escape path?


The answer my dear, is those unpredictable realities. The only reason this escape path would get used is when the royal castle is getting an attack. And the only reason the royal castle is getting attacked, is obviously during wars.


Now, you might be thinking. If the battle already reaches the royal castle, doesn't that mean the whole kingdom is already losing badly? Well, it is indeed correct. If the royal castle gets attacked, then it means our kingdom is already losing terribly.


That is why this specific escape route is necessary.


For the sake of the royal family, the escape routes were made so that we, the leaders of Velborn, can escape and keep ourselves alive. That was the whole purpose of having these escape routes.


All, to keep the hope alive. As long as the royal family lives, Velborn will not fall. 

That is the purpose of the--Hey, are you listening?"


Dad suddenly stopped his speech because he found me giggling with mom. Ars and Elvin are already gone from the dining room, while me and mom stayed just to laugh at him.


The guy suddenly started talking for so long… It was quite funny.


"Come on, Elice. I'll show you what me and your dad were working on."


"Huh? I thought you two were having sex--"

"Enough... we are too old for that."

Mom then left the dining room, followed by me. Meanwhile, Dad stayed behind because he was too shocked to move his muscles.


His family really disliked him this much…?


Dad turned his gaze to the fireplace once more and chuckled. He then left it the way it is, closed and mysterious.


Mom brought me to her room, and found that she was actually making some sort of magical tool. 

"It basically can check how strong your magical talent is, or whatever because it simply checks on your magic attributes.


Go on, test it."


Mom told me to give it a try, and I walked closer to the table. The tool is a transparent crystal ball that is being held by four metal legs. It gives off a very mysterious aura, despite the aura being invisible.


I placed my hand on the crystal ball, and the ball immediately shone incredibly brightly. I lifted my hand immediately, showing the results to my mother.


"Black… that's odd."


Mom suddenly said, and I became confused.


"W-What is it…?"

"I've never seen the black color before… how odd."


It is a known fact that mother is a somewhat magic geek. She is always into magical stuff ever since she was born. And even after she got married and gave birth to me, she always collects all the magical items she can get her hands on, like staff or crystal balls such as this.


For her to never see a magical event, that's pretty rare.


Me and her spent the rest of the afternoon just finding out what the hell the black color was. We did eventually find out what it was about, but it was all for nothing anyway.




A giant explosion… occurred right in the center of the city.