
Chapter: 2. You are one in a million.

Trinity Blas arrived at the Blas house so happy, as it had taken so long that he had not noticed the presence of his father Rupert Blas at the top of the main window.

<< Wow, I never see her smile... she looks happy... oh dear Camelia, am I doing the right thing in marrying her off? I don't think she's happy>>

In Trinity Blas's chamber, Sara Montiel was scared, but when she saw Trinity Blas enter, she stood up and ran to give her a hug.

"Oh Sara, what's wrong?" Trinity Blas asked a little confused.

"Mr. Blas has arrived and asks for you"

" My father?! "

Trinity Blas tensed and began to sweat, but Sara Montiel was calm and replied:

"Don't worry, I had to tell you that you went to the country to have a picnic"

"Thank Heaven"

"But He Didn't Believe Me"

"Ouch Go"

Suddenly a servant knocks on the door and calls her kindly, it was Sara Montiel's husband, Emil Cornelius.

"Miss Blas, her father asks you to go to his office right away"

The two women became flustered and did not answer a single word. They were worried that this was what Rupert Blas wanted to do.

<< What do I do?! He will scold me for going out to the field?! >>

They heard the footsteps recede, and breathed a sigh of relief. When Emil Cornelius left Trinity Blas told Sara Montiel what had happened in the field. Sara Montiel was a little confused about what Trinity Blas was telling her. She concerned she examined her from head to foot, to see that she had not hurt herself.

" What do you do? "

"Sorry, I thought she had hit herself"

"Sara, it's true, he was beautiful... his hair was golden like the rays of the sun, his lips were red like roses, his skin white as snow itself... oh, everything about him was perfect"

Sara Montiel, she imagined it as Trinity Blas described it << Mmm, she, did she really see someone like that? >>

Sara Montiel's thoughts were instantly interrupted by a knock on Trinity Blas's chamber door. It was Rupert Blas who opened the door with a knock.

They were both startled to see him standing in front of her.

"Are you deaf?! I've sent for you to come to my office!"

"You can't interrupt in my chamber!"

"This is my house! And I will do whatever I please in it!"

" Good! Very soon I will turn 18 and I will leave this house so you will never see my face again!"

She turned to get out of it, but Rupert Blas took her arm and led her to the carriage.

" Where are you taking me?! Let go of me, you hurt me! ... Sara!!!!! "

"Get Up Now!"

"I don't want to! Sara!!!!"

Sara Montiel came to Trinity Blas's aid, but was stopped by Rupert Blas' angry screams.

"If you take one more step, I swear you'll stay on the street like a beggar!"

"S-stop Sara... don't challenge Mr. Blas"

"But Emil, Miss..."

Trinity Blas looked at how Sara Montiel was trembling, so she didn't ask for her help anymore << I got Sara into trouble >>

So she got into the carriage without protesting a single word. Then Rupert Blas got on, the carriage moved, but neither of them spoke.

Rupert Blas saw his daughter's arm. He looked at the bruise on it.

<< Damn... I hurt my daughter >>

They arrived at the Casanovan dukedom, it was a huge and dazzling mansion. Trinity Blas saw from afar that there was a man at the entrance, wearing a duke's outfit.

It was Duke Roger Casanovan, Trinity Blas thought he was a fat, unpleasant old man. But she didn't think that he was a tall young man with white skin, dark hair and eyes as black as the night itself.

"Congratulations to my house Miss Blas... it is a pleasure to meet you in person. I am the Duke Rogelio Casanovan"

He took her hand and wanted to kiss it, but Trinity Blas pushed it away from her. Which puzzled Rogelio Casanovan, but he simply smiled.

"The pleasure is mine Duke Rogelio Casanovan" Trinity Blas said with disdain

Rogelio Casanovan did not take into account the look of disdain with which he met him for the first time.

But he suddenly saw the bruise on his left arm, out of the corner of his eye he saw Rupert Blas who was behind his daughter. He invited them in.

"I would like you to speak with Miss Blas in my library in private, if Mr. Blas agrees"

" Hahaha, of course yes... as a friend of ex-Duke Harry and also a friend of Duke Rogelio... yes "

So Rogelio Casanovan took Trinity Blas's hand and took her to the Library of her house, which was huge. Trinity Blas looked at her for a while. A book caught his eye. It was an old book that her mother used to read to her when she was a child.

"Wow this book is my favorite"

" Alice in Wonderland? "

"Yes. Also yours, Duke Rogelio?"

"Hahaha... it's my little sister's... my mother used to read it to her every night... well I still read it to her"

"Is Duchess Orfelia Alive?"

"That's right... she and my father retired from the dukedom 4 years ago."

Trinity Blas watched him sit down and then put the book down on the table.

"Because she wanted to talk to me privately?"

"Did your father do this?" He pointed to Trinity Blas's left arm.

Trinity Blas covered him with the sleeve of her dress, she lied to him.

" No... I did it when I was leaving the house... I hadn't realized there was a stone on the road, so I tripped "

Apparently Rogelio Casanovan was not convinced by the words of Trinity Blas << Hmm... I know people who lie... and you lie, you're not very good >>

" Next time, be more careful... my fiancée shouldn't get hurt "

"What?! Fiancee?!"

" You are not? "

"Of course not! Although I didn't know him in person I have always rejected him, and now that I know him, I still reject him"

Rogelio Casanovan thought for a moment and looked at her from head to foot and then got up and walked towards her and took her by the hands.

Trinity Blas looked at him in astonishment.

"You are one in a million... I never thought you were different from other women"

"I am flattered by Duke Rogelio Casanovan, but even so he did not accept the commitment."