
Chapter 3 . The life of the human being is merciless.

The words of Trinity Blas remained in

the mind of Roger Casanovan. She was different from all other aristocratic women.

The truth is that she had awakened a deep longing in him. She didn't know how to describe it, she had something other women didn't have.

That same night they said goodbye to Duke Rogelio Casanovan. On the way, Rupert Blas asked Trinity Blas what Duke Rogelio Casanovan had talked about with her, to which she replied:

"Of Engagement"

"And what was your answer?"

"You know what my answer was father"

"You are ungrateful! You know that this marriage was wanted by your mother"

Trinity Blas was tired of him mentioning her mother so she flew into a rage. She no longer wanted her to tarnish her mother's name.


These words filled Rupert Blas with anger, he got up from his seat, slapped Trinity Blas on the cheek. Which almost fell off the carriage. But she leaned against the door hard.

The carriage arrived at the Blas house, she got down right away, and she headed to the field. Rupert Blas yelled at him loudly.

"Even if you don't agree to the marriage... you will still marry Duke Rogelio Casanovan!"

Trinity Blas ran faster into the field until she reached the tree where she had sat down to eat the picnic in the morning. She leaned on him and began to cry very bitterly.

"Awuuuu.... Not anymore! Not anymore! ... I don't want to live like this anymore! Mother, why did you leave me?! Why?!"

From afar Trevor heard the cry of a woman, he approached stealthily and seeing that she was the woman he met in the morning. He moved even closer.

He took her hand and lifted her up, when he did he looked at her red cheek. He was suddenly angry.

" Who did this to you?! "

" Hug me please.... "

"Okay, why are you trembling!"

He didn't understand the woman he was hugging, but she was scared. She didn't want to let her go, she just wanted to hold her like this.

Trinity Blas had calmed down a bit. By accident Trevor lifted the sleeve of Trinity Blas's dress and looked at the bruise on her left arm.

"Now will you tell me who did this to you?"

"N-nobody... I just fell"

"Don't lie to me, please tell me who did it?"

Trinity Blas just changed the subject.

" You have not told me your name "



Trevor hugged her even tighter and they sat on the roots of the tree. He was helpless before her, he didn't know what to do. and only a wounded person leaves a mark other than what he suffered from the death of his mother, Mhaia, of him. That empty part of his heart.

"It was my father who did it" Trinity Blas finally told him in Trevor's arms

"Because he did it?"

"Because I don't want to marry Duke Rogelio Casanovan"

"Would You Marry Someone Else?"

Trinity Blas snuggled her head into Trevor's chest. Then Trevor lifted her chin, and looked into her eyes.

"Would You Be With Me Forever?"

"What? With you?"

"Yes, I could never hurt you, I'm not a cruel being"

A feeling awoke to see him, she had never experienced anything like it, like what she was feeling for Trevor now.

"The life of the human being is ruthless, that's why it turns them into soulless monsters... but your life is very miserable being with them, you are unhappy for living a life without happiness, sometimes what you want is to escape to a place away from those around you, even from yourself "

"Your words are like the song of birds, they are pure as water. Apparently I am very cowardly, I do not have enough strength to face my father"

"You Have All the Strength Enough to Do It"

Suddenly the screams of the men who worked for Rupert Blas were heard. They were looking for Trinity Blas.

"Miss Blas! Where is he?!"

"Look there! I'll go this way"

" Yes "

The two fell silent without making a sound. Trevor reached up and opened a door in the tree. He stood up, scooped Trinity Blas up into his arms, and walked to the door. One of Rupert Blas's men looked at Trinity Blas and ran in her direction.

"Miss Blaise"

But Trevor raised his hand and closed the door, to which the man's mouth fell open, it was Emil Cornelius, he just smiled. He knew who Trevor was, they had known each other for 7 years.

<< Wow, Trevor is more beautiful than me... I haven't seen him for a long time >>

The other men arrived, but there was no one.

"Sorry false alarm guys, he was a baby deer"

"You're silly. How can you mistake Miss Blas for a baby deer?"

Trevor came to a huge tree, in it there were many mystical creatures. Which only existed in fairy tales.

An Ada came to them and bowed to them.

"He is a real Ada... she is very beautiful"

"I am hehehe and you too"

Trevor took her to her quarters and sat her down on a bench and began tending her wounds, doing so in a delicate manner.

"Does it hurt?" He asked her in a sweet way.

" It does not hurt anymore "

He looked into her eyes, and I didn't wait any longer so he kissed her. Trinity was a little stunned.

<< How cheeky is father nature >> Trinity thought but she accepted Trevor's warm kiss

She wrapped her arms around him, which Trevor

surprised, but still she allowed herself to be hugged.

They parted for air, they are both happy. Trevor kissed her again, more intensely, Trinity accepted it again, her lips were soft.

Suddenly Trinity stopped, since she was underage, she couldn't do that, she had to wait until she was 18 years old.

But Trevor lifted her dress and let her warm up, but Trinity stopped him.

"How cheeky you are father nature"

" I am "

She lifted her dress again, but this time Trinity allowed her to. She did not object to anything. She was a virgin, she had not had a relationship with another man. Trevor tried not to hurt her, although she hurt at first, she didn't care.

For her it was the best experience of her.