
Chapter 7

Crastros told the other 14 about the memory of the town. The others believed him and they asked about why he didn't tell them about it earlier.

"I didn't remember anything about it because, my earliest memory is when I was thrown by the spirit creator," responded Crastros angrily.

"Well you should have told us as soon as you remembered Crastros," Sorcerer spoke in a hushed tone.

"You are correct my friends," said Crastros submissively.

The other heroes asked if he remembered where they lived and how to permanently remove them from Sharnem. Crastros told them about the battle as clearly as he could.

It was a sunny day and not a cloud in sight. Then 5 hooded and cloaked figures appeared on the road into town. They walked into the shop I owned at that time and asked where the half-breeds resupplied. I responded that this was the town the resupplied in and then inquired why. They went outside and talked to the mayor. They waited for 10 days and nights in the tavern. Then my wife told them it was time they left and they refused to pay for their tab. She called the guards and then the battle broke out. They cut down 50 guards and then they killed her. They went outside and started killing the townspeople. I heard the commotion and ran to find my wife and when I got there it was horrific. Her body was mutilated and eviscerated and I was only able to identify the body by her ring and bracelet. I grabbed the guards armor and weapons and ran out to fight them. I fought one of them for an hour before I cut him in two vertically. The next I removed his head from his wretched shoulders. The third I cut off his legs and put his own sword through his heart. The fourth put a spear through my abdomen and then I cut off his arms legs and head before breaking the spear shaft. The last one I nearly killed then he ran away before I could deal the finishing blow. After the battle I went back to the tavern and collapsed over my wife's body and I died there.

The others were stunned by the memory. Then Sorcerer said that he could conjure her spirit so Crastros could find out where they were buried. Crastros told him to do so. Sorcerer conjured up Veronia and they were surprised by who it was. It was the spirit of light that Sorcerer summoned. Paladin and Assassin were surprised by it as well because they knew that the spirit wore armor and a helmet that covered its face.

The spirit saw Crastros and walked over to him. It removed the helmet and they were all surprised that the spirit was a woman.

Crastros said shakily, "V-veronia?".

Veronia responded, " Yes it is Crastros".

They hugged and talked about what happened after the battle. Then Crastros asked where their original bodies were buried. Veronia told him they were buried under what is currently the HBCU and that their bodies were what protected the people in the basement from the troares. She thanked him for avenging the town and told him the legend of the Town of Unity.

There once was a town where everybody lived in harmony. Five people attacked and destroyed it and made it look like one race did it, then a blood feud started between orcs and humans. They fought because the orcs had killed their friends and family. The half-breeds became looked down on. The elves ran away and hid in a forest. The dwarves retreated to the depths of their mountains. The first iskanshoo was born and everything went downhill. The iskanshoos became a proud nomadic tribe, the humans became dominant, elves still stay in their forest keeping the orcs in the dead zone. Shapeshifters became the servants and occasionally the friends of the spirits, and dwarves came out of hiding. This is all the result of 401 dying at the town of unity. There was a man who fought the 5 for vengeance. He killed 4 of them and the last one got away. This man became the first fighter and was made a spirit then named Crastros the first porares. He is considered a spirit of vengeance in the community of spirits. He helps when he is most needed and fights till there is nothing left of the enemy or there is no breath left in his breast.