
Tales of my Ambition

Born from a low class family in the United States, Mitch spent his entire life working away the debts owed by his disabled parents, if there is free time, he would spend the remainder in the local libary in his hometown reading various books since his family can't afford him a proper education, nevertheless in the standards of their community, he is still considered an educated person even without having to go through schooling. . Unfortunately, he met his end at the age of twenty when he got himself involved in a scrap between a few street thugs which eventually got him killed, unable to fulfill his dream of having a simple and stable life for him and his family. . . . But fate may have other plans for him... . . "Welcome to Yarnia, Mitch..." . Reincarnated into another new world called Yarnia, watch Mitch as he goes on a long and arduous journey, gain allies and enemies at the same time, and battle foes who dares try to destroy his dreams... this.. is the entire story of Mitch and his ambitions

GLHANNS_PH · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Uncertain future

Another three months had already passed since Mitch has first visited the grave of his now deceased mother, and in those three months, Mitch spent his days just like the usual, but the difference now is that every week, his father would take him to visit his mother's grave.

In addition, in those three months, Mitch was finally able to learn some small things about the spiritual culture of the planet he's born in.

Apparently, the people in this world worship multiple deities, though unfortunately Mitch only knew three of them.

The first one being Rushk, the god of darkness and misfortune, also being the most hated god in this land since people believed he's the cause of disasters and curses, and as for how Mitch learned about him, he always heard people call his name often whenever they become frustrated or angry because of certain things.

The second one being Garthian, the god of light and prosperity, he's the most revered and loved god in this lands since people believed he's the cause of miracles and prosperities, and also as for how Mitch knew about him, he once heard his father and Peter having a conversation about this so-called church of Garthian which is dedicated to serve the god of light.

And as for his father and Sedric's conversation, it happened about two months ago, their conversation speaks about how the church would cause millions of death if they continue their so-called crusade against the ever expanding Nessapian city states from the southern continent.

Though Mitch is yet to confirm if the things they talked about the church is actually true.

And lastly, the god of might and war, Trotax, the complete opposite of Garthian, though not worshipped in the lands Mitch was born in, Trotax is actually the patron and revered god in the southern continent.

Mitch knew about him during the time his father invited the village chief, Alan and his family in their home for dinner.

They talked about the warlike nature and culture of the Nessapian city states was actually caused by their god Trotax, since their faith complies them to gain honor through fighting and winning, which in turn they believed that the more honor you have, the more Trotax would recognize your deeds in the afterlife, which is every Nessapians dreamt and desired.

And as for Dimitre, the angel responsible for reincarnating Mitch in this world, Mitch was disappointed when he didn't even hear them speak his name.

It seems the people on this planet worship false gods instead of the real one, though Mitch understood since all of them weren't aware of the biggest truth.

Also, Mitch's speaking abilities is now slowly growing, and he himself is now practicing for weeks about the first words he's finally about to say this day.

Currently, Mitch is with Peter right now as they wait for Sedric to come home since he's been working all day.

Right now, Peter is seen sitting on a stool with his arms wide as he watched Mitch slowly crawl towards him.

"You can do it!" Peter motivated Mitch, though unaware that Mitch could understand him the entire time.

As he moved each feet and arms forward, Mitch could feel the weight in his body become heavy and heavier in each passing second.

'I can do it!' Mitch then cheered himself up as he quickly fastened his pace.

Sweat flowed on Mitch's head, since he only had a few hairs on his head, there were only few to absorb the sweat forming on his head and because of that, a small pool of sweat would be created whenever he passed through areas on the floor.

With each passing second, Mitch could now feel the pain in his limbs and the growing exhaustion on his body.

With each step, he could feel the very muscles inside his limbs tense.

Turning his head back, Mitch saw that he finally covered a whole 5 meter area on the floor.

'I've already reached that far, I will not put all my efforts and pain in vain... I need to finish this.' Now motivated, Mitch turn his head towards the front and saw that Peter was now only a meter away from him.

'Need to keep moving.' And with that simple thought in his mind, Mitch poured all of his last remaining strength on his limbs before continuing his pace.

Despite the ache and pain in his bones, the exhaustion and fatigue on his body, Mitch nevertheless continued to keep crawling towards Petee

It was now until a minute has already passed did Mitch finally realized he already reached Peter's embrace.

"You did it...!" Peter said in joy as he picked Mitch up from the ground and began to rock him in his arms.

Now exhausted, also added with the rocking that made him dizzy, Mitch immediately passed out.

'I did it...' Was Mitch's last thought before everything suddenly went dark.

When Peter saw that Mitch quickly went limp in his arms, he quickly panicked, but when the sound of breathing reached Peter's ears once again, the panic immediately disappeared, followed by a sigh of relief.

"Oh he suddenly fell asleep... must be tired with all that crawling." Peter muttered to himself before carrying Mitch towards the bedroom.

Opening the door in front of him, Peter stepped inside before making his way towards the hanging basket in the corner of the room.

Once he arrived, Peter began to make his work by slowly placing Mitch on the basket before covering him with a small blanket that was placed on a shelf besides the basket.

"Sleep well baby Mitch, I'll be back shortly." Peter muttered with a smile on his face before caressing Mitch's head.

After he was done with Mitch, Peter began to make his way out of the bedroom quietly so as to not wake the sleeping baby up.

Opening the door, Peter stepped inside the living room before finally closing the door behind him quietly.

Taking a deep breath, Peter walked towards a nearby chair before sitting upon it.

After a few minutes of sitting on it and doing nothing, his mind began to wander off due to his tiredness.

Just as he was about to fall into a deep sleep, the door of the house suddenly swung open, jolting Peter up.

"H-Huh?" Peter muttered in surprise and confusion as he watched Sedric stepped inside the house.

"Oh Peter, where's Mitch?" Sedric quickly asked.

"Sleeping inside the bedroom, what's the matter?" Peter responded, before asking the question on his mind.

"News came, a civil war erupted in the kingdom of Rabia between the current king and his bastard half brother." Sedric announced, his voice full of worries.

When Peter heard those words, his eyes immediately widened in shock before responding to Sedric's statement.

"Really?!.. how?" Peter immediately inquired, surprise still audible on his voice.

Sedric meanwhile, pulled out a chair below the table, sat on it, before responding to Peter's question.

"The bastard has been secretly building his wealth the moment he inherited one of the domains of his now deceased father... and now he already had thousands of mercenaries fighting for him right now." Sedric explained.

"When did the civil war started?" Peter inquired once more.

"A rider came in a few moments ago, he said the bastard started his war a few hours ago by suddenly launching a surprise siege at a castle belonging to a lord loyal to his brother.. given the time now and the small size of the castle, the castle must've fallen already by this time." Sedric explained again.

"Then what now?" Peter asked with worry, his mind now starting to wonder about what it would mean for them in the near future.

Though he's probabaly already aware that Sedric is also thinking about the same thing in his mind.

"I've already spoken with Alan earlier ago, he said that Baron Royman has been given orders by count Timuthy to close the entire eastern border, there's already a small group of knights on their way here to establish a small garrison camp." Sedric answered, his mouth slowly curving into a smile the moment he mentioned there would be a group of knights on their way towards their village to protect their borders, also indicating that he really did felt relief.

When Peter heard those words, he also sighed in relief before responding to Sedric's statement.

"Then that's good.." Peter responded with a smile.

Sedric then nodded his head before turning towards the window besides the door, where rays of sunlight could be seen pouring through.

The two kept silent for an entire five minutes before Sedric suddenly broke the silence.

"I'm not ready." Sedric blurted out, causing Peter to immediately turn towards him in surprise.

"What do you mean you're not ready?" Peter quickly inquired, his voiced etched with curiosity.

"About the future." Sedric said.

"Future?" Peter asked.

"Yes, a very big and uncertain future." Sedric answered, his eyes still focused through the sun rays pouring through the window of their house.

"Let's see about that."



