
Tales of my Ambition

Born from a low class family in the United States, Mitch spent his entire life working away the debts owed by his disabled parents, if there is free time, he would spend the remainder in the local libary in his hometown reading various books since his family can't afford him a proper education, nevertheless in the standards of their community, he is still considered an educated person even without having to go through schooling. . Unfortunately, he met his end at the age of twenty when he got himself involved in a scrap between a few street thugs which eventually got him killed, unable to fulfill his dream of having a simple and stable life for him and his family. . . . But fate may have other plans for him... . . "Welcome to Yarnia, Mitch..." . Reincarnated into another new world called Yarnia, watch Mitch as he goes on a long and arduous journey, gain allies and enemies at the same time, and battle foes who dares try to destroy his dreams... this.. is the entire story of Mitch and his ambitions

GLHANNS_PH · Fantasy
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12 Chs


In the south western border of the kingdom of Rabia, across the lush green plains and the occasional forestry that scattered throughout the lands, a small village could be seen in the distance.

This village is part of the one of the many counties in the duchy of Gara, a duchy belonging to the kingdom of Rabia.

Under the light of the sun at the sky above, a little girl could be seen picking flowers a few meters away from their village, and putting them into her small little basket.

Due to her small size and her not too matured enough face, her age seems to fall below ten, age of six specifically.

She has a long black hair, a slightly long nose, a pair of pointy eyes, also another pair of thick eyebrows, and lastly, a small soft defined lips.

Her clothing composed of a chemise that goes below her knees and a pair of brown boots.

She wore a pretty smile as she continued to pick the flowere before her from the ground below, it seems she was really enjoying in this small activity of hers.

The flowers she's currently picking right now are tulips that comprised of different shapes and colors, just like the tulips belonging from Mitch's previous world.

Minutes passed, and the basket is now starting to overflow with flowers, only then when the basket is finally full, did the girl finally stopped picking flowers.

Standing up, the little girl then proceeds to make her way towards the village.

After an entire minute of walking, she finally arrived at the village.

Their village comprised of a few houses and huts, and all of them are all made up of wood and straw.

A few men and women could be seen hanging out outside of their houses along with their children, but what suddenly caught the little girl's attention was a circle of crowd causing a commotion at their village's center, comprising with most of their people from the village.

Curious, the little girl slowly began to walk towards them, as she stepped closer and closer, the noise from the crowd also gets louder and louder.

Only when she is now a meter away from them, did she finally hear what the crowd is saying, not only that, she also saw that some familiar men in the crowd are armed with spears and swords.

"The course is clear, we follow baron Patrick's army before they link up with the main royal army, it's only a matter of time before we destroy the rebels." one of the armed men spoke.

"But the mercenaries, there's tens of thousands of them out there." one of the women in the crowd responded.

As the crowd continued to argue amongst themselves, the little girl then began to push her way through the crowd until she noticed two very familiar people.

One of them is an adult woman, she is wearing a long brown gown and a small wimple to cover her hair, the other one is also an adult man, but the only difference is that over his tunic, his upper body is covered with chainmail, and he's armed with a sword on his waist.

The couple seems to be arguing with each other as they didn't even notice a little girl that is slowly approaching towards them.

"Please my love, you have a family here, you can't just leave the two of us alone here!" the woman begged as she latched herself towards the man.

"I know, that's why I'll fight against the rebels, in order to protect you, our child, and our entire village." the man responded, slowly caressing the hair of the woman.

"Will you come home alive?" the woman asked, her voice now starting to choke as tears began to form on both of her eyes.

"I will.. I'll promise that." the man reassured the woman, before lowering his mouth to kiss her forehead.

Just as the woman was about to say something towards the man, the little girl suddenly called out to them.

"Father, Mother... what's going on?" the little girl asked in curiosity towards the couple who are now known as her parents.

"Alicia my dear?" the woman said in surprise to the little girl, now revealed as the couple's daughter, Alicia.

"What are you doing here, honey?" the man also asked in surprise as he turned towards her daughter Alicia, and bent his knees to meet her eye to eye.

Alicia, sensing the current atmosphere of the crowd and her parents who stopped talking just now, she immediately asked the question on her mind.

"Father, are you leaving?" Alicia asked, her eyes full of innocence and uneasiness at the same time.

The moment Alicia's parents heard this, her mother gasped in shoch before tearing up and falling unto her knees, while the father had his jaw open as he struggled for any words to respond to her daughter's question.

"Y-Your father has... work somewhere far away from our village, I'll be gone for a long time.. But I promise I would be back." his father explained, now holding back the tears forming on both of his eyes.

"Ooh, but you're all are carrying weapons, are you-" before Alicia could finish her question, her father suddenly cuts her off.

"We'll be fighting monsters that's going to try harm our village." her father stated, forcing a smile towards her daughter.

Alicia's eyes immediately lighten up in wonder and excitement the moment she heard those words.

"Really?!" she excitedly inquired, practically jumping up and down from the ground below.

Her father giggled at her daughter's actions before responding to her question.

"Yes, that's why I want you to be a good little girl and help your mother out in the house while I'm gone for a while, will you promise me that?" Alica's father asked, while also caressing the hair of her daughter.

"I promise!" Alicia said before quickly hugging her father.

"Now go to your mother then.." Alicia's father said, patted her back, before slowly releasing her from the hug.

"Okay" Alicia muttered before running towards her mother and quickly enveloping her with a hug.




Meanwhile, at the house of Sedric and Mitch, through the windows of the bedroom in their house, you could see the father and son eyeing each other.

"Holy Garthian's name! say my name again!" Sedric was suddenly hyped as he pointed his finger towards himself while facing his son that he's carrying in his other arm.

'If only I'm not a baby right now, I could properly recite to him all of shakespear's quotes.' Mitch giggled as he boasted himself in his own thoughts.

"C'mon my son, say my name again, you can do it!" Sedric encouraged his son, probably unaware that Mitch was mocking him all the entire time.

Taking a deep breath, Mitch finally opened his mouth up to speak for the second time.

"Father.. Sedric." Mitch muttered in a slightly slurred voice.

The moment Sedric heard this, his eyes were now brimming with excitement and joy.

"Oh my son." Sedric mutered happily before slowly and carefully hugging Mitch.

Afterwards, he then placed Mitch on the ground below in a standing position while also holding both of his arms up.

'Is he teaching me how to walk?' Mitch thought to himself as he struggled to balance himself with the help of his father.

"Now that you can talk, let's teach you how to walk, let's do this slowly by slowly every single day." Sedric muttered as he held both of Mitch's arms up.

Staring at the wooden floor for a moment, Mitch immediately placed all of his trust on his father, before raising his right foot for the first time ever.

The moment his foot touched the floor in front of him without even falling down, Mitch was finally able to take his first step in this world through walking for the first time.

'Yes!' Mitch then congratulated himself in his mind.

Before he could even lift his right foot for another step, Sedric then moved his hands and held his son's chest before suddenly lifting him up from the ground.

'Oi? put me back down!' Mitch thought to himself in irritation as his chance to take another step for the second time was now over.

"Alright that's enough, let's do this again tomorrow." Sedric said before making his way towards the basket in the corner of their room and then proceeds to place Mitch inside of it.

"I've some work to do, rest well my son." Sedric muttered before placing a blanket over Mitch's wiggling body.

"Nooooooo.... me walk, me walk." the moment Sedric heard this words, his eyes immediately widened in shock and surprise, his jaw almost even hitting the floor below.

'W-What in Garthian's name d-did I just hear right now?!' Sedric thought to himself.

And just like that, Sedric was left speechless as he stared at his son in a new found wonder and surprise.



