
Tales of my Ambition

Born from a low class family in the United States, Mitch spent his entire life working away the debts owed by his disabled parents, if there is free time, he would spend the remainder in the local libary in his hometown reading various books since his family can't afford him a proper education, nevertheless in the standards of their community, he is still considered an educated person even without having to go through schooling. . Unfortunately, he met his end at the age of twenty when he got himself involved in a scrap between a few street thugs which eventually got him killed, unable to fulfill his dream of having a simple and stable life for him and his family. . . . But fate may have other plans for him... . . "Welcome to Yarnia, Mitch..." . Reincarnated into another new world called Yarnia, watch Mitch as he goes on a long and arduous journey, gain allies and enemies at the same time, and battle foes who dares try to destroy his dreams... this.. is the entire story of Mitch and his ambitions

GLHANNS_PH · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs


In a particular house in some random village in the barony of Lithes, a wailing of a woman could be heard inside.

Through the windows of the wooden house, a woman, probably in her twenties, could be seen on a bed, giving birth to a child

She has brown long hair, a pair of round eyes, and a pointed nose.

In front of her stood her husband, who is also probably in his twenties, could clearly be seen assisting her wife through her labor.

"That's it, you're nearly there, keep pushing Talya!" the husband said to her wife as he waited at her end, ready to receive the newborn baby at any moment.

"I-I'm trying!" the woman now known as Talya, said in ragged breaths, her state seemingly at the point of exhaustion, with multiple beads of sweat flowing on her entire face.

After those words came out from her mouth, she slowly inhaled a deep breath before pushing herself in the insides.

"Aagh!" Talya screamed in pain as the baby inside slowly come out of her.

"You can do it!" the husband assured her wife before grabbing one of her palms and squeezing it.

"Aaagh!" After an entire 30 minutes of labor, added with a last and final push, the baby finally came out.

"I did it, Sedric..." Talya faintly said with a smile as she watched her husband receive the newborn in front of her.

"It's a he." The husband now known as Sedric informed her wife, Talya.

"Oh, that's... good" Talya responded in a faint voice, unfortunately Sedric didn't hear her and just proceeded to ignore her.

Sedric then slowly carried their newborn baby and began wrapping his newborn son using a cloth.

But it was until at that moment, Talya suddenly realized something.

Finally mustering every last bit of her strength, Talya asked Sedric the question that was bothering her.

"My baby... he's not crying, is he okay?" Talya asked, her voice full of fear and panic.

Luckily, her words reached Sedric's ears, which immediately caused him to panic.

'Curse Rushk's name, how come I did not realize that?!' Sedric thought to himself in panic as he immediately check his newborn son's condition.

Quickly bringing his ears down on the baby to listen for any pulses, the heavy weight inside of Sedric immediately disappeared as he luckily heard a small but a stable heartbeat inside of his son's.

"He lives, our son lives!" Sedric announced with joy as he turn towards his wife who is quietly lying on the bed.

Sedric then stared at Talya for an entire half a minute before panic sets in when he noticed his wife has not move an inch the entire time.

"Talya?" Sedric asked in a slightly whimpering voice before slowly making his way towards his wife's side.

"Talya, you have given birth to a healthy.. and... strong child." Sedric spoke to his limp wife before eventually breaking out in tears.

"Noooo, *sob*, this can't... be." Sedric muttered to himself as tears flowed down on his cheeks, he then proceeded to hug his finally deceased wife in a last and final embrace.

"In your honor, I'll name our son after your father." Sedric spoke to her wife once again before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Goodbye...*sob* Talya, my dear wife, may the gods take care of you from here on out." As the last tear fell from Sedric's cheeks, so is his last farewell goodbye towards her.

After that, Sedric then turned his head to his newborn son he's carrying and finally spoke.

"Hello there my sweet little son, from now on... you're going to be Mitch, son of Sedric!" the moment the words left Sedric's mouth, the baby's eyes immediately went wide, with his eyeballs now clearly focused on Sedric's face.

"You like that name, huh?" Sedric stopped, wipe the small residue of tears still left on his face, before continuing.

"Anyways, I'm your father, call me papa Sedric, and as for why I'm talking to a baby who clearly can't understand me.." Sedric smiled for a moment, blinked the now forming tears again on his eyes, before continuing.

"And as for mother... s-she.. she's resting with the gods now." Sedric said in slightly shaky voice.

Afterwards, Sedric immediately pulled out a small dagger from his pockets and began to slowly cut the umbilical cord on Mitch's belly bottom.

Little did he know that the baby he's currently carrying has the mind and soul of a recently reincarnated person from a 21st century world.

'So this is my father? not only that, he unintentionally gave me the name I had in my past life.' Mitch thought to himself in surprise as he observed the person that was carrying him.

Mitch momentarily forgot the state he was in and tried to speak to his new father, but due to his current condition, he was only able to produce a small wail.

Sedric noticed this and smiled, before proceeding to place baby Mitch on a small wooden basket at the corner in whatever room Mitch was in.

"Father has to do a little work, I'll be back soon." Sedric said this before moving away from Mitch.

Mitch's eyes meanwhile followed after his father who went towards Talya's bed and proceeded to pick and carry her up.

'So that's my mother... It seems I would be growing up here without one.' Mitch thought to himself as he watched his father slowly leave the room while carrying her now deceased wife.

Sadness then overwhelmed Mitch as he realized this new life of his wasn't going to be perfect like the last one.

Since Mitch was still a newborn baby, the only thing he could do is watch his surroundings, unable to do anything since his body is too weak to move for it's own.

And just like that, he spent the entire time moving his gaze inside the small bedroom from one thing to another.

'Wooden ceilings and wooden walls, not even a single trace of electronics.. I'm finally guessing what technology this planet I'm born in, have.' Mitch thought as his eyes moved towards the bed made out of wood and hay.

After an entire half a minute, the door to the room finally creaked open.

Mitch immediately heard this and quickly moved his gaze towards the door, there he found his father stained in dirt and his palms rough, with signs of overwork clearly seen.

'He buried her all by himself?!' Mitch was surprised for a bit since he really wasn't used to the concept of burying your own loved one all by yourself.

Afterwards, Sedric then proceeded to make his way towards the basket carrying Mitch.

"How's my boy?" Sedric said with a forced smile as he extended his finger towards Mitch.

'To think he could still face me and give a smile after all he's gone through' And it was at this moment Mitch finally knew he was now in good hands of a very strong person.

With all strength he could muster, Mitch also extended his small arms and touched Sedric's finger.

"That's my boy." Sedric said before picking Mitch up and started carrying him.

With Mitch finally in his arms secured, Sedric proceeded to move towards the door before opening it.

"Let's have a little tour on this humble abode you're going to be living in from now on." Sedric spoke, but more to himself as he wasn't even looking at Mitch when he said those words.

After they stepped outside of their bedroom, what greeted them was a simple small living room, complete with shelves lining up at the side of the room, and a few wooden chairs surrounding a small wooden table with a small pot of flower on top of it.

After admiring the scene before them momentarily, both of them proceeded to make their way towards a door which leads to another room.

Opening it, Sedric stepped inside while Mitch gazed in curiosity at the interior of the new room before him.

It was clearly a kitchen since there is a fireplace at the left side of the room along with a chimney attached above it and a cauldron sitting atop the fireplace.

In addition, there is also a large stone table at the middle of the room with various cooking tools like bowls, kitchen utensils, cutting board, pots, and mortal and pestles sitting atop of it.

Not only that, there is also a shelf at the right side of the room, with jars lining up containing various spices and ingredients needed to cook a particular food.

"The kitchen.." Sedric muttered as he raised Mitch slightly upwards to let him get a view of the entire room, though he was unaware that Mitch already knew every nook and cranny of the entire kitchen the moment they stepped inside.

Afterwards, they went outside once again.

"Let's get some fresh air." Sedric spoke in a low voice before moving towards another door which finally leads outside the house.

Mitch meanwhile waited impatiently as curiosity slowly overwhelmed him.

'I really want to find out what kind of world I would be living in from now on.' Mitch thought to himself in anticipation.

The moment Sedric opened the door, Mitch finally knew and understood the society his family was in.

'I think the journey's going to be difficult.' Mitch thought to himself as he observed the sight before him.

Nevertheless instead of feeling defeat, Mitch instead felt excitement... and a new sense of purpose.


