
Tales of my Ambition

Born from a low class family in the United States, Mitch spent his entire life working away the debts owed by his disabled parents, if there is free time, he would spend the remainder in the local libary in his hometown reading various books since his family can't afford him a proper education, nevertheless in the standards of their community, he is still considered an educated person even without having to go through schooling. . Unfortunately, he met his end at the age of twenty when he got himself involved in a scrap between a few street thugs which eventually got him killed, unable to fulfill his dream of having a simple and stable life for him and his family. . . . But fate may have other plans for him... . . "Welcome to Yarnia, Mitch..." . Reincarnated into another new world called Yarnia, watch Mitch as he goes on a long and arduous journey, gain allies and enemies at the same time, and battle foes who dares try to destroy his dreams... this.. is the entire story of Mitch and his ambitions

GLHANNS_PH · Fantasy
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12 Chs

This new life of mine

It's already been three months since Mitch was reincarnated in this world.

And in those entire three months, Mitch spent his days lazing around, doing nothing except to eat and shit, while his father goes out everyday early in the morning to work in the fields, returns home occasionally to check up on him, and go home when the sky finally turns dark.

Though Mitch can't wait to help his father when he grows up, he has to understand and accept his position as a toddler.

That's why in order to become productive at 3 months old, Mitch has to spend the rest of his time practicing his body to crawl in order to have good bones when he finally grows up.

Not only that, whenever an opportunity arises when his father invited a neighbor in their home for dinner, Mitch would do his entire best just to listen to their entire conversation, since Mitch desperately wanted to be aware of the current happenings in their lands.

And over the time, based on all the information Mitch has gathered over the past three months, aside from the bountiful harvest a month ago and the small border conflict their barony was taking part in against their neighbor from the east. there were no major events taking place in their barony right now.

Apparently, Mitch was born into a low class family in a feudal kingdom called the kingdom of Merasia.

Merasia is then split into three diferrent dukedoms, each of them is independently governed by a duke or duchess, though the same thing about them all is that they swore fealty to the same and single person, which is the King of Merasia, Tristan IV.

The first one of the dukedoms is being the capital region of Meras which is located right in the middle of the entire kingdom.

Above it lied the other dukedom called the northern Merasia, bordering the northern part of Meras.

And lastly, the last one being the southern Merasia, which bordered the southern part of the Meras region.

Particularly, the northern Merasia is split into five different counties, each counties are led by a count, which controlled barons who owns barony below them.

One of them being the barony of Lithes, lorded by baron Gilian, the land where Mitch was born.

In addition, Mitch's village is one of the 29 villages scattered across the entire barony, a single village is led by a chieftain, who has the responsibility to provide tax and also levy in times of war to the current lord of their barony.

And as for the other two regions, Mitch has yet to know more information about them.

In the end, Mitch finally came to the conclusion that the realm he was born in is fuedal, the same feudalism from his earth during the 9th century.

Currently, dressed with only a loincloth, Mitch is seen trying to crawl all by himself on the floor inside the bedroom.

To think a 3 months old toddler would be teaching himself how to crawl is simply unbelievable, but nevertheless Mitch isn't just an ordinary toddler.

'C'mon, you can do it!' Mitch tried to motivate himself as he struggled to take another few steps on the wooden floor below.

With his limbs on the point of giving in, the moment he moved his left hand and feet forward, all strength immediately left his body as he fell flat on the hard floor below.

"Waah!" even though he had the mind of a matured person, he still has the body of a toddler, including the sensitivity of pain that came after.

And just like that, Mitch spent a minute crying and an entire hour sobbing afterwards.

'I can't believe it still hurts so much even until now.' Mitch thought to himself as he wiped the last remaining tear left on himself.

It seems Mitch still can't adjust to his new body after all.

After another few minutes has passed, the sound of the door from the living room suddenly opening immediately reached Mitch's ears, which caused him to stare at the door in their bedroom in anticipation.

But that was until he heard a familiar male voice in the living room speak.

"Sedric, bet your son is on the floor again." It was the familiar voice of Peter, Sedric's close friend, and Mitch's acting uncle.

In addition, since Peter is a jobless man, he spent most of his entire time hanging around Sedric's house and doing everything he could do to help the family... and of course to earn a little coin to sustain himself.

When Mitch first met Peter, he was 1 month old at that time, he still could clearly remember Peter's appearance when he first met him.

He has black hair just like his close friend Sedric, you could even say they're both brothers, though they have similar appearances, they're not even blood related in the first place.

And as for mitch, you could clearly see he's going to grow into a very handsome man since he's already showing features in his baby state, like long nose, perfect eyes, and white skin.

"Let's see about that." Mitch heard his father's voice as the two men's footsteps got closer and closer as each second passed.

The moment the door opened, revealing baby Mitch lying on the floor below, his father Sedric could only sigh as he watched his newborn son with frustration.

Peter meanwhile chuckled as he pointed his finger towards Mitch repeatedly.

"I told you, I told you, I told you... I was right!" Peter said while laughing at the same time.

"Peter, you can only guess the obvious." Sedric responded before making his way towards Mitch.

"Didn't this already happened multiple times? this clearly shows how bad you are when handling with kids." Peter teased, his voice edged with laughter.

Picking Mitch up, Sedric then proceeded to place Mitch back on the hanging basket, before finally turning towards Peter with an annoyed expression on his face.

"I told you already, what baby Mitch is doing here... isn't normal, an ordinary 3 months old toddler wouldn't be able to climb a basket his size, much less crawl towards there!" Sedric explained while pointing his finger towards an open space on the floor, a meter away from the basket Mitch currently was in.

After hearing Sedric's words, Peter stared at Sedric for a moment, then to Mitch, then back to Sedric again, before shrugging both of his shoulders.

"Well, what can a man who hasn't even taken care of a child before, knows?" Peter teasingly mocked Sedric with a smug smirk on his face.

Unable to do anything, Mitch could only listen in silence as the two men argued.

'Well, father's right, I'm not just any ordinary child.' as Mitch though about it, he couldn't help but giggle, causing the argument between the two men to stop.

"He's laughing?" Peter asked in curiosity.

"That's seems the case." Sedric responded happily as he turned towards Mitch and smiled at him.

Peter followed after him before smiling at Mitch and started to play with him.

"Aren't you a little happy today, little one?" Peter asked playfully as he repeatedly pinched Mitch's cheeks.

Meanwhile Mitch didn't feel any pain or was annoyed at Peter, instead he felt relaxed when someone try to pinch and caress his smooth face.

After an entire half an hour of playing with baby Mitch, the group proceeded to the living room where Sedric began to cook food for dinner.

"The sky's getting dark, let me get something for us to eat." Sedric said before making his way towards the kitchen where he started to prepare his cooking wares.

Meanwhile Mitch was left in Peter's care as they both waited for Sedric to serve them food.

As Peter carried Mitch in his arms, he began to sing a song unfamiliar to Mitch's ears.

As Mitch listened to the tune, his baby eyes immediately opened wide when he finally realized something.

'How come I could understand them?... is this really english they're speaking right now?' Mitch thought to himself as he listened to the song.

'3 months, and I haven't even realized that... but still, I really can't wait to grow up and ask my father the name of the language they're speaking the entire time.' Anticipation immediately showed on Mitch's face as the thought crossed his mind.

After another few minutes had passed, the smell of recently cooked porridge quickly reached Mitch's nose, causing him to salivitate.

Peter was no exception, though he tried his best to hide his cravings for the food.

After another minute or so, the door to the kitchen finally opened, revealing Sedric who is carrying a tray containing three bowls of porridge.

One of the bowl is particulary for Mitch since it's smaller than the other two bowls.

After Sedric has placed the bowls on the table, he then asked Peter for Mitch, to which he immediately complied by handing Mitch over to him.

"before we eat, let's call it a day?" Sedric asked as he turned to Peter.

"Aye." Peter responded before immediately digging into his own food, Sedric followed suit afterwards.

Mitch meanwhile was getting spoonfed by his father.

'Mhm, delicious...' Was all Mitch could ever think of as he slowly swallowed the porridge his father fed him.



