
Chapter - 32

Continued from the last part....

That moment I look at the person who opened the gate, I got surprised and my smile vanished too. For a minute or so, I do nothing except to stare him from top to bottom and talk to my mind..

Mind: Why Odin is here? What is he doing here?

Me: I don't know but I guess both of your questions have same meaning.

Mind: (In a sarcastic tone and if it was possible then probably will be rolling his eyes while saying this) Like seriously! Here, I am asking something serious and you are analysing the question.

Me: (Raising my hands mentally in surrender) Okay I am sorry.

Mind: (Taking a deep sigh) Hmmm, well leave all this aside. Now the fun will begin, you will be tortured mentally as we will be hearing millions of appreciations about him tons of taunts will be showered on you.

Me: Yeah I know.

Before both of us could speak anything else, Odin start speaking...

Odin: (Stepping a bit aside from the door and opening it wide, with a bright smile) Hey Siya! why are you still standing outside come in, its your house only.

Me: (Try to smile as wide as possible just like him, though I know its not the real one) Yeah, thank you for letting me inside.

After saying this I step inside the house, Odin close the door behind us gently. I start untying my shoes, while doing so I am hearing many other voices coming from inside the houses and just by listening to them I know full family from my father's side is at home today. Once done with the shoes I keep them in the cabinet neatly, then I start walking towards the living room where everyone is sitting at present and while doing so one thing which I keep fixed on my face is my fake smile.

The moment I step in the living the room, everyone stop talking and look at me for a minute or so. However, I choose or should I say try to ignore this, I found one empty chair in the corner of the living room so, without thinking about anything I settled myself on that chair. While doing so, I can feel all of them looking at me only and honestly, being the centre of the attention is really an awkward situation.

Fortunately, soon this so called awkward ended as mother start speaking, moreover she start talking to me..

Mother: Hey, Siya so, how was your exam?

Me: It...

Aunt 1: Which exam?

Mother: Siya is thinking to do masters so, she has just gone to give the entrance exam today. 

Aunt 1: So, how was it Siya?

Me: It was okay 

Though it was good but I am just afraid to say it out loud because I think if I say good then result will be bad. Therefore, I prefer to rather stay or say things which are neutral so that if something is not good then it is not bad either. I know some you must be thinking what nonsense is this but what to do its being so long that I have been seeing everything is bad around me and I don't think things will be good ever again.

Aunt 2: Well, whatever you say, exams used to be held in our times when we used to study all night long, there was no work to be done except studying. 

Aunt: And we have never got failed in our lives.

Mother: Come on, leave all this, Siya, go and change your clothes and then have dinner. You must be feeling hungry too.

Hearing this, without wasting any second I hurriedly get up from the chair then pick up my bag and start walking towards my room. The moment I step inside my room, I close plus lock the door immediately and after this I start getting fresh that is, changing my clothes plus washing my face and hands. While doing so I am also having a conversation with my mind...

Me: Every time they talk about failure, I don't know why they think of me a failure?

Mind: (Smirking) Simple because that's what you are, remember how you failed an exam?

Me: (Sighing) Yeah I remember but you also know what were the situations during that time.

Mind: Well, leave this. You know what annoys me to the core is that they always talk about their old time and days. Like seriously, how can they compare their lifestyle with us? When they were of that age, the time was different and the circumstances were different and now our time and circumstances are different.

Me: Yeah exactly, not everything is same for everyone.

Mind: Well I guess it just the beginning, even you know that number of things will be coming next. Just try to hold up well with a smile okay?

Me: Okay.

With this not only our conversation ended plus I finish getting fresh, I unlock the door and open the door then with my best fake smile I start walking towards the kitchen so, I could eat my lunch. While I am walking I can hear them talking happily, talking about how exciting their lives going on...

younger cousins getting good marks while studying 

elder cousins getting job and doing great in their career

and how two of the aunts roaming around having fun

And hearing all this I feel the odd one among them, I feel as if I am a stranger between them and if they or any one else get close to me they will get sad too. Seeing them happy within themselves I know they don't need me. 

As soon as I reach inside the kitchen, I re-heat the food then serve it for my self on the plate then I move out of the kitchen. I keep my plate on the dinning table, then I drag a chair out for me and sit on it. Before eating my food, I unlock my phone screen then open one of the reading and I opened one of the mafia dark romance story. After this while eating my food I start reading it, however, I was in the middle of eating plus reading when Aunt 1 come near the table and feeling her eyes on me I look up in her direction with a raised eyebrow...

Me: What happened?

Aunt 1: What are you doing?

Me: I guess eating my food and reading a story.

Aunt 1: Okay but why are you eating here alone, I mean you could have come there and eaten food.

Me: (Rubbing the back of my neck) Yes, but I do have a the habit of eating either while reading a story or while listening to a story.

Aunt 1: (Sitting on one of the dinning chair) Wow, in fact we love to read books while eating our food, when we used to be in the same age like you are now.

Me: (Locking my phone screen) O that's nice.

Though, internally I am like, huhhh peace has been disturbed, people are not even allowed to eat food in peace. Again she started the comparing thing, O god please save me.

But I guess even god was not in the mood to save me as soon all of them start coming in the dining area. Soon the dining room filled with all of them, suddenly the peaceful dining room feels like a zoo and they again start talking to themselves. I tried to ignore them as best as possible and keep my focus on food but how can I ignore their voices which I am hearing.

Finally, I am on the way to eat some of the last bites of my food for that I pick up the spoon and start eating with it. However, while doing so, it is making some noise and hearing this Aunt 1 scolded me...

Aunt 1: What is this Siya? Can't you eat without making noises, try to move spoon in a way that it does not make those voices.

Me: Okay.

Though, internally I am like now what is this, if it is a spoon then it will definitely make a sound if it hits the plate.

Aunt 1: You know whenever Odin eats food he never make noises with the spoon, learn some manners from him.

Aunt: (Chuckling) He is a better son and a human being, he knows how to behave properly whether its related to eating a food or living a life. He is better then every other child of this family, just like his name he is an inspiration for other.

I feel bad hearing it but choose to ignore it, I raise my head to look whether I am only one who feel so, or my other cousins too but unfortunately, none of them felt it. I took a deep breath then got up from the chair, first I keep the phone back in my pocket then I pick up the plate and walk inside the kitchen to clean the plate.

While entering inside the kitchen I hear Aunt voice...

Aunt: She forget to drag chair in back to its place before going, I remember how Odin used to do it when he was twenty years old.

I heard it but I thought it would be better not to say anything because I know for now everything or everyone will seem to be wrong as Odin is here. Once my plate got cleaned I come outside from the kitchen with a water bottle in my hand then I go and sit on the same seat and start listening to their gossips which is related to whose children are best and whose not.

However, soon my trance break hearing my phone ringing, I take it out from my pocket to see who is calling me and when I see it I come to know that its a spam call but then it clicked in my mind why not answer it and use it as my escape route for some time. While thinking this, I pretend to answer it then I leave the dining hall saying...

Me: Excuse me.

Once I noticed that I am at a safe place that is, no one is able to see me I keep phone back in my pocket and hurriedly walk towards my room. As I reach inside my room I close the door, pick up my diary and a pen from the study table then I sit on the on the beside chair and start writing my thoughts in it...

comparing in general is not good but when we do this in relationships then it can be destructible. It will add bitterness in the relationships. People will hate each other or will feel jealous with each other, they will lose faith in their relationship. And in the long run this relationship will remain in name only. 

i agree that Odin is very good, he is an ideal son that every parents will be wanting. And if we look at it, it is also possible for Odin to be like this because he is born with silver spoon in his mouth. Since a child he used to be the smartest and intelligent one, he knows to keep things in order in a perfect manner. He lived his life like a king, having everything he wanted and being the only child he is pampered the most. And the biggest thing is that he has no responsibilities except studies, so that's why right now he is like this.

Once all of my thoughts got pen downed I keep the diary and pen back on its place, then get up from the chair to stretch my body a little. While doing so I yawned so, I thought of laying down for some time and I lay on the bed making a mental note to get up in ten minutes and sit with aunts and cousins. However, don't know when I fall asleep, but next I woke up hearing ringtone of my phone and without looking at the phone I answered the call....

Me: (Sleepy) Hello.

Vihaa: (Yelling) Siya!!!!

To Be Continued....