
Volume 1.26 Roommate (2)

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Myrene screamed as she held the arrow closer to 50's neck. She tightened her grip and kept a hold of herself from losing her consciousness. "You don't know anything so shut up or I'll really kill you!"

"Then kill me now that way you don't need to share your room with a suspicious individual."

However, she saw Myrene's face full of hesitation.

50 released a deep sigh. "You right now are not even worth resisting and fighting."

But Myrene couldn't hear anything anymore. Everything around her was already blurry and she couldn't even move her body naturally. "I apologize for startling you like this, 100. However, you should develop what you want to do in order to survive in this world."

Myrene didn't realize that the 50 she was locking down below her, turned into smoke. She felt a presence behind her, but it was already too late for her when she felt a sharp pain in her nape. Her consciousness immediately darkened out.

50 glanced down at the unconscious Myrene.

"What do you think of our new sibling?"

"What are you doing here? Did I allow you to enter my room?" 50's voice became cold. From the shadows, Solace appeared.

"Your words are as sharp as ice when it comes to me. Do you know how my heart is deeply wounded already?" Solace said as he put his hand on his chest acting as if he was indeed hurt. "All of my new siblings are so cold to me. I didn't even do anything to them," a sinister smile escaped his lips, "yet."

"They are just children, Solace," 50 said with a threatening voice. Then she carried Myrene inside another room where it was cleaner than the outside. Then she put Myrene down on the bed.

"And so as you, you are only turning ten this year, and just one more exam and you will be able to move to the House of Hearts. Isn't it that wonderful that you will meet your sister again after almost four years? You must be proud of yourself for achieving that."

"That and this, are different matters. As long as I am here, I will not let you touch them." 50 tucked the blanket into Myrene.

You are still as soft as ever. Or just a hypocrite?" Solace let out a small chuckle. "Nonetheless, it is still both amusing. In the end, you will not be able to do anything once the exam comes. You're much crueler than me, Fifty. And I know that you are already aware of it." Solace said and disappeared into the shadows.

'Tch. He always comes as he pleases.'

"There are the twins, if I remember correctly, they are 81 and 60. Then three more, 150, 97, 95, then my new roommate, 100." Fifty dropped on the floor and then leaned her head on the wall. She glanced at Myrene who was now unconscious and innocently sleeping peacefully. 'How defenseless just like everyone else. But it's a surprise how that arrow came out of nowhere.' A tired smile escaped her lips.

"It seems another batch has a lot of potential this year. But just one more year huh."


Blazing fires engulfed the whole village of Tranquil. And the young ogre watched with a horrified expression how his kin was eating and killing the humans he observed for almost a month now.

"No! Please stop!" He ran to one of the ogres to shield a human from being attacked.

"What are you doing?" The ogre growled. The young ogre flinched but never waver.

"Get away from my wife!"

However, the young ogre was surprised when a spear pierced through his stomach. He turned around to see an angry man at him.

"I will kill all of you! Monsters! You don't have a soul!" The man screamed with hysteric sounds in his voice. However, before he could even move another ogre appeared and hit him with a mace. The man was sent flying.

The young ogre, even more, horrified by these events, decided to run away. 'I'm just trying to protect humans. Why are humans angry with me? I'm here to save you, not to kill you.'

He ran and ran deep into the woods. And the slaughter of the village went on. "Why do they attack humans? Humans are not bad. They are friends."

The footsteps of the young ogre became heavier as blood dripped down his abdomen. He touched the spear and with one quick jolt, he removed it. He tore his clothes and used them to stop the bleeding.

"I just want to see them, the happy and energetic humans."

The young ogre dropped to his knees. His vision was also blurring. "Happy Humans."


Myrene slowly opened her eyes. She felt her cheeks wet for some reason. 'Another dream from Ares' life.'

"It looks like you must have a sad dream, 100."

Myrene immediately stood up when she heard that voice.

50 was looking at her with the same ear-to-ear smile when Myrene met her for the first time. She looked for any place to escape. But 50 was completely blocking the door.

"Hey easy, okay? Relax 100, if I wanted to do something to you. You will not be waking up anymore. It is just a simple sleeping powder that causes you to lose your consciousness earlier. However, I didn't expect that you would have more resistance. That's why things become more complicated than expected. And I keep my silence that you use a weapon outside the class." 50 shook her head.

"It is not even the first day, and yet you already break a lot of rules here."

Myrene glared at her.

"Ah, yes. It's my fault for scaring you like that. I apologized for the unexpected surprise. Did you enjoy it?" But instead of answering Myrene just look at her with sharp eyes. "Oh, I think you're not but anyway as compensation, let me be your tour guide here." 50 said. "You can prepare yourself first. I'm in the next room. And don't worry, I cleaned the whole place while you are asleep. I don't want to upset my little sister more after all I've done to her. I'll prepare our breakfast now." 50 said with a cheery tone in her voice.

Myrene still didn't let her guard down. She checked her body for any injuries or changes. But there was nothing at all. 'It seems she didn't put any strange things on my body. I can't understand her at all. Just what is running to her mind. I don't know anymore whether she is still acting or being genuine. But I would not fall for her schemes again. I need to be more cautious when it comes to that 50, she is no ordinary like others.'

She clenched her fist and decided to just stay in her room all day.

However, before she could even have a moment of peace. The door opened once again.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you something; I'm sure it's pretty obvious with my name," 50 remarked, smiling from ear to ear. "If you don't want to stay here for more than four years, you can simply take over my name." 50 then exited the room as quickly as she entered it.