
Tale of mystic love

Prince of City Princess of Nature earth One is getting ready for his burial ceremony, one just started to live go the fullest. When love blooms, will they try to change their cursed fate?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

#6 Secrets

" So you are the one, these two talked about!." Asked Zhang Wei who was delighted to see a cute girl.

" Yes, can I call you brother Wei? My name is Li Lian"

" Hey, your name is Xiang Tianshi. Why are you changing your name suddenly? " Asked Li Ming.

" So that I can gain experience by working here. You said that I can't work because of my name Xiang. But now I can, right? "

" Hmm.. Makes sense. Then you are selected. "

" Hey, Ming-er she did not give the test. How come she is selected? " Asked Xiaobo.

" We know her. She knows us. Her father is in business so she probably knows about it. The remaining is the knowledge of medicine. Even if she does not know, she can learn slowly"

" Don't worry Brother Ming, I have full detailed knowledge of all the herbs. I learned from my master. I am more expert at herbal knowledge than business. "

" See. That decides everything. Now let us get acquainted with the work. And if there is anything you don't understand, be free to ask your brother Ming, okay? "

Tianshi/Lian( Li Lian name will be used for a while) nods her head and Ming shows her all the work and every information about them.

" Why are you irritated by her? She is a nice, friendly girl. " Said Zhang Wei.

" I know that. But she is the daughter of the richest man in the State. What if something happens bad to her? You know one can get his/her reputation down in business even if one step is wrong? What will happen then? Her father will bring down my business!!" Wang Xiaobo stated his worry.

" Aiihha!! You are worried about that? Ridiculous. You can do anything you want in the state. What are you afraid of? "

" Zhang Wei!! You are getting too comfortable! "

Hearing this in a stern voice, Zhang Wei just gulped and said nothing and went to see the commotion that was outside due to the girls.

" How can you select someone without testing? "

" If you wanted to choose your person, then why put the drama of selecting a suitable candidate? "

" What is the problem? " Li Lian inquired in a stern voice.

" If you have any problem, I can solve it"

" You are the problem. You got selected without even going through the test" Said a lady with excessive makeup on her face.

" That's it. Then ask me any questions. If I don't know the answer then I won't take this job. Deal?

The ladies nodded and the first question was thrown.

"What will you use to cure cough and cold?

" Vasaka Leaves"

The answer was correct. No one was able to object to it.

The next question was-

"Which part of the cinchona tree is useful?

" It's bark. It is used to treat malaria"

" What is the plant that we use in daily life can also be used in treatment of toothache? "

" Cloves"

All the answers were correct and the girls had nothing to say. They went away grumping, yelling at each other.

Xiaobo was impressed by her that she handled the problem herself, instead of telling him or Wei to handle it.

It has been a month of Lian working at Xiaobo's shop and everyone was impressed by her. She was a good problem-solver as well as quick-witted. Even Xiaobo was impressed and his behaviour became soft and caring towards her.

One morning, Zhang and Ming went out to bring some groceries. Xiaobo was taking note of all the stuff he had to bring into his shop while Li Lian was giving him the list of stuff that was sold out the most recent.

Li Lian was sitting near the window on a desk bench. Wang Xiaobo was sorting next to her. While they were doing the work, Lian noticed that snow was falling outside! Her face lit up instantly. She got up and pulled Xiaobo without explaining anything. Xiaobo had adjusted to her behavior as she abruptly made a decision every time.

" Xiaobo, look at the first snowfall!! "

Xiaobo looked up but he did not smile. He just started at the sky from where snowflakes were falling slowly.

" What are you staring at? "

" Nothing.... Just seeing that snowflakes are born in the sky and only have a lifetime till they touch the ground. After they touch they become impure and eventually melt away. It's a pity. "

" Hey! Boss!!... Why do you always bring negativity into everything you see? "

" You never call me boss except when you are angry with me. Does my negative approach matter to you? "

" Yes, it does. I want you to have optimistic behavior towards everything in your life."

" Hmmm.... I will think about it. "

Lian and Xiaobo then resumed watching the snow. The coldness increased in the atmosphere but there was warmthness between the two. Suddenly, Xiaobo felt a sharp pain in his chest.

" It is triggered again! I have to go away!! "

Xiaobo was going to go elsewhere to treat his problem but his body did not agree with him. The pain increased rapidly and dizziness also increased.

And Xiaobo splattered blood on the ground. Red crimson blood fell on the white, bright snow. This diverted attention of Lian from the sky to the ground.

" XIAOBO!! "

Xiaobo was about to fall head first on the ground, but Lian caught him in her arms. He was already unconscious. She dragged him and laid him on the bed in a different room.

When Lian first came into the shop, she was confused as to why there was a small bedroom needed but now she knows the need for it.

Xiaobo was sweating profusely but still, his body was as cold as ice. She was bewildered and her brows creased in confusion as to what medicine she should provide to help him.

Wei and Ming arrived at the same time. When they saw the state of Xiaobo, they hurriedly kept the bags on the table and rushed to him.

" What happened to him? "

This question was asked by Lian instead of the other two. They looked like they already knew this would happen but they did not expect it to be this early.

" Umm.... This happens once every two to three months. This is his old illness. Nothing would happen to him. He will be okay soon.. "

Zhang Wei said but he was worried. But he was helpless. They called many doctors to help, but no one was able to remove or at the least relieve him of the pain that occurs frequently. Even Mr. Xavier can't do anything about it.

" Tell me in detail about this illness"

" When Xiaobo was a child, he went missing for one day. And when people found him he was alright. But two days later, he felt extreme pain in his whole body. His body was ice cold but he was sweating much. He was not able to eat or drink anything. He would lay on the bed like a dead living for seven to eight days. After that, his temperature would slowly become normal, but his body would be weak due to not eating or drinking. And this happened every two to three months. So he is very weak physically but mentally. I admire him. Despite his weakness, he set up four shops and managed on his own. I am proud of him. "

Lian listened to the explanation given by Zhang Wei. Ming was also devasted listening because he knew about illness but never knew in detail.

"Did his parents never find the cause of his illness? He can't get his illness overnight. "

" They did. They asked everyone but no one knew anything. The strange thing is Xiaobo himself does not recall what happened to him. "

" So you are saying that the master who treated him said that it is a cold toxin in his body. And that will trigger now and then and finally make him a living corpse. And also he won't live longer than the age of 30."

" Hmmm... All this was predicted by Master Xavier. He is an expert in herbology. So he knows what he is doing. He has helped Xiaobo till now. But he has not come up with a solution. Just tries to control the toxin from deepening inside his body."

"Okay. Then let me help our boss. "

"Huh?... You!!??... "

" Ming brother, bring me all the herbs that are kept in the box on the left side of the cupboard. "

Ming rushed to get the box while Lian boiled some water in a pot. Zhang Wei was amused that she had a solution to a problem that Master Xavier did not have.

Lian picked up two herbs from the box crushed them, and put them in boiling water. Then she added a plant that was dried and powdered. She put that after the water was boiled and then she put the flame off and put the dried powder in the hot water and stirred them. She then strained the water and let it cool a little. After some time, she took a spoon and made Ming make Xiaobo sit up. His condition was the same. No improvement. She slowly slowly fed the decoction she made. After finishing she made him sit.

After half an hour Xiaobo felt better. He was not sweating like before. His body was cold but not so much. Zhang Wei had tears in his eyes. Ming looked at him in confusion.

"Crying?? Brother,.. Xiaobo brother is better than before. Why are you crying then?"

" It is the FIRST time Xiaobo got relief from pain. I am just feeling better for him"

Zhang Wei then wiped his tears and drank a cup of water. He took a few deep breaths and had a big smile on his face. He suddenly bends to 90° in front of Lian. Lian was shocked by the action. Doing that is a sign of utmost respect and is only given to parents, teachers, or elders.

" Brother Wei!! What are you doing?? " Shrieked Lian and made Wei stand properly.

" I have been with Xiao for ten years. And in those ten years, he always struggled every day to fight with the toxin. He never once got relief no matter how hard each doctor tried. But today he is sleeping peacefully. I can't express my gratitude in words. THANK YOU VERY MUCH"

"Don't say like that. I just helped him a little. Plus he is my boss. What will I do if something happens to him? But this is a temporary solution and maybe after regular use, it may become ineffective. So we need a permanent solution. Can I meet Mr. Xavier? Maybe we two can do something "

" Yes, I will ask about this. He will surely be impressed by you. "

It was past midnight, and Xiaobo still had a fever but was out of danger. Lian was still sitting beside him. Ming was sleeping while sitting on a chair and his head lying on the desk in the same room. He was waking up even at the slightest noise made by Lian. Zhang Wei was also sitting beside Ming and was sleeping in a sitting position.

Lian was feeling sleepy so she went out to take fresh air on the balcony which was attached to the room.

Lian took a few deep breaths and looked at the half-moon shining brightly.

" He did not tell me about such a big matter! Hmmph...I am not an outsider. Didn't I help him? But... how come he contracted such a rare disease? Even I don't know about it! I must pay a visit to Rostebe"

" Lian sister!! Brother is awake"

Hearing the loud, deep voice of Ming, Lian rushed inside. Xiaobo was awake but hua complexion was still pale.

" Are you feeling better? "

" Hmm.... I would always feel lethargic and dizzy. But today I don't feel so bad. What happened? "

Before Lian could say anything, Ming interrupted.

" It was Lian sister. She gave you a decoction which relieved you of your pain. See how great she is"

Xiaobo smiled at that and looked lovingly at Lian.

"You.... "

Ming interrupted again when Lian was about to say.

" Brother, you should treat my sister Lian well. You should cherish her. And....

"LI MING!!! "

"What happened?"

Both Ming and Xiaobo asked at the same time.

"No- nothing.. Ummm... Ahh, yes. Here is the list of herbs that are needed. Ming-er, go and buy some"

"Now!! Sister, it is past midnight. All the shops must be closed"

"Uhh... Then bring it early tomorrow morning"

Hearing that Ming hummed and was about to sit beside Xiaobo when he saw the eyes of Lian. And by seeing her only, Ming gulped and was scared.

"I told you to bring it in the early morning. That means you need to sleep early"

Ming nodded vigorously and ran off to his room. Seeing this Xiaobo laughed.

" What are you laughing for? "

Lian still looked angry and Xiaobo knew that he was done for. Toxin may or may not kill him later, but Lian looks like she won't hesitate to kill him. And he knows the reason very well. He hid about his illness from her. She won't let him off the hook easily....

Hello my dear readers,

Thank you for reading my story. Due to my other stories I wasn't able to publish this one.

But from now on this sorry will be published 3 days per week.

Thank you very much

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