
Tale of mystic love

Prince of City Princess of Nature earth One is getting ready for his burial ceremony, one just started to live go the fullest. When love blooms, will they try to change their cursed fate?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

7# Another partner?

Lian was standing in front of Xiaobo in akimbo posture while Xiaobo who was sitting on the bed looked like a kicked puppy trying to find an explanation.

"I did not know that you would be so great. So I did not tell you before. But I know how great, intelligent Miss Lian is. Now I would express all my difficulties with Miss Lian"

" Save this buttering for someone else. I understand that you did not tell your secret. I am an outsider and one can't tell in a few months if acquaintance whether the person can be trusted or not. Everyone has their secret, they have the right to keep secrets. "

" I did not expect you to be so calm and understanding despite your playful nature. Thank you, Lian. Thank you for helping me. "

" Save your thanks. I don't take thanks from my close ones. But you should promise me one thing instead. "

" Say it. "

" I wish that from now on you won't hide your problems from me. I was selected as a helper. I can't help if you don't tell me your problem. I want to help you. Can you tell me everything from now on, okay? "

" Why are you so eager to help me? Want something from me in return? I can give anything you ask"

" BOSS!! Why do you think that I want something in return!! I am your friend. I don't need anything in return from you"

" But from where I come, people help others only if they have something in return for them"

" Maybe your people are like that. But not me. Just tell me whatever problem you face. I will help you as much as I can"

Xiaobo nodded and Lian smiled. Then she made him rest and she also went to bed for a much-needed rest. Since Lian came, on Lian's insistence Xiaobo had built up one room extra. One was for himself, one for Ming and Wei, and the newly constructed one for Lian. Lian communicates with her spirit friends now and then. She made such a decision because she wanted to spend most of her time with humans.

The next day, Lian asked Xiaobo if she could meet Mr. Xavier. Maybe she and him can together make some antidote for removing the poison completely. Xiaobo agreed and said that he would have to ask his permission as he likes to travel rather than stay at home. They were all having breakfast before opening their shop when they heard a commotion.

" Demon!! There is a demon at my shop. Run away. There is a demon!! "

The four quizzically looked at each other and went outside to see the commotion.

A large mob was around the shop and the boss of the shop was shivering while sitting on a stool.

" What happened? Why are you shivering" One man took the initiative to inquire.

"There is a demon inside. A demon is inside my shop!!"

" Mr. Feng, calm down. Tell us clearly what happened"

" I was composing a poem when something appeared in the famous painting of Twin Flower made by Mr. Li Xin. When I went near to see there was written with BLOOD!! I am too scared to even go inside. "

Everyone got curious to see what happened but were afraid to go. Some of them took the courage to go. Among them, Xiaobo, Ming, Wei, and Lian were the first ones to enter.

The shop had many paintings, and calligraphy notes written by famous people. Among them, the painting at the last seemed to be the one that the boss was talking about. The painting was beautiful one with twin flowers glowing in the bright moonlight. But it was tainted by words written on it with crimson red.

An eye for an eye

Today one will die

Wanna save, you can try

But in the end will only cry

Mr. Lin Xin - goodbye

" What is all this about? "

Ming was reading it again and again and looking up and down the painting. Xiaobo walloped Ming on the back of his head.

" Can't you read what is written? It tells that the one who wrote will kill someone called Mr. Lin Xin"

" Xiaobo! This is not our work. Let's get out of here and better stay out of all this"

Zhang Wei had a very stern voice that made Xiaobo say nothing except nodding.

" Look the pigeon is back at our shop. Must be a message from Mr. Xavier that we sent last night" Said Ming while pointing at the roof of their shop.

The four of them left and Xiaobo read the letter given by Malik Xavier.

" He says that he MUST meet the girl who helped me. And he mentioned that he is coming to our shop. We don't need to go. That's great. "

Others smiled as the journey took a long tiring whole day. Lian was excited to meet this master who helped Xiaobo up till now.

In the evening, Zhang Wei brought food from the restaurant as they rarely cooked food. Xiaobo had a house attached but since Lian joined them, none of them had been to the house. All three boys lived in the same house where maids took care of them, but since they couldn't bring a girl into their house nor did she want to go to her house they had no option but to build small rooms behind the shop.

When all were about to sit to eat, Peach Spirit who was Lian's mother telecommunicated her

" Tian shi we need to know about what and how are you doing. You have not been informing us of anything for one month. Today you must visit Rostebe"

" Okay, I will"

That was the end of telecommunication. Lian had to cross her two fingers and she could telecommunicate with her fellows. She then ate her food and abruptly stood up.

" Boss, I need to visit home. Mom and Dad were missing me. I will be back before nightfall. "

And before waiting for any response, she ran off. Xiaobo wanted to ask a few questions but he just sighed and yelled" Be careful on your way".

In Rostebe,

" Tian shi, how is it in the human realm? "

" Are you doing well? You don't have any problem, right? "

" When will you come back to us? Stop going there. It is dangerous "

" Did you make any friends, are they good to you? "

Tian Shi ignored all the questions and was just staring at the beauty of Rostebe. But the last question made her smile.

" Yes, I have made three friends. They are very good. Zhang Wei is very protective of me, while Li Ming is very cute, and always makes me laugh. Xiaobo he... he is also very good and handsome. " Tian Shi was blushing and the last sentence was barely in a whisper.

" Why are your cheeks so red? Tian shi are you okay? "

" Hmm. I am okay. Umm... Pine spirit you are the oldest. You also know most of the things about the human realm. Do you know about a disease where the person gets attacks due to cold toxin? He will sweat profusely yet his body will be cold as ice. His pulse will be very slow and if mistaken some may even tell that he is dead!! This lasts for a week and he remains in pain for the whole week. What is this disease and what is the cure? "

" Tian shi, no such disease exists. This human does not have any illness. Instead, it possesses something which he should not possess"

" Huh? What do you mean by that? "

" He has accidentally or purposely obtained something which is not of the human realm. His human body is not capable of holding it and hence he has attacks"

Tian Shi / Lian was surprised as she did not expect this answer. She thought it might be some very old illness that humans have forgotten. But Xiaobo possessing something that he should not have is totally out of the box.

" So.... Umm.... How to find out what the problem and and how to cure it? " Tian Shi hesitates to ask while looking down.

At this question, all the murmuring among spirits died and all looked in the direction of Tian Shi and then the pine spirit which was not a tiny spirit but a huge tree that seemed to reach the sky. But the tress has a face with eyes and a mouth so they call it a pine spirit.


Tian Shi gave a long sigh and started playing with the grass while reciting the rules that were daily told to her when she was a flower and able to listen and feel the surroundings.

"1 No other creature should know about the existence of Rostebe.

2. One should not expose their powers in front of other creatures, be it humans, demons, or anything other animal

3. One should not use their powers to change any human or demon destiny or fate

4. One should not save or help any dying human or demon.

Okay, I said, satisfied. "

" Then you must remember all these rules and apply them. "

" But... He.. he is my first friend-friend, human friend. Shouldn't I help him a little? "

" We permitted you to see the human realm, make human friends, and do anything you want but never permitted to save and change a human's fate. "

" Fine, fine. I won't. Don't get angry. I won't help him. Just help him a little. Now I need to go or I will be late" Said Tian Shi while running off.

While Lian was in Rostebe,

" Brother.... Brother,..... Brother!! "

" What??!! Why are you only calling me but not saying anything? I don't want to play any guessing game. "

" About the case of painting.... I think I should....

" Xiaobo!! You can't. You don't need to see it as your responsibility. This is a risky thing. Some murdered are psychotic. "

" But it is somewhat my responsibility. I don't do other work, so I can do something like this. And it occurred in our area. Our Hua market. "

" I can't permit you. You can do it if you ask your family. And I would be glad to take you home "

" I am not a prisoner here. I already have my life shortened and gave up all and established my shops here. And still, I am not FREE!! " Bawled Xiaobo and he went to the other room. Zhang Wei was startled as he did not expect him to get angry and upset. And making Xiaobo feel happy again is a challenging one.

The rest of the time he was in his small room and did not answer even when customers came and asked for him. Ming was angry with Wei as he does not like when Xiaobo is angry. The two managed the shop and that's when Lian came back.

" What happened to you two? Why the long face?

" Xiaobo and I got into a small fight. Now he is sulking like a kid and not coming out of his room"

" So give him what he is asking for. I am sure he is not being unreasonable."

" He wants to investigate the case of the painting"

" Ohh... Well, I am also interested. But we are not from the inspection bureau. How can he investigate? "

" That is because....

" Hello guys, how are you all? Where is my Xiao Wangzi? And that miracle lady, where is she? "

Zhang Wei was interrupted by Malik Xavier who just entered the shop. Seeing Malik Xavier, Lian went pale and stood like a statue in shock.

" Is what I am seeing real? He.... This old man... He.... He is also a PLANT SPIRIT TRANSFORMED INTO HUMAN JUST LIKE ME!! "

The three spirits who were her mother, father, and brother felt Lian's troubled emotions and anxiety-filled mind. They immediately mind-linked Lian.

" Are you okay? What happened dear?"

" I am okay banyan spirit. Did anyone else also transform into a human before me? "

" No, you were the first one in Rostebe? "

" What if I tell you there is an orchid plant in front of me transformed into an old man and is standing right in front of me!! "

" This is impossible. No one was gifted like you. It is just impossible" Said Peach spirit/mother of Lian.

" What if this plant transformed but grew outside Rostebe?!!! " Stated Plum spirit /brother of Lian.

" Outside Rostebe?!!! Is it possible? "

" He is coming near me. Just like I can see him that he is a plant, I am sure he can also see me. What now? Will he expose me? But he can't otherwise I too can expose him? "

" Be calm. Don't think so much. If the situation worsens we will make you disappear and make everyone forget about your existence. " Said banyan spirit.

" Don't do anything rashly. First, let me see whether he is a friend or a foe....