
Tale Bearers

When prayer takes you to places you never thought exist and leads you to people you never imagine to encounter. Prayer takes you to a supernatural adventure.

Gyams · แฟนตาซี
400 Chs

Chapter 45: Sanctuary Underfoot

Ramah yelp as Queen Gardenia made her way toward her shaking frame. Gradenia tapped the floor and the void surrounding birthed an emerald floor. Ramah's nail started to fall. The venom and toxins within her cells have steamed out. Ramah whimpered when Hexel pointed his pipe unto her face.

"Our God who is the God of all gods. Purify the air that hath been infected by the steam from this woman's cell. Before I deliver her out, I humbly bestow my forgiveness toward the things she have committed against me. Let it be that after her redemption she will choose to serve with a genuine heart like her mother does. Let your will be done. Amen. "

The pipe have sucked the venomous air. Ramah screamed as it magnified her contaminated cells. She passed out after the enormous encounter. Ramah got caged to a purified cell, prayed and prepared by Gardenia and Natalina.

Maritha waited for Ramah to return but she did not turned in. Maritha entered Hexel's dream and got entrapted the same way. When Maritha saw Gardenia she spit on her face. Urchin stopped her time. But Gardenia asked him not to do it. Hexel came around with the same pipe. When Maritha caught Ramah's scent from the pipe she attacked Hexel. She thrust her knee to hit his stomack but Hexel countred it by pushing her knee down with his palm. He striked the back of her knees and it laid her flat on the ground. Instead of giving up she flipped Hexel by pulling his ankle and kicking him from the back mid air. Hexel grunted when he hit the emerald floor.

Maritha paced to attack Gardenia. She flew on her direction and was surprised when Gardenia met her halfway. She used her hairpin to hit her shoulder. Maritha landed on the ground with her knees. The emerald floor held her in that position while Gardenia got closer in her parameter. She extended Hexel's pipe on her shoulder and prayed.

"Lord Our Salvation and Redeemer. Justify and sanctify this young lady. Led her to the right path and cleanse her with your holiness. Let your love be realised in her life. Amen. "

Maritha produce a sharp shrill. Her piercing cry sounded like a sound wave in reflection. Hexel carried her in the cell allotted for her to rest.

"Let's wait for the result tomorrow. Thanks for being the grand bait, young duke. Rest well. "

Gardenia bowed her head and exited Hexel and Urchin's chamber that night.

Ramah saw a vision of her mother being thrown down and up by the father they recognised. The demon got so possessive that he made sure to brand their mother. Ramah tried to help her mother but she just passed through her body. That's when Aquila arrived holding a basket full of fruits.

Aquila hugged Raritha to protect her from the flying vase thrown by the furious incubus. Aquila raised her hand and all the liquid within the house turned into a weapon. When the incubus got cornered and locked on the cieling. Aquila helped Raritha to stand on her feet.

" Our God who hath destined everything that happened. I do believe that you have something great for us. The process was painful and hard but I do trust that it will play out a greater purpose if it's not for me then it would be for my descendants. Amen "

The incubus howled and roared like of a lion when his body got vanquished and purified. Ramah opened her eyes that was damp because of sweat and tears. She looked around and saw her body within a small cell with emerald bed.

Maritha saw her mother giving birth with Aquila. Her mother painfully grasp the sheets under her. When Aquila wrapped them with her liquid gifts. Another baby hath willing crawled out from their mother's womb. It was aggressive and it almost killed his sisters. Certainly it was the pure demon.

Aquila enveloped them with her liquidity and exorcised the young incubus. "Raritha, I am sorry. "

Aquila uplift all of her hands and had prayed with an painful outcry.

"Lord God who is our armour, shield and sword. I pray that you allow your judgement befall on this being. He does not know what was he doing. On behalf of her mother we have bestowed our forgiveness. May your will be done. Amen. "

After the infant got delivered Raritha wept and pleaded to Aquila.

"Please utter a prayer that would protect and guide my babies. "

Aquila wiped her tears and enveloped the tiny being with Raritha's tears and blood.

"Lord I surrender this children unto you. Let them be used and choosen for your purpose. Give them the heart greater than their mother. Let it be that even if they fail on the process you will keep your promises. We thank your endless love. Amen. "

Maritha and Ramah bowed their head in shame toward King Cyrus and the Tale Bearers. They sweared to be Aquila's aid in managing the west. Cyrus and Gardenia annointed them to be Aquila's right and left hand.

Ramah approached Lila and warned her with a quivering voice.

"You are from the queenly line. Every demon can smell the ancient blood bath from your ancestral line. Be warned because many demon are envous of that blood line. "

Lila thanked her and handed her a ribbon with blue ocean touch.

Maritha apologised to Lehi and confess what she sensed from her wound.

"That devil is from your ancestral line.It was a familiar spirit. Devil's are greedy and would consume a three generation to be his slave, force or not. Gear up because it's hungry for vengeance. "

Lehi nod at her with appreciation and held her hand.

"Lord our God who purchased us with his life. Guide this woman to take a path that is meant for you. Help them face the process by not giving up. Let them understand how much your love overflows for them. Equipp them to be a steward not of their own but of Your craft. Amen. "