Imagine waking up in a f***ing TUBE after going to bed to just realizing you are in warhammer. His old will hold no meaning here, for there is only war and death to be found here. [author note: I'm a rather new author just writing this for fun. so if you find grammar errors just message me and I'll try to fix it]
WARNING This chaper will have some graphic content ( Rapist and pesos will be harmed in horrific ways in this production. and mentions of war, so the usually gloom of death. you have been warned, but this is 40k, so I'm sure this would fit the setting just fine)
AN/ the Mc shall now be referred to as konrad, bc he will be accepting his role this chp.
3rd Person POV:
Three weeks after konrad took over the hobo camp the entire slum was thrown into a explosive fight between two gangs the Tunnel snakes an outsider gang as far as the locals care and the opposition the kings, a gang which treats the slums as their own little fief. It's debated by the non gang residents whether the only reason the kings held power was a backer in a different hive or a corrupt pdf commander to keep the slums in line while lining their own pockets Right now the only thing certain is that the power structure is sure to change with a winner being uncertain with the snakes have better equipment and training vs the numbers and moral of the kings to defend their territory. As for the regular worker and street urchin, it's a gold mine of getting paid for info or menial work, some even dream of joining the winning side to better their own lot in life through hook or crook. While the whole border of the east slums that meets the southern slums is on fire from the war the rest of the hive continues in its crime ridden way of life where the strong lord and terrorize the weak, most don't care for the war by simply ignoring it in favor of keeping their neck from sticking out.
King of the homeless POV:
In a camp on the border of the slums around a fire, we find five men sitting around a barrel. the only thing separating them from the rest of the hobo gangsters is their more maintained clothing and being the only people allowed to sit for they are the court of their small kingdom the have cut out of the hive.
" The snakes are making some progress through my northern area of the eastern slum. Do any of you understand the dire straits we find ourselves in? my area makes our blades and armor from my scrap yard. If we lose this land, we will have to rely on alternative supplies or maybe even break out our trump cards."
"My lord, we have the men and a stockpile of rats to feed them. We can win this war through attrition. All we have to do is hold our ground even if it costs a few hundred thousand of our underlings." replied a rather fat man.
" Mace you must think us fools to accept such plan when you are the only one who would profit from it mister rat hunter. Your main job that our king has grace you with to keep your rat farms running so our people don't starve to death along with the rest of the people of the slums that don't work for us." spoke a rather burly hobo to the fat man.
"Do you even have a plan then, Rickard, or are you just trying to discredit me?" Mace shot back.
With a quiet growl of " Enough," both men shut their mouths and look to the main leader of the armed forces.
"You are both fools to be bickering in this crisis, in front of our leader, no less." spoke a man with a monstrous hight and bulk
" Balon, do you have a plan? If so, do share the sooner we resolve this invasion the sooner we can get to rebuilding control of our territory. I have already heard wispers in the alley of people from both sides disappear in the alley way only to turn up dead hung up and mutilated with words carved on their bodies denoting their crimes of everything from litter to murder. The most disturbing thing is from the look on the faces of the dead it was all carved on them while still alive." the king finally spoke, stopping all talks around the fire.
Silence reigned around the fire as the new monster in the dark started to be noticed by both gangs. The only emotion on everyone's face was a slight fear and a determination to end the war so they may root out this vigilante.
" It is rather worrisome that over a hundred people have been tortured to death in about a week. The alleys that these attacks have been nicknamed the reaper's tunnel for all there is to find pain and death. I would also like to point out that the attacks have been more than a few hundred, each resulting in people leaving with a beating and those who still breathe, were not able to see the attacker. Just waking up in an alley with bleeding wounds of word of their crimes carved in their skin, It seems the torture is different depending on the crime?" stated Rickard
" How do you know this, Rickard?" the king asked
"Both my sons have been attacked. my youngest suffered the least with a ripped out tongue and a blinded eye for his crimes of blackmail and his wandering eye on other boys' girlfriends all crimes carved into his chest, but it's my oldest which is worrisome being he was save before whoever did this could finish. This pycho flayed my sons dick for raping and murdering a woman. His fingers flayed, and the meat was removed from eight of his fingers with the words pickpocket and rapist carved into his hands and his leg tendons were cut so he would never walk again as if the attack knew he might be interrupted so my son would be completely useless. By the almighty, he can't even speak anymore, being he bit his tongue off at some point, probably to try and end the misery early, but it obviously failed. This man has to be well trained to be able to do this in so little time. I have increased guard on my son for the moment because all we could get from him before he slipped into a comma was the man would finish his work."
"This man is obviously a weakling to fight from the shadows." boasted Balon, but the king could see how uncomfortable he truly was that such a man was on the loose.
"Well, aside from our monster problem, do you have a plan, Balon, for the war?" the king questioned
" In fact, I do, sir. I believe a bait and flank could be applied. We should lure the main attackers to a few old factories, making them look like our real ones while disguising our real ones. Everything they attack them, we burn the places down after luring them deep inside while we lock the door behind them, and the inside forces use the sewer to escape. I plan to lead the inside team so I can act as bait, maybe even cause the snake's heads to follow me in leading to their doom." replied Balon with grim satisfaction at the kings cruel smile
" Very well, we will follow this plan and hopefully cut the head off this snake," said the king while smiling, thinking of the despair his enemy would feel once the trap closes.
Butch POV : Tunnel snakes Base
Looking around the map table illuminated by easy transport lights show the many red flags marking possible locations of the king hobos supply depos and factory facilities. Casting his gaze across the room to his vipers, each with a red snake tat on their necks marking them as the squad leaders of his army of gangers. It is a good thing I got that pdf manual from that ponce of a boss but beggars can't be chosers, and it has helped keep my group well organized and tactical even if we lack the proper equipment to contend with actual pdf. Bringing his sight back to the map, he reaches out and marks three factories in Green before looking back at his men.
" These factories I've marked are according to some scouts seem to be the places the enemy are making their arms and armor. due to their location being too far spread out, we will split our forces into three groups. I will lead the one in the middle while you can decide which one you may assault. We must seize this chance before the other gangs on the lower level decide to pounce while we are occupied, so be swift and be sure to focus on killing any leadership they have there. Well, get a move on. we need this shit done after all the Count has pulled back his enforcers from the slums a long time ago, we have full reign here, unlike the middle level where we have to avoid disturbing the pay."
Konrad POV: Captured hobo camp a few hours later
It has been rather evenfull three weeks. Besides the gang war, which could end at any moment but who am I to argue with free exp in figuring out my innate skills that I was genetically engineered for like my vast strength compared to humans or my uncanny skill in torture/interrogation. I have also found my father pretty much downloading a lawbook in my head, but he left out the proper punishment for them. Thanks to my past humanity, I can have some empathy to this place filled with either sheep or foul criminals. I have to say this place is absolutely horrible. I have found out I was unlucky to land in a slum where these mad hobo screw heads are cannibals and unlike me, I have found consuming some humans gave me quite a bit of knowledge of my area and a few rudimentary skills and how to survive in this area. I can't jusmdge these people too much for food is extremely scarce here on nostramo.
I have also found my morality sliding to a darker edge, but I refuse to allow myself to fall to the faults of the night haunter. death may be the best solution to these criminals, but I must pick out the true criminals from the desperate poor. he'll I found a ten year old chewing on a man's severed arm and after taking a look at the arm which had the tattoo that belonged to the hobo king and boy howdy that is a sick fucker. He rapes and pilages his people just for sadistic glee along with his so called noble court and from the info I gained from eating a few of these gangsters it's not much better on the inside of these gangs. So, for the past week, I have hunted these true criminals and used the information I gained from these so-called men, and the cycle begins anew of eat, learn, kill/torture, repeat. I have listened to the masses, and fear of me is growing. Terror has its uses, but I try to temper it with some Hamarabi code punishments, so I no longer have to fear becoming a mindless murder bot. The killing won't stop it all after all. When the OG konrad left the planet, it slipped back into crime. Death wasn't enough for most of these people to scare them strait, it only made them more eager to prove me wrong and continue to dare do crime so torture has become a hobby trying to find the most efficient but effective way to cause the most fear whether that be mental torture or the more grotesque kind. I even as a non full matured primarch I was able to fabricate myself weapons and armor as well as a few special trinkets to help in my hobby. After finding a squad of snakes, I wondered what the full kitted group was doing in my alley way.
(What should I do, hmmm? maybe slowly nab one by one? nah, that's too easy. Oh, maybe ambush them and slice and dice like those assasin creed games. Yeah, that will do.)
and so I drop behind one of the middle men, and due to their lack of proper armor, my bladed gauntlets sliced clean through his chest causing a loud gurgle that alerts the other causing a spike in shock in the men's spines. while they were distracted and konrad, knowing their following moves was easily able to overwhelm them, ending in a massacre in a matter of less than five minutes. After finding the squad leader, who was the first to fall, being the coward, he was he hid between his men.
( Oh, so the snakes plan to attack the factories, but the factories on that map were not the right ones, so a possible trap then?. it seems I get some high dining this night, maybe I can be a criminal connoisseur to my brothers maybe make a book on how to retrieve info when torture wasn't enough, even though I find cannibalism horrible its a necessity at the moment.)
As I cross the alley making my way to this trap, that awaits because just maybe I can force some order in this area, and eventually, this plannet after all I was made to be a conquer and I will do it right. Once I reached the factory in its function, it was obvious to any as a weapon foundry. While sneaking in, I find it in full swing of the outside workers doing their thing, but those inside were preparing for a fight, and I managed to recognize the leader of this force as Balon, the leader of the enforcers of the hobo king. so I waited for them to spring their trap till I hear fighting outside and seeing the group move to catch the snakes unaware I make my way knocking out those that have not committed and crime beside doing a job they found love for, while the rest I simply disposed of the trash before they could set explosives and collapsing the exit tunnel. With that finished, I slipped outside to wait for both forces to go inside, and once they did, I locked the door with them stuck inside with me. Waiting for the confusion to begin, and once it did, I spoke with my voice reverberating off the walls, which was a chilling whistle.
" How fun, for the prey to simply gather just for me to help sweep out the trash from this city"
Both sides look to each other before nodding and opening fire on my person while I dodge most of the shots while my armor absorbs most of it before I break out laughing, smiling a sharp, toothed smile.
"Ha ha ha hahaha, my upbringing and genetics have surpassed base human, so your efforts are futile, so I'll show you some of its features."
as I jumped into the shadows, they truly started to panic. Some even began to think of suicide but I would never allow such an easy way out. So while I lashed out from the shadows striking down scores of gangsters while using the precog abilities to it fullest to dodge bullets and continue to either disembowel with my hand made claws or with a well maintained heavy hand gun for those too far from me to reach without exposing myself. after the dust was settled, all that was left was a groaning mess of dead or dying bodies. After knocking out those that would live but not for long I star to collect metal beams and wire and nails to make a old school form of execution, So I begin the laborious task if setting up 20 crosses with the living to slowly die on and the rest of the bodies to be impaled while I devoured the brain of the snakes leader to learn his secrets and saving balon for a different project to shock this hobo king.
After hanging the skin of the snake leader who I now know as butch, I have his chest waving in the wind with his tatto of tunnel snakes rule proudly on display waving in the wind.
(I think this world is effecting me a bit too much, even I feel I've gone a bit far from the road of sanity, but then again sanity is relative especially when I live in a society like this one? but I have to ask, am I one of the baddies? yeah, I probably am, but I can't be worse than post heresy fulgrim.)
Author here. I was having a bit of trouble thinking of witch rout to take for konrad to make his new order. so I will make a list that will be up for a few days for voting
---------a cult following (possible saving of a person leading to a copy cat
---------a indoctrination of orphans and other like-minded folk to make an army of twisted judges
----------a apprentice approach of possibly finding a talent to raise to his standards which the start a domino effect of morally grey super cops/executioners
well, anyway, thank you for reading up to this point, and hopefully, most of you remain to see how far I can take this story, maybe even make it to the horus heresy.