
Chapter 2: sewer rat life


Waking up underground may seem terrifying, but I know for a fact that the above ground is going to be so much worse. Now that the pod has stopped moving, I can try to get out of it. It would be rather embarrassing to die right from the beginning. being a primarch unsurprisingly means even as a baby, I can force my way through my metal tube. I try to look around, but it's too damn dark for me to see anything that isn't five feet in front of me.

(I definitely can't wait for my eyes to adapt to this place so I can fucking see where I'm going. oh well, I might as well try to get above ground so I can strat this new lease on life even if it's obvious I was scared on the location choice. I do wonder if anything is different from lore than what I know...) "AAARRRRGGHHHH"

I can feel my mind flash with visions of many ways I will die ranging from starvation to get above ground just to be murdered on the spot. The pain from these visions was so strong that it forced me into a fetal position, and I can feel myself spasing from the incredible amount of fear I feel seeing myself dying in so many ways. after an hour of these visions, I begin to feel something other than fear, but a horrifying rage starts to mount up inside. I manage to get on my knees, still shaking but not from fear, but from this rage that continues to grow, the more I watch visions until I finally shout out my feelings to sky for anything to hear, though I believe there to be none close by.

"Damn you CHAOS, you think you can break me with visions of what could be, I'll prove you wrong as I will survive and make this life worth living, No, worth dying for!!!! I will not break like the night haunter, I will live long enough to at least see one of you four to die by my hand or another's!!!!"

With that tirade over with, I begin to crawl up the long tunnel that was made by my entry.


( I can't belive my day has been ruined by that damn meteor that struck my hive city, why couldn't it hit one of my rivals cities now I have to make a show of force to keep the gangs and other governors at bay. Maybe I can profit from this? It did hit one of the sub areas of my hive maybe one of my gangs can cause a little chaos to rille up the gangs not under me to make a move, forcing their hand so I can chop it off.)

As I wait in my office enjoying a nice wine from one of my artificial orchard/winery, I call for my secretary to contact the Tunnel snakes gang leader, I can't bring myself to remember that peasants name. After thirty minutes of waiting, he finally arrives in that stupid leather jacket, I swear peasants have no class,

" You called for me, boss?" asked the simpleton

"Yes, I have. There is a situation in one of the lower habb blocks that I think you should capitalize on. A meteor or other space junk has crashed there, and the area is in major discourse. I want you there to take over and wipe out any gang that doesn't work for me, at the very least. If you succeed, I may think to spare a few professional made autoguns for your gang on the next shipment."

He simply nods and leaves, I doubt he understood most of the words I spoke, but what can you expect from those cretins.

Butch POV:

As I leave that posh assholes office, I wink at his smoking hot desk lady, I can't remember the word for her job, but she is a looker.

( Now I got news for the boys, this is great this may see the Tunnel snakes go from nobodies doing the usual mugging/extortion and human trafficking to the big leagues maybe if I play the cards right I can move the gang to a midsection habb instead of the slums we currently operate in.)

I make my way out the back elevator that leads the ground level, passing the many heavily armed guard and their shiny armor, hoping one day my gang would be equally armed and armored but with an obvious snake flare than their boring blacks then again most everyone on this damn planet wears dark clothing to avoid sticking out, that's how you end up dead in a alley. Eventually, I make it to my base of operations while waving high to the door guards with repeats of "Tunnel snakes rule" going back and forth. once I reach my office, I kick my feet up and call my vipers for a gang meeting. After giving the orders out, I pour myself a can of recaff.

"Man, things are starting to look up for us, shame alot of people bout to die, tho."


I finally managed to reach what I can only assume is a hivecity slum. after looking around to see if the coast was clear, I move into a dark alley, but as I'm hiding in the shadows, I can hear a struggle further down it.

( I know this is dumb but I'm curious about what it could be.)

As I peek around the corner, I see to boys around fourteen fighting over a dead guy, specifically his pistol.

( Well that's not surprising considering I'm on Nostramo, I can feel more visions coming on of the boys possible actions and what they could be in the future most are horrible outcomes for them or others, something inside me is just screaming to do something but they seem irredeemable so maybe I should off them while they're distracted, god am I already insane to immediately thinking of dealing judgement. It could be part of my brain made this way I render reading about how each primach was made for a specialty like robo Gillman and his paper work or dorne and his need to build sturdy defenses, maybe konrad original thing was being a judge instead of a terrorist.)

Apparently, I spent too much time thinking to realize I was noticed, and both boys were now trying to creep toward me, one with a knife and the other with the pistol, but they fucked up by stepping on some broken glass from a old mirror pulling me from my thoughts forcing me I to move. The boy with the knife lunged at me but I managed to sidestep the knife while grabbing his wrist and breaking it allowing me to grab the knife and stab it into his throat at the same time using the body to block bullets from the other boy. I kick the corpse away from me towards the boy with the gun, causing him to tumble back while I advance with the knife and mount on top of him and pin him to the ground to interrogate him.

" Why did you attack me!!!??) I demand

all he does is look at me as if I was stupid.

" Me and my brother would have sold your organs for money like every other street urchin would do, isn't that what you were gonna do to us, right? Well, go ahead. I'm not afraid of death it is only a relief from this hellhole we call life, " says the urchin

Damn thats depressing, then again on nostramo the population is mostly controlled by the suicide rate, so this seems par for the course. Knowing nothing I can do to chang this person's life at this moment I drive the knife into his heart for a quick death and all he does with his remaing seconds is to look over to the corpse of his brother.

(Why did I respond with lethal force? it felt completely natural, and why do I not feel any remorse for it either? Maybe having a primarch body really shows I was made for war, which fits the tone of the setting, to be honest.)

I gather myself up the clothes of the dead boy realizing they fit even tho they are not much more than some boots, tattered black pants, and a frayed brown overcoat. It all smells rather bad. Thank god I didn't take their shirts. The blood would have made it worse. sliding the knife in my newly acquired belt and putting the pistol in my pocket with a spare mag I found on the dead man I continue hopping from ally to ally collecting some dead rats to eat being there seems be nothing else thay could be nutritional. I eventually find a homeless camp with a few dead hobos lying around with their tents flipped over.

( Dang, I wonder if the gangs did this or if it was some other group of hobos)

after checking the dead for anything useful, I find each carrying wicked looking knives when I start to connect dome dots with my surroundings like the graffiti on the walls and a few tats on the dead.

(This was a gang? if gangs of hobos are running the slums I shouldn't have to worry too much compared to organized criminals. Maybe this area could be my beginning of turning this place around. I may be insane already for thinking this, but maybe I can be a punisher(frank castle) to this gotham planet instead of the batman who laughs that they would have received. It has a lot of work to be done but can't clean up the streets without spilling a bit of blood. Who am I kidding? I'm totally sane. Just remembering some of the horrible things out there in the void makes me seem like a intellectual)

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