
29- the maze

I woke up in my bed, which was confusing since I had fallen asleep down in the common room. I looked over to my desk to find my necklace. Yesterday Harry had shown me the engravings on the back, I can't believe I hadn't noticed it before. It was nice to know that I would always have him to lean on. I realised it was the third task today, I put on my signature apple perfume with my quidditch jumper. My hair was tied back into a messy ponytail. I was a bit annoyed with the task, not because of Harry it's was just that we had to sit there watching a maze for hours. I grabbed my book, Alice in Wonderland- and made my way down to the common room. No one was in there so I was suspecting everyone went down for breakfast I wasn't really hungry but decided to go find them anyway. I grabbed a chocolate bar from my stash because I'm kind of obsessed with chocolate but what can I say, it's Uncle Remus' fault. I jogged down to the great hall, but a hand grabbed me backwards. It was Professor Moody,

"Oh hello Professor is everything alright?"

"Yes, come with me it's about Harry" this got me worried. I went with him straight away, a million thoughts were travelling through my mind, was he hurt, was he ok?. He pulled me down to the quidditch field where the maze was. The last thing Moody said to me was,

"You're so lucky you're meeting him!" With that he pushed me into the maze. Thank god I had my wand. I tried shooting red sparks into the air but they were shooting off into the branches instead of the air, this place was cursed or something. I was terrified. But then my thoughts went to Moody, who would I be meeting. I had an idea but I hoped it wasn't right. I went through the maze trying to find a way out. I reached a flat area, but the cup was no where in sight, there was only a book. It looked like a diary of some kind. I went to pick it up, I was transported somewhere, I knew where I was. The graveyard. People came out from the shadows. I tried to hide but I was to late. I was struck back, I looked up to see the face of the man responsible for this. It was pettigrew. I was about to scream when everything went black, my body was numb.

-Harry's pov-

I realised we had all gone down to breakfast leaving Holly upstairs asleep, we decided to let her sleep as we thought she needed it. After breakfast it was half an hour till the last task. I had to find Holly, I needed her right now. I went up to the common room and she wasn't in there, I went to walk up the girls stairs but it turned into a slide instead, I then remembered the secret passageway from our dorm to Hollys. We ran up the stairs and threw the passageway, Holly wasn't in the dorm, Snowball was asleep on the bed without Holly. I looked at Ron and Hermione confused.

"Harry we have to go, the task starts now, don't worry we'll find her soon, she's probably down at the stands with Remus and that." Hermione said as she grabbed my arm.

We made our way to the pitch, Holly was no where in sight and I could see that Remus and Bill were worried along with McGonagall and Dumbledore. They all kept whispering to eachother. I was by the maze side when the whistle blew. My wand in hand, I ran straight inside. I first came to a Sphinx she had a riddle.

"What is this word, young master,

First think of the person who lives in disguise,

Who deals in secrets and tells nothing but lies

Next tell me what's always the last thing to mend

The middle of middle and end of end

And finally give me the sound often heard

During the search for a hard to find word

Now string them together and answer me this

Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?"

I thought for a moment,

"A person in disguise, who lies, er, that'd be an imposter. No that's not my guess! A, A spy? I'll come back to that. Could you give me the next sentence again please?" Come on Harry, I thought as she repeated the sentence, Hermione and Holly would've been able to figure this out by now,

"The last thing to mend? No idea, the middle of middle. Then the last four lines, a sound where you are finding a hard to find word? Err—- wait that's sound!" I jumped as I had nearly figured it out. I was saying it over and over again and then I got it,

"A creature I wouldn't want to kiss A SPIDER!"

She nodded as she moved to the side. I pressed through the branches. I then came to another clearing. A dementors came through the wall, it didn't feel the same as a dementor I think it was a boggart, I still used expecto patronum, a stag came from my wand and pushed the dementor away I then ran on. I could see the cup in front of my but the branches closed in-front of me. I had to find another way around. I turned and found Fluer and Krum. Krum was holding her on the floor, I shot stupify at him and shot red sparks into the air for Fluer. The clearing had now opened again and I could see the cup, but Cedric was there as well. We were both running, he tripped on the reeds and they started pulling him into the bushes, I debated leaving him there for a while so I could get the cup but I shot spells at the reeds and they let him go. We both reached for the cup,

"Harry take it you saved me!" He shouted as the reeds were coming back.

"Together Cedric!" We both grabbed the cup but we were no longer at hogwarts. It was the same graveyard from my dream.

"Cedric get back to the cup" I shouted as figures came through the clearing. There was a small figure in their arms. IT WAS HOLLY. How did she even get here?" Some eerie voice came out from the group,

"Kill the spare." Green light was shot from a wand and it hit Cedric. He was shot to the ground he was dead. I heard a whimper from the group, it was Holly. She was alive, thank God. I was shot back into a grave and stone arms grasped me from behind I could move.


Voldemort was back, Cedric was dead. Holly was on the floor. I couldn't run to her. Voldemort slowly walked over to her,

"Don't touch her!"I shouted tears breaking through,

"Shush Mr Potter" he called as he bent down to a Holly,

"Now is your chance, join me girl"

"I will never join you!" Holly shouted as strongly as she could.

"What a pity, what a pity, well then I don't see the point in keeping you here." He rose his wand. I was shouting by now. The same green light came from his wand and struck Holly. Voldemort was shot back. Everyone was stunned, but Holly wasn't moving. I grabbed Holly and Cedric and used the cup to get back to hogwarts whilst Voldemort was distracted. I landed on the cold grass, my arms wrapped around Holly. Everyone was cheering, tears were now falling freely. I heard someone scream as Dumbledore ran up to me. He turned to Barty Krouch as he said

"Students have been killed." Everyone seemed to hear this. I could see everyone rush down, Remus was there, he looked like he was about to faint. I was still crying over her. She can't be dead, I love her she can't leave please. I was holding her hand. Everyone was now and some screaming. Everyone was crowding around Holly. Bill and Remus were broken down by now. Shaking Holly. I felt a hand grab mine. It was Holly, I didn't know what to do,

"SHES ALIVE, SHES ALIVE!"Dumbledore ran over to me as I jumped up, she's alive, she's really alive. I felt hands grab mine. It was Moody, I was pulled back into a classroom. Dumbledore and Snape and all the Professors came bursting through the door, Moody was chucked into a chair. He started to transform, it wasn't Moody, it was a death-eater Barty Krouch junior. Dumbledore started asking questions about Holly,

"Did you put miss Black in the maze!"

"Yes I did, he asked me to, he's back and stronger than ever, it's amazing!" He was brought away straight after and they found the fight Mad Eye Moody hidden in a chest. He took Holly, if we hadn't of left her alone, this wouldn't of even happened. It's all my fault. My thoughts travelled to Sirius, he hasn't seen his daughter in a long time and has no clue what has been going on. I sprinted from the room to find Holly. She was in the hospital wing. Bill and Remus were there.

"I'm sorry this is all my fault" I practically broke down in a chair next to Hollys bed.

"It's not your fault Harry and she knows that" Remus said looking down at the sleeping girl Infront of us.

"Hey Remus, he shot the killing curse at her but she didn't die what happened, he was sort of shot back with some sort of force and landed on the floor."

Remus just shrugged his head and shook his head,

"I really don't know Harry, but Holly Black is one amazing girl."

I thought to myself 'she really is' Bill had gone to sleep leaning on Hollys bed.

-Hollys pov-

I woke up, I thought I was dead, what happened. I tried to open up my eyes and I saw bright lights. I shot up, my breath was catching in my throat, Remus, Bill and Harry were sat around my bed now up trying to get me to calm down. Bill grabbed my shoulders. I turned to look at him, there was worry in his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his waist. Tears were now falling down my face now. I turned to Remus he was crying. I let go of Bill and sort of collapsed into his arms. My emotions were getting to much for me. I'm pretty sure I was letting out short screams. Bill ran over to us. We were now huddled in a three. I looked through Remus' arms and I couldn't see Harry. I'm pretty sure he left. I didn't know what happened and I don't know what will happen soon, but I know something for sure, my nightmares will be coming back stronger then ever for sure.

I was laying in my hospital bed, staring at the ceiling, Bill and Remus had left a while home as they were needed somewhere else. I heard people walk into the hospital wing. I was kind of out of it so I didn't realise who it was, I just continued to stare blackly at the white lights on the ceiling. Whoever they were came to my bed and sat down on the chairs. Someone cleared their throat,

"Holly," I knew that voice anywhere, Harry. I didn't answer I couldn't I was exhausted, mentally and physically. Another voice spoke

"Hol please" it was Hermione, I didn't move a muscle. An arm grazed mine. I knew it was Harry, I didn't move. The chairs made a squeak on the floor so I could tell they were moving.

"Harry, she ain't gonna speak mate." This was Ron but then was interrupted by Hermione,

"Ron, maybe we could come back later and let her rest." I really wanted them to leave, as much as I loved them I couldn't right now.

"You guys go, I'm gonna stay for a while." It was Harry, why did he have to stay. The nodded and left, I hadn't moved from my position since any of them walked in, they nodded as they got up. Harry stayed. I closed my eyes.

"Holly, please, I know you're probably asleep, but I need you to know, I need you" he stood up as he squeezed my hand. I pretended to be asleep. I knew he was right, I needed him to.

I was out of the hospital wing the next morning, I couldn't wait to see my friends. I sort of ignored them whilst I was in the hospital wing. Everyone was in the great hall as it was the last day of term. It was summer, I was going to stay with Remus for a while in his cottage. I was so excited, I couldn't stay at grimmauld place because of my mother. I wondered if I would ever see my mother again, maybe she was better, maybe she didn't mean everything she did. I might talk with Remus about it. Maybe he knows something. I got changed in the hospital wing into my school uniform. I hugged Madam Pomfrey, we had become closer when I had been in the hospital wing as she had helped me get through everything. She even let me call her Poppy, I know, crazy right. I made my way to the great hall.

I opened the doors, everyone's heads turned to me. Dumbledore and the rest of the staff stood up. I have a small smile as I sat myself at the end of the Gryffindor table not wanting to draw a lot of attention to myself. I kinda of zoned out from there, I did notice my friends giving me small smiles from the other side of the table. After the dinner ended I left the hall pretty quickly as I wanted to pack quite quickly so I would be ready. As I got to the Gryffindor common room, Neville was in there reading on the sofa tending to a plant. I sat down next to him,

"Hey Nev, what you doing?"

"Oh hey Holzy just making my plant go to sleep for the summer." I nodded as I looked over his shoulder. I told him I was going to pack and that would see him later.

Snowball was sat on my bed as I pulled out my trunk, I clasped my necklace around my neck as I pulled out the gifts I had received from Christmas. I pulled out my wolf jumper so I could wear it tomorrow, I pulled out the photo album I had received and looked through the photos, I looked happy. There were photos of me, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Remus, Bill and even some with Hagrid. I found a photo of me and Buckbeak as I was grooming him, I'm suspecting it was taken by Hagrid. I laughed as I put it back. I was finally going to spend summer with Remus and for once I wouldn't have to worry about anything harming me or my family.