
27- second task

Hermione was back and I began showing her what I had received for Christmas. Snowball was curled up asleep on my lap as crookshanks was on hers. I was wearing my quidditch jumper as it was from Bill and I missed him so much. I first showed her the present from Remus, the picture of my father asleep whilst me and Remus drew on his face, she started laughing. I then showed her the necklace Harry had got me for Christmas. She gasped as she saw it.

"Holly, that's beautiful."

"I know right." I sighed looking down at the necklace dangling from my neck. I was never going to take this off.

"Harry must really love you." As she finished this her hand flew to her mouth. My eyes went wide,

"Mione what did you just say" I said laughing.

"Just joking around Hols." She said rubbing the back of her neck. We started showing the rest of presents to eachother.

We walked down to go and get some lunch in the great hall. Ron and Harry were already in there eating. We were about to sit down when Professor McGonagall called me and Hermione up. We waved goodbye to the boys but gave eachother confused glances as we weren't sure what was going on. I held Hermiones hand as I could tell she was scared because she thought we were getting in trouble. I noticed that in McGonagalls office there stood two more people, Cho Chang, I didn't really like her but oh well, and Fluer Delacours little sister. Gabriella I think her name is, we both sat down on the chairs opposite the desk.

"Right, you four are needed for the second task." This got me confused, I still held Hermiones hand.

"You all will take this potion and you will not be harmed. You will stay asleep for as long as you need. You will be underwater, but you will stay unharmed." She handed all of us a potion. "Oh and Miss Black, I may need your necklace." This made me look down at the thing round my neck.

"But Professor why would you need my necklace." To be fair I didn't want to take it off, I promised Harry I wouldn't.

"Well miss Black we wouldn't want it to go missing in the lake now do we." I unclamped my necklace and handed it to McGonagall. I made her promise that she would keep it safe. She promised and put in her draw. The girls picked up the potion. All of the girls took it except me. They all fell asleep instantly. I was shaking Hermione, honestly I was scared. I turned to look at McGonagall.

"Professor I can't take that."

"Please miss black you will be safe."

"But Professor when I'm asleep, I'm vulnerable, I can't be asleep not knowing what's going on, please Professor choose someone else." I could see sympathy in her eyes. She knows what I've been through and that I don't like to sleep.

"Please Professor don't make me do this."

I had tears in my eyes.

"Holly, please know that you will be safe"

I reluctantly took the potion, I was shaking. I looked at McGonagall who just nodded with a smile. I poured the liquid down my throat, I began to feel sleepy as I laid down in the chair, all went black.

-McGonagalls pov-

I had brought all of the girls up to my office to tell them about the challenge. Each competitor had to retrieve the thing they love most from the bottom of the black lake. I asked Holly to give me her necklace, I didn't want her to loose it. She had four charms on it, a half moon, which I was suspecting was representing Remus. A wolf, or a dog, maybe it was her fathers animagus. A Holly leaf, this obviously representing her name and a hippogriff representing her gift with animals, I've never seen anything like it she truly has a gift. I saw there was an engraving on the back, I don't think Holly had seen it, it read,

'you will always have me, Harry x'

I smiled to myself as I put away the necklace. It made me glad to see that Holly is loved, maybe more by some than others. I must admit, me and the other Professors have a bet with 5 galleons on when Harry and Holly will notice that they are made for eachother. I know that it is stupid but us Professors have got to have fun some how. I placed the necklace in my draw as I turned my attention back to the girls in front of me. They all had the potion in hand. Three of the said girls drank the potion without a problem, they all fell swiftly asleep, Holly was shaking Hermione. She turned to me, she looked scared, I understood why,

"Professor I can't take that." I assured her she would be safe but she didn't listen. She explained that she was scared when she slept. My heart broke, I knew what happened to her that year but I didn't know it still affected her so badly. She had tears in her eyes. I reached my hand out to hand her the potion, Harry needed her to do this, she was the thing he couldn't live without. She looked terrified but still took the potion. She was now crying. She fell asleep on the chair. Tears stained her face. Albus walked in to collect the girls. He noticed Hollys face covered in tears,

"I see she was worried Minerva."

"I want to keep her safe Albus, that year still worries her, she doesn't even want to sleep, she didn't want to do this."

Albus sighed as my head dropped, he began speaking

"Well she will hopefully never have to deal with that ever again."

"But her mother contacted her Albus, death eaters know who she is, she isn't safe."

"I know Minerva, but we mustn't tell her, she can't worry about that right now, I think something else i going on with her that she isn't telling anyone, I may ask Bill Weasley he seems quite close with the girl, anyway Minerva we must bring the girls down to the lake, the task will be starting soon." I looked down at Hollys face, she had been through so much and her she was so young, she had suffered through multiple of the cruciatus curse, she had been abused, physical and emotional. And now she was in for much worse, he who must not be named knows who she is, oh I do hope she keeps safe.

-Harry's pov-

Remus and the Weasleys had come to see the second task. But what I wanted to know was where Holly and Hermione were, we saw them leave to go up to McGonagalls office, I could see that Remus was also wondering where his God daughter was. They all went to sit in the stands as I went down to get ready for the task. I looked up to see Remus worrying, I was worrying to, were the girls ok. Anyway I had my Gillyweed in my hand. I put it in my mouth, it tasted disgusting, my throat was burning. The whistle blew. Someone came up behind me and pushed me in. It was Moody. Thanks. All of a sudden gills started growing on my neck and fins came instead of my legs. This was pretty awesome. Now to find the thing I love the most. Whatever that was. Maybe it was something i couldn't live without. I swam until I heard the voices that I had heard in the egg. I followed them. I saw four body's chained to the bottom of the lake. There were Holly and Hermione. These were the things that I love the most. I was suspecting that Hermione was for Krum, the Yule ball didn't go very well for him and Hermione but he apologised to her after and got her a new book from his school library that even Hermione hadn't heard of before, honestly Ron didn't like him, only because he loves Hermione but oh well. I saw Holly, she was the thing I loved the most. The thing I couldn't live without. Cedric came first and shot a spell at the chain, he was using the bubble head charm. Pretty smart. He went for Cho, obviously they were dating to be fair. Then came Krum, he was using a shark head charm. He scared me to be honest. He came and took Hermione. I waited to see if Fluer would come, she didn't. It was getting near the hour. I needed to take them both. I grabbed Holly first, her face looked so calm, without emotion. I held her freely. I then grabbed the other girl. I think she was fluers sister, Gabriella. The mermaids didn't like this they fought me back, said I was only allowed one, I shot spells at them and they flew back. I took my chance and swam with the girls in my arms. The mermaids were catching up, they tried to grab me but caught Holly instead, their nails caught her face. They dug deep. She was bleeding, I had to get up now. I swam to the surface. Gabriella shot awake but Holly didn't. Dumbledore rushed down to the dock. So did Remus and Bill. I tried to swim with her in my arms. She had 3 big gashes down her face. Bill jumped into the lake and pulled her out of my arms. I was exhausted. Professor McGonagall was talking to Dumbledore quietly but I managed to overhear the conversation,

"Albus, she didn't want to do this, but we made her, now look what's happened." Remus managed to overhear this as well. He looked very angry. He stormed over to Dumbledore,

"She didn't want to do this, and you made her" he was now red in the face. Hermione was hugging me and telling me I got second place for saving Holly and Gabriella. I didn't care. Everyone was crowded round Holly, the blood had been stopped as she was carried away by Bill, the rest of the Weasley family following. Remus stormed off to follow Holly. McGonagalls head was looking to the ground. Everyone was dispersing from the stalls, everyone whispering about Holly. I didn't know where she was but she was probably being brought to the hospital wing. After talking to Dumbledore about the task, I went straight to the hospital wing. She was unconscious on the bed, Remus and the rest of the Weasleys surrounding her. Remus looked like he had been crying. I ran up to her bed. She didn't have her necklace on, oh no did she loose it when she was in the lake. Did she see the engraving on the back. I don't think she did and she never will. She had three big marks on her face.

"Remus, will they scar." He looked like he was on the verge of tears

"They're not sure yet, but I hope not she already has so many it's not fair." I was about to respond when Bill took my place,

"No it isn't, she's a 14 year old girl for gods sake." Bill was clearly angry, everyone else had left. Remus and Bill followed soon. I stayed as everyone else had gone to sleep. I brushed my fingers across her scratches. I felt awful. I held her hand in mine. She looked so scared somehow. The doors of the hospital wing opened, it was Professor McGonagall, she was holding something in her hand. She walked over to the bed,

"Oh Mr Potter, what are you doing up?"

"Oh sorry Professor I just couldn't leave her." I said as I looked back at Holly. McGonagall handed me a necklace, it was Hollys,

"I thought she lost it." I held the necklace in my hand,

"She was pretty resistant about taking it off." She laughed as I blushed.

"Has she seen the engravings on the back Mr Potter?" I shook my head. She never looked at the back of the necklace,

"Look Mr Potter, I feel there is something worrying Miss Black and she was really scared to go into this task, I don't know if I should be telling you this, but I feel you should know, she said she's scared of falling asleep, she looked terrified, she needs you." My heart sank, why had she not told me this before. Maybe she didn't tell me because of all the stuff I've got on my plate right now, but I can't believe she didn't tell me, she didn't even seem off.

"Anyway Mr Potter are you staying here for the night?"

"Yes Professor" she nodded as she left, she doesn't usually let students stay in the hospital wing overnight, but I think I'm an exception. As she left she said one more thing to me,

"Oh and Mr Potter, show her the engraving." I just blushed as I nodded back and laid my head on the bed.

"Please be ok Holly, I need you"

I laid my hand in hers as I fell asleep.

-Hollys pov-

I woke up after the tournament in a hospital bed, I shot up and I was terrified, last thing I knew I was practically forced to drink a weird potion and went to sleep. Harry was leaning on me and was no longer asleep, i was freaking out. My face hurt like hell.

"Hey hey calm down, it's ok I'm here." I could hear Harry talking but I wasn't really paying attention. I grabbed his arms as I started hyperventilating. I hated being asleep, being asleep means anyone can do anything to you, you are vulnerable when you are asleep. My hands found my way to my face, it felt like I had cuts on my face. I let go of Harry and ran over to a mirror. There were three big gashes on my face. My hands flew to my mouth. My tears were now falling. Harry came up behind me and put an arm on my shoulder, I jumped back, kind of scared of his touch. I realised that I was physically fine, maybe not emotional but I'll figure it out. I realised that I was still in my hogwarts robes so I just grabbed my bag and bolted from my the hospital wing. I heard madam pomfrey calling after me and so was Harry. He was chasing after me but luckily I was faster so I got away quick. Everyone was walking through the halls and many people were now calling after me. I ran straight to the forbidden forest. I know I shouldn't go in there, not now but I had to. The teachers had put me in danger. Everyone I had felt safe with puts me in danger. My mother, literally tries to kill me, the Professors at hogwarts nearly let me die from a stupid task that I wasn't even supposed to be included in. I had to be alone, being alone is best, no one can harm you when your alone. I changed into my animagus as jumped through the trees. I hid behind a bush as I could see all of the Professors flood out of the castle. I could see Bill and Remus and Harry and the rest of the Weasleys coming but I couldn't see anyone right now. I couldn't.


I hid in the forbidden forest for a while. I talked with some of the centaurs. I bowed to them first as they are above me in the forest, if you respect them, they will respect you. I talked to them for a while until it got dark, I met a male centaur named Fronty, I talked to him about the tasks, he told me that I am one of the strongest students he had seen in a while but he also told me that I needed to leave the forest even for an animagus the forest is dangerous. I agreed not really wanting to be injured anymore than I already was. The new scars added to the scars that I already had on my face. I made my way back up to the castle. Somehow snowball was by the door, like she knew I was there. She's a strange cat but I love her either way, she's special. It was the third task tomorrow. Honestly I was debating whether to go but then again I had to be there for Harry. I knew it was lunchtime but I didn't really fancy going to the great hall with everyone to be honest. I did want some company though, I figured that moaning Myrtles bathroom would be available as no one really goes in there. Myrtle had always been a friend of mine, although quite a lot of people hate her. I tried to sneak around as much as I could, I only passed a couple of first years who looked at me strangely probably because of the three giant scars on my face. I realised that I somehow still had my wand. I guess the wand never leaves the owner. I admired the gems at the end as they glistened in the sun. I always knew that I was sort of destined to be a powerful witch as the wand that chose me was brothers with Albus Dumbledores. I made my way to the bathroom without being seen by anyone I knew.

"Hey Holly what brings you here, oh and what happened to your face?" She asked quite worried.

"Hey Myrtle, so yeah I haven't had the best day, and kind of got attacked by mermaids, so yeah." I said sinking down against a sink.

"Oh I'm sorry." She said softly as she flew down next to me.

"It's fine honestly, it's just I don't know what I'm doing anymore, I can't sleep, from fear of being attacked, my nightmares feel so real and I can't deal with it anymore." I slapped my hand against my face and realised that I hadn't told her about my nightmares.

"Your nightmares?"

"Um no I didn't say nightmares."

"Alright then, just know that if you don't want to talk to anyone alive, then you know I'm here." She just laughed, I laughed alongside her, my first genuine laugh in a while. It can't get much worse than it already is. Can it?