

A horror story with a fantasy twist. Will they survive the onslaught to come? There are graphic descriptions and suicide in the story, so be warned. I try to update weekly. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Qidious · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

The Time Manipulator

She growled at him, "Are you the one that's doing this?!" The old man got out from under the desk and smirked at her again, staying silent all the while. Diana hated a lot of things, but she hated people looking down on her the most. "You piece of trash!" Diana exclaimed as the extended her right middle finger, expelling dust into the air.

The man's smirk went into a full fledged smile. Before Diana could do anything, a couple words graced her ears from the lips of the man.

"Time: Reverse!"

Everything went back to when she was at the front of the door. The confusion was followed by anger and dread. She jerked the door open and looked around in a fury. The man was nowhere to be seen. She stomped into the room, but as soon as she took a few steps past the door, she felt a sharp pain in her side. She looked to her right and saw the man with a knife plunged into her abdomen. She screamed in pain and recoiled to the left, her legs buckling from the combined effort of the pain with the usual weakness.

"What happened to the oh so strong independent woman?" the man asked playfully.

"You scum." she managed to push out.

The man knelt down beside her, but was greeted by a middle finger in his nose. The poison dust shot down his esophagus and filled his lungs almost instantly.

"T-Time: R-R-Reverse..." he spoke quietly in a coughing fit.

She reappeared in front of the door yet again, with not a scratch on her body, with the exception of the one already on her face. This might be a challenge compared to the monsters. She opened the door and put out her right pinky finger. A dark blue dust shot forward, but before it could go anywhere, the man spoke again.

"Time: Stop!"

She looked ahead of her and saw that the dust was frozen in the air. She couldn't move her right hand, as the dust had not quite finished exiting her finger. The man approached her and went under the dust and reappeared behind her. The man pulled out the knife and was about to stab her. She had to act fast, but the dust was still frozen in the air. She had to take a risk and chose a finger at random on her left hand. She extended her ring finger and a purple dust shot out. As soon as it touched the man, he crumpled to the floor. When he did, the dust resumed moving again.

"What is this?!" the man blurted out in surprise.

"Punishment for your sins."

Diana shot out her right pinky into the man's face and shot out the sleep powder again. Before the man could say anything, he fell unconscious. Diana ripped the knife from the old man's hands. Although she was dressed as a delinquent, she hated gore. She turned away as she cut the man's throat. A gurgle filled the quiet air, then quickly exited. She cleaned the knife off on the man's clothes. When she finished wiping it off, she stuck it in her pocket. As she was about to exit the room, a green light appeared behind her.