

A horror story with a fantasy twist. Will they survive the onslaught to come? There are graphic descriptions and suicide in the story, so be warned. I try to update weekly. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Qidious · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The New Companion

Diana turned around and saw a green light above the man's corpse. In a split second, it shot across the room into what looked to be a small toy robot. She stared at the robot intensely. As if on command, the toy robot sprung to life. But what the robot said next wasn't what any toy robot would say.

"I am impressed."

She stared even more at the robot, dumbfounded. What just happened right in front of her eyes? Diana could not utter a word. She slowly regained her senses and managed to speak what was on her mind.

"What are you? Did you possess that man?"

"In a way, yes. I am what everyone calls a system. My name is Chronoworks. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." The robot bowed as it spoke. "This form does not suit me; I need a better vessel. Since you were the one who managed to defeat my previous user, I guess I have to be your companion. But that also means you have to help me find a new body, since you destroyed my previous one."

"What do you mean, you have to be my companion?"

"Do you not know what companion means? It means I'll be your ally."

"I know what it means, I just don't like you. You or your snarky, stuck-up attitude."

"You dare insult me?!"

The robot tried to run towards Diana to hit her, but it tripped on its third step and hit the ground with a *Thunk*. She barely managed to stifle her laughter and keep herself contained.

"Curse this wretched form." Diana reached out and stood the robot up. "Thank you for your assistance. Anyways, as I was saying, I need a new body so accidents like that don't happen. And so I am not reduced to this clownish look."

Diana turned around and started messing with her backpack. The robot could not show emotion, but if it did it would look curious right now. "What are you up to?" asked the robot. She turned around to reveal a makeshift baby carrying backpack. She knelt down and picked up the robot and placed it in the pouch. "This is the most embarrassing thing I have ever done." said the robot. "And I lost a bet to Geminos and had to talk like a baby before."

"Then this is perfect for you." said Diana as she barely contained her laughter. She walked out of the room with the robot at her chest and went down the dark hallway to explore.