
System In Avatar: The Last Airbender

Xiao Feng was an agent of some kind of spy and assassination organization in our world, he was the best at everything, but due to a rare and seemingly incurable disease, he was executed by the same organization that raised him. The organization had told him that if he fulfilled all the imposed missions, at eighteen they would release Feng. Of course, this never happened, but now it had a ray of light, and it literally is. Although he didn't know it right away, he was in the world of Avatar! one of the few things that he can appreciate. Motivated by Aang and his friends, he wanted to travel the world and find his own path in life. With that in mind, he did his best for the organization so that one day he could be like Aang. - Avatar: The Last Airbender does not belong to me. - English is not my mother tongue.

HattoriDaichi · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Book One: Earth. Ch.2

Stunned by the words in front of him, he wondered what he was observing.

As if reading his mind, the system answered his question. [I am the FREEDOM system, created specifically for you.]

"Created specifically for me?" I ask out loud.

[Right, all your life you wanted freedom.]

"What can you do?" I ask with serious doubts. For Xiao Feng, fan fiction systems, and so on, it was an ambiguous concept because he never read anything like that.

[I can do many things. But what you should keep in mind is that I can help you control the four ELEMENTS and their SUBDIVISIONS. I can also contribute ideas for new TECHNIQUES and we have a STORE with extensive PRODUCTS to buy and exchange.]

"Products? Like which ones?" Xiao Feng asked as he imagined buying some food and medicine through the system.

[Different types of PILLS and SCROLLS with different lost techniques.]

"Pills?" Xiao Feng wondered as the system began to patronize for not having ideas about systems.

[Yes, the PILLS have different types and uses. Some can HEAL irreparable wounds and others can increase aspects of yourself, such as life, strength, dexterity, and even an improvement in CONTROL of the ELEMENTS.]

Xiao Feng widened his eyes, surprised by all this he wondered if he could share the pills.

As usual, the system read his mind and responded quickly. [Of course. The host can share the PILLS and SCROLLS with other people.]

Xiao Feng thanked his luck and thought for a few seconds.

"Give me the healing pill, please!" He exclaimed with joy as the pain bothered him and now he had a chance to heal.

The system was about to burst into laughter at Xiao Feng's ignorance.

[Sorry, host. You have no POINTS to buy the PILL.] Although Xiao Feng cannot listen to the system, it was clear to him that this was patronizing.

Pouting Xiao Feng asked the system how to get points.

[The SYSTEM will give you POINTS for your purchases when the host completes MISSIONS. These MISSIONS are not assigned by the SYSTEM. People in this world usually have many problems so you can help them to get POINTS. POINTS will be assigned depending on various factors.]

With a sigh, Xiao Feng realized that not everything is as easy as it seems.

Xiao Feng quickly realized something important. "Hey system, didn't you tell me I could start learning earthbending?" Xiao Feng asked in anticipation of the system's response.

[Right, now that you've met the progenitors of EARTHBENDING, you can start to learn it.]

Xiao Feng exploded with joy jumping up but quickly stopped doing it as his ribs ached.

"System, do you think I can learn it with my current state?" Xiao Feng seriously wondered if he could do it with his body so damaged.

[Don't worry, as this is your first time learning EARTHBENDING, you will get an achievement and you can claim a REWARD.]

A sigh of relief came out of Xiao Feng's mouth. "Let's do it!" Xiao Feng said.

He followed the Badgermole through the tunnel until he reached a large dome. Probably made with earth and stone. It was a good place to learn and practice.

As soon as Xiao Feng arrived at the place he did not know what to do, he could learn from a person but ... Badgermole does not communicate with words and does not have human anatomy so it is difficult to understand.

"What am I supposed to do?" Xiao Feng wondered rhetorically.

[Take a good look at the BADGERMOLE and you will find your answers.]

'That sounded like something Iroh would say ...' Xiao Feng started looking at the mole badgers for their "answers" and apparently managed to find one.

After about five minutes he has a strange feeling towards the earth. It was as if it was part of him.

But still, the feeling was strange for an ordinary person.

After a few hours, Xiao Feng managed to see how badgers lived and used the land.

With this in mind, he began to make movements.

He did moves from the Hung-gar martial art. Slowly the earth began to converge around Xiao Feng.

It wasn't perfect but it was fine for a beginner. The more he moved, the more you felt his connection to the earth grow stronger.

Firm and strong movements improved control of his power.

In a few hours, I can start moving rocks.

A full day passed, the more time I had to practice, the better my control.

No break was taken at any time. Now Xiao Feng could move the earth from his surroundings. The movement of the earth was clumsy and clearly of a beginner, but with time it was improving little by little.

The improvements were almost imperceptible, but Xiao Feng could notice these small changes.

Although he could not see, he could feel what he was doing and how the earth moved without using his eyes.

After a while, Xiao Feng finally stopped training.

As soon as he stopped, he felt a great hunger. But that was not all that happened.

In front of him, the system had a message for him. [Congratulations, you've started learning EARTHBENDING. Earned the achievement: PLAYING WITH EARTH. Do you want to claim a reward?]

Xiao Feng frantically nodded at this question.

[Choose from the following rewards: PILL OF LIFE, PILL OF ENHANCEMENT, and PILL OF HEALING.]

Xiao Feng was tempted to frantically ask for the healing pill but was curious about the other pills.

As always, the system responded without even having asked verbally.

[PILL OF LIFE: This PILL is capable of increasing your years of LIFE.

+ 2 years of life.


+ 10 of CONTROL in the desired ELEMENT.

HEALING PILL: Eliminate any wound, no matter how bad.]

Immediately afterward, Xiao Feng asked for the healing pill. But he was sure that he would use the other pills at some point in his life.

Immediately, Xiao Feng swallowed the pill, and his body heated up for a few seconds. A light as bright as the sun shone off his body and he immediately felt completely fine.

He jumped for joy, but it was over when he hit his head on the tunnel ceiling and was knocked unconscious.