
System In Avatar: The Last Airbender

Xiao Feng was an agent of some kind of spy and assassination organization in our world, he was the best at everything, but due to a rare and seemingly incurable disease, he was executed by the same organization that raised him. The organization had told him that if he fulfilled all the imposed missions, at eighteen they would release Feng. Of course, this never happened, but now it had a ray of light, and it literally is. Although he didn't know it right away, he was in the world of Avatar! one of the few things that he can appreciate. Motivated by Aang and his friends, he wanted to travel the world and find his own path in life. With that in mind, he did his best for the organization so that one day he could be like Aang. - Avatar: The Last Airbender does not belong to me. - English is not my mother tongue.

HattoriDaichi · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Book One: Earth. Ch.3

'What is this? It ... It feels cold. ' It was Xiao Feng's thoughts.

He was on the tunnel floor thanks to the blow to the head.

Drops of water fell on his forehead from the tunnel ceiling. This was what woke him up from his deep swoon.

Xiao Feng slowly got up from the ground and wiped his face with his sleeve.

"How long have I been here?" Xiao Feng asked a little discounted. The system, as always, answers your question without delay.

[You have been here a total of 98 hours, 24 minutes, and 2 seconds.]

As soon as Xiao Feng read the message, he scratched his head wearily.

"I really want to get out of here, but I don't see anything ..." The darkness did not allow Xiao Feng.

But Xiao Feng, he was not going to sit idly by. Like Toph, he would try to develop seismic vision.

He tries to see his surroundings with a heavy footfall on the ground.

'Nothing ...' He did not achieve any results, other than moving all the sand and accumulated dust from the tunnel.

Immediately, he started walking through the tunnel trying to feel every vibration he could, but without much success.

"System, can I buy the skill or something?" Xiao asked with some desperation in his words. Being four days without being able to see can go crazy

[Sorry, this system does not have that SKILL available. But you can improve your AFFINITY with the EARTH ELEMENT to help the process.]

"But isn't that the same as improving control?" Xiao Feng asked puzzled.

[Incorrect, CONTROL is what its name indicates. CONTROL is the control of the person over that ELEMENT. Instead, AFFINITY is how well you relate to that ELEMENT. Even the AVATAR does not have a good affinity with all ELEMENTS.]

"Huh, I understand, how can I improve my affinity?" Xiao Feng asked excitedly.

[You can buy PILLS for AFFINITY.

AFFINITY PILL: This pill improves the USER'S AFFINITY with any desired ELEMENT.]

"How many points does it cost?" Xiao Feng asked without much hope of getting out of the tunnel.

[The points required to purchase are 5,000 points.]

A depressing aura formed around Xiao Feng. "I'll never be able to get out of here ..."

[Wrong, as I said before, the AFFINITY PILL will help the learning process, it does not mean that you cannot learn it. It just means that it will take A LOT longer.]

Xiao Feng sighed in relief and got to work.

"Do you have an estimate of how long it will take?" Xiao Feng asked without much hope that the system would tell him something.


A counter appeared on Xiao Feng's head. This counter was the time it would take to develop the seismic vision.

A smile formed on his lips and he immediately began to practice.


[-3: 40: 26]

'I can feel it ... Everything around me is as clear as water but as dark as night, and yet I can still feel everything around me.' Xiao Feng thought happily.

He stomped his foot hard and managed to see beyond the tunnel. It is very easy to see through the tunnel. If he were in a natural cave, it would be completely different.

Xiao Feng didn't have enough strength to run so he walked the entire way.

"I can see!" he exclaimed just when he saw the exit light.

As soon as he emerged from the tunnel, his eyes quickly adjusted to the light, revealing an entire giant forest.

Although it might seem like he was lost, he knew where civilization was. With the ground, he could feel several kilometers, probably thanks to the three hours that he perfected the seismic vision.

With a smile, I slowly advance to the small town, but not before taking precautions. Now Xiao Feng had his face covered with a makeshift scarf and what looked like a turban made from his own clothes. Thanks to this he was bare-chested, but it didn't matter much since the inhabitants of the earth kingdom also wore this style of clothing.

The only thing that could be appreciated were some strands of white hair and her beautiful red eyes.

Earlier, while Xiao Feng was changing his clothes, he realized that his appearance was somewhat androgynous. But having his torso uncovered this cleared up, so he didn't have to worry that he would be mistaken for a girl.

As he walked through the streets of the little village or whatever, he wondered how he could have money? but realized that he himself had money.

He had some money from the earth kingdom, but he didn't even know how much each thing was.

Thinking of this, Xiao Feng approached an elderly saleswoman for help. This old woman looked kind and Xiao Feng, despite being a murderer and spy, liked to blindly trust people, of course, he is a bit silly but he is not really stupid. He is always ready for anything and, now more with his powers.

"Hey old lady, do you know how much food I can buy with this?" Xiao Feng said showing some of his coins.

The lady smiled kindly.


Xiao Feng was walking towards the tunnel where he was trapped early next to some shopping bags.

he had bought enough food for a few months.

The lady saw how Xiao Feng's situation was, rather, she observed Xiao Feng's physique and realized, that he has probably been through a lot and thanks to this, the lady kindly gave Xiao Feng a job as a herb gatherer and others for your business.

Xiao Feng of course was delighted with this arrangement.

This is how Xiao Feng got work and food in one day ... Right now everything may be calm, but in a while, things could start to shake up.