

Book Cover by: KhyaaL "A deal with the devil is not a joke. Tell me will you accept my deal." Anirudh is a royal prince of Magadh dynasty of Ancient India. But because of mistake of Chitra Gupta in Yama dimension... Anirudh got killed just before the day of his king ceremony. In the hell dimension, Anirudh got tortured for 3684 years under the command of Lord Yama. Finally, A goddess found the mistake of Chitra Gupta and released Anirudh from this hellish torture. As Anirudh still need to attain his karma, the goddess offered him ten life choices to attain karma. Instead of choosing, a King or a Ruler or a strong warrior life of strong dimensions, Anirudh selected the life of a weak young master of wealthy family on Earth who is going to die on the same day of his transmigration. Even though the goddess did not like choice, she transferred his soul. What that goddess don't know was Anirudh already made a deal with the Devil to take revenge on all the gods who is responsible for his 3684 years of hellish torture. Note: It is MMORPG novel where the people are connected to other dimension with the gaming tools. To know the Anirudh's deal with the Devil, start reading the book. Note: No NTR, there might be romance in future... but for now, the hero is mainly focused on levelling up and doing task for Devil and build his dark army in the lower magical realm.

PeterPan · เกม
2 Chs

Chapter 2 : God Hood

After one hour, the gaming pod delivered in his room. His uncle's daughter finished the setting up of the pod and connected it to power source and outer net source (future tech for high-speed internet).

Anirudh already finished reading the information about Magic world game.

"The game already started one month ago. So, I must hurry." Anirudh thought while mounting the gaming pod.

He placed the sensor pack over his head and closed down the glass lid on the gaming pod. Immediately a black scree appeared before him and relaxing music played in hie ears.

A processing number appeared on the screen with a computer voice. The black screen before him slowly changed into a scene of beautiful water fall. He stood at the end of the cliff with a big flowing river below the cliff.

"What the flute…!!! Who said this is a game."

Anirudh muttered while looking into the scenery. He took a long time to adjust his emotions as he can't believe the reality. The touch, smell, vision, space… everything is looking perfectly real.

People will definitely lose in this reality if they did not see the Menu symbol on the top corner.




Finally, the processing symbol disappeared from his vision with a ding.

Suddenly a red colour portal opened before him and two people came out of that portal with god's attire.

They looking like shining pearls with gold ornaments covering their body. One of them touched his forehead with his index finger and put on a strange expression like he is taking a pulse of his body.

The other person who came with this pulse taking man is a beautiful woman. The women started talking with a sweet smile.

"Human, welcome to Magic world. This is a land of karma. This is a golden opportunity for your humans to reach higher realms."

"For countless years… you humans suffered on a barren land in lower realms. Finally, the almighty lord pitied on humans and decided to give this chance to climb higher realms."

"So, use this chance to attain good karma. With good karma you can reach God hood." The lady stopped her explanation as the man beside her removed his finger on Das fore head.

"Human, best of luck on your journey to God hood..."


He directly pushed Anirudh back into the flowing river. With a loud shriek, Anirudh fell back onto the over flowing blood river.

"How is it…? Did he have any chance to achieve God hood?" The women asked the man beside her with a curious look.

"Nooo… he is just a normal, week human being. But strangely, his soul is more powerful and enduring than usual. That's why it took a long time for me." The man explained. The two people continued to discuss about Anirudh.

After falling in the blood river, his character woke up in a jungle. Anirudh stood up and stared at the surrounding with a scrutinising gaze.

In a long distance from him, a crowded village appeared in his vision. Instead of hurrying like a noob he sat below a tree checking the surroundings.

Anirudh belonged to ancient time, he needs to adjust his mindset before meeting with people. In his mind. The words of the Devil are playing like drums. His father, loved one, his kingdom all gone because of a single mistake of Chitra Gupta (Yama realm).

"Master, why are you worrying like a weak person. You are the Devil's hope. Don't bother about your past." Out of know where Anirudh heard a female voice.

"Who...!!? Who's talking? Come out." Anirudh stood up in alert.

Even after a minute he did not see any person.

"Master, I'm not a person. I'm the system set up by the Devil. The Devil programmed me to guide in this Svar - Loke." The voice said again in a respectful tone.


Note: This is my second book... If you like it also check out my first book. Brothel Manager...

Thank you for reading...

PeterPan :-)