
System-chan and the multiverse[Hiatus]

How someone gets a system and attempts to thrive in the multiverse while trying not to piss anyone off. == will attempt to upload whenever possible

Kuro_Simp · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Chapter 4:Lewd and work

One of the reasons why I decided to play Realm Online was one because its a fucking advancement of technology that is far advanced then what I was used to given that the whole virus situation caused massive riots not technological advancements like it did in this world. The second reason was that the game shouted about the different waifus that could be summoned, these waifus would be loyal and caring something that every weeb good or bad desperatley wanted.

Because of the waifus being like this if we demanded sex from them they would accept although saying different things depending on how we went for it. Given that darkness my first waifu is a masochist women who would have put out as easily as any other slutty waifu who loves sex.

Once darkness dragged my body onto her own I stared into her eye's and blushed slightly but I did not look away from her intense and glazed over look. As soon as my cock hardened her breathing began to get heavier as a lustful stare seemingly bore into my eye's. I gulped slightly as she grabbed my cock hidden beneath my pants.

Letting out a groan of pleasure form her hands groping at my hidden pants. As I began to grope her breasts all the while kissing her I quickly stop her once she tries to rip my pants off of my body.

"Lets go to the village im pretty sure i have enough coins to rent a room for this, I dont want to take your first time while in a dirty forest. Plus, although I want to fuck you I dont want to give anyone a free show" I mutter softly to make sure she gets the fact that I do want to fuck her just not here.

"Alright" Darkness readily agrees as we stand up, she then picks me up and begins to run towards the village after I collected the money from killing the goblins and the other rewards. Once we reach the village she sets me down and we enter the village. Entering it we quickly search the village for an Inn and enter one of the only ones we find that is not full.

"One room" I state as i pay a few copper for the room the Inn owner just grunting as he throws a key at me. Darkness catches it and drags me off to the room I suppose dying due to snu snu was not going to be the worst thing that has ever or will ever happen to me from now on. As soon as we entered the inn I couldn't help but frown as I didn't hear any sounds from the various rooms.

"Master I think the rooms are sound proof so we can be as loud as possible" Darkness gushes at the rooms and how we could fuck as loud as possible. Entering our room I look around and then turn towards Darkness who begins undressing herself.

Her armor falls to the ground first as I sit down on the bed my own pants unequipped and my shirt thrown to the side. As I watch I couldn't help but get aroused as she threw her lacy black underwear and bra towards me, her cunt dripping wet with desire as her eyes begin darting across my body and then finally towards my cock.

Given that my cock was massive I couldn't help but be proud of it, my massive foot long cock throbbed angrily, the veins was incredibly intimidating and as pre-cum leaked from the tip of my cock I grinned. Of course being a virgin I didn't know how to go on but I have watched a lot and read a lot of porn and hentai so I knew the basics, as soon as Darkness was brought to her knees she crawled towards my cock and took a nice long sniff.

"mastaa you smell sooo gooooddd" Darkness mumbles as she gives my cock a lick slowly getting used to the taste and smell of my cock something that i take delight in given the fact that she soon began laying kisses onto my cock something that bought immense pleasure and arousement for me. Placing my hand on her head I slowly begin guiding her towards giving me a blow job.

Darkness then opened her mouth as wide as she could and she attempted to suck on the tip of my cock watching as she wrapped her beautiful plump lips around my tip I pushed more and more of my cock into her mouth, watching as she gagged before seemingly taking more and more.

As her toungue licked and sucked on my cock desperatley as if wanting to suck my soul out through my dick I grabbed her head and slammed my cock down her throat tears rolled down her face as she attempted to take my cock. Staring at me she winked or attempted to anyways as she bobbed her head down.

Darkness's tongue continued to lick my cock as she began to play with my large and heavy cum filled balls, giving them a slight grope as she continued to suck all the while I couldn't but grin as I watched her bobbing her down up and down my cock, grabbing onto the bed I tried to hold back my own orgasm as I didn't want to cum too fast but given the fact that I could probably last a long while I decided to enjoy my first blowjob.

My cock seemingly grew in size as I felt it throb, and with a loud grunt I slammed my cock as far as I could down her throat...

"Im cumming darkness!" I shouted as I shot splurt after splurt of hot cum down her throat as her bulging throat bulged even more I heard her gulp down my cum but since I came far too much she pulled herself off of my cock with a loud lewd sounding 'pop'.

Cum dripped down her mouth as she tried her hardest to swallow everything, but she just looked like a cute squirrel.

It took her a few minutes but she finally swallowed the last bit, opening her mouth she let out a lewd sounding 'ahh' as if showing off the fact that she swallowed everything I threw into her.

"mastaaa dattt felt soooo gooooddd" Darkness mumured as she licked and sucked the rest of my cum from my cock that was left over. Standing up she straddled me raising her hips into the air, as she lined up my cock to her lower lips I was now aware of the fact that she looked dazed and she was breathing heavily while sweating.

Gulping I watched a she slowly lowered her hips down onto my cock but since I wanted to pleasure her after the soul sucking blowjob I had just gotten from her I manhandled her onto the bed, standing up I gave her fat ass a smack, given the fact that I didn't have to get her wet enough so that this wouldn't be painful I grinned.

"Raise your ass darkness were going doggy style" I was an ass man through and through because of this doggy style was one of my favorite sex position that I have ever had the pleasure to read or watch. Watching as her ass wiggled in the air I couldn't help but grin.

"Masssteerrr please dont teeease meee!" Darkness shouted lewdly as she attempted to push me into fucking her.

"I just want to give your ass some love its one of your greatest features you know?" I stated as I gripped her ass cheeks spreading her cheeks I lined up my cock against her wet lower lips something that caused Darkness to almost cum as her greatest wish was about to be acomplished. I knew that darkness is and will always be a masochist I knew that I shouldn't do this like what any other girl would wish to have their first times be.

I knew darkness would want me to go hard and rough something that I inwardly wanted to do and as such I slammed my cock into her pussy, piercing through her hymen blood dripped onto the bed and I could feel my cock hit something before piercing into that as well, slapping her ass roughly I gulped.

"MASSTSTTTAAAA" Darkness shouted lewdly as a loud 'smack' was heard the smacking of flesh against flesh gave me such immense pleasure that I almost instantly came. My balls smacked against her as I pulled out my cock and then thrusted it back in as hard as I could.

"SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK" My cock slammed back into her pussy as I watched her ass ripple form my thrusting something that will forever turn me on.

"MAsstterr immm cummingggg!!!" After a few minutes darkness couldn't hold it in and came and she came hard. Her body shuddered in pleasure as she reached a new level of ecstacy a new level of earth shattering pleasure that she felt as if lightning flowed through her head.

It took a minute or two of fucking darkness before I came. My cock throbbed deep inside of the now drunken in pleasure darkness who probably fell uncounsious during her own orgasm.

"FUCK DARKNESS CUMMMING!!" I grab onto her ass as her head had seemingly fallen onto the bed dazed with a far away look. I felt as if everything was meaningless in this single moment, cumming into a women was one of the best levels of pleasure that I couldnt help but weakly fall ontop of darkness tired and satiated.

"Welp...this took too long" I muttered as I hugged the now cock drunk darkness who I was still inside of my cum spurting out of her filled up whole.


I know, I know im bad at this but maybe after a few more times I can get better at this but sooner or later ill develop my own smut writing style but ill need pratice for this.

Please comment who I should read to write better smut most smut will be small because of this but ill try and make it better quality.


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