
System-chan and the multiverse[Hiatus]

How someone gets a system and attempts to thrive in the multiverse while trying not to piss anyone off. == will attempt to upload whenever possible

Kuro_Simp · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Real life shit

Throwing the helmet off of my face I let out a long and tired sigh. Its been a few hours since I began playing the game and it was already late. Stretching my body I look around the room before setting down my helmet onto my charging station where I began charging it. I then sat down on my chair and booted up my computer signing into reddit I entered the [Realm Online] reddit posts where various players showed off their summoned waifus.

A rias here an Albedo there...most waifus were covered in cum or dressed in incredibly short skirts and dresses to show off their body something that if I had money I would have made Darkness dress in as well but most of these people were rich or had friends in high places unlike the majority of the players.

Of course I wasn't exactly searching this for the porn that the community was uploading even if some of the girls were beautiful. I came here because I wanted some information, scrolling down I looked through the various porn posts and after a few minutes of searching I came upon a post.


Ero -


Ahem. I have killed a strong monster with my Black Widow aka Natasha waifu and I have taken to fighting a strong monster after I creampied her multiple Times. I fucking love my in game character.

Anyways when we finished I discovered an injured large Level 13 wolf and with Natasha we destroyed it and I grabbed myself 2 waifu tokena and 3 skill books since Natasha and I were still level 1s.

The loot was great and I summoned myself 2 new waifus which i of course decided to fuck so I didn't get to get much grinding in...which I dont really care for so whatever. Anyways im level 4 now and Im probably going to challenge higher level monsters to see whats the strength difference or maybe its our waifus strength thats higher then our strength as a player.

I hope to get lucky enough to find a bloodline potion or something.


A video was tagged with the NSFW tag so I didn't click on it but esstionally the post was about how he went out attacked a weakened high level monster and made it out on top giving him a perk for slaughtering higher levelled monsters while weaker and more waifus for his ever expanding harem.

"Fuck" I muttered as I felt my cock harden at the thought of having more waifus to service me something that I like many hot blooded teenage males has dreamt of. Shaking my head I sign out of reddit and shut down the computer. I had already finished my homework for the day so I didn't care about anything else all I wanted to do was take a nice long nap.

"I swear if the teachers give us a quiz or something..." Closing my eye's I lay down on my bed, throwing my blanket on top of my body, since I had already eaten I decided to just sleep.

I didn't want to know what fucked up shit my teacher would force me and my class to do tommorow.

The first day of class well first day in class after the whole 3 year's of being stuck behind a screen from 8th grade to 10th grade.


Opening my eye's to the sound of my alarm clock I let out a groan as I slammed the alarm clock, standing up I stretched my body and stood up from my bed. Thankfully my parents hadn't exactly woken me up since they were probably out working.

Standing up I let out a loud yawn as I step into my bathroom. Splashing some water onto my face I check out my face and body. I think due to something in middle school I had begun seriously working out and thus I ended up with a sculped body like the one I had with a somewhat average face.

Shaking my head I dry my face with a towel before exitting my bathroom. Walking towards my room I take off my sandals ans put on my shoes, looking around I grab my phone and ear buds.

"Welp another day another day" I muttered as I grab my backpack. Walking out of my room I walk towards the living room where I grab a water bottle.

"What time is it anyways..." I mutter. Turning on my phone I let out a sigh of relief since it was still pretty early.

"Hm. What to do" I muttered as I stared at my phone. Shrugging my shoulders I grabbed my copy of the keys to the house as I closed the door and exited my home. Walking out I glance around before putting in my earbuds to listen to some music.

It took maybe forty minutes to walk to school and I took a few glances at the women walking about. I mean who wouldn't? Some of them wore such tight fitting clothes and goddam am I a horny teenager who just has the taste of sex and I wanted more something in front of me.

Gulping as a MILF bent over to grab something I quickly looked away and continued on walking feeling my pants tighten a bit too much around my cock.

But as I began walking to the school I noticed some errors...or was I seeing wrong?
























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Staring at the wall for a few seconds I grunted as my friend placed his hand on my shoulder worry clear on his face.

"Bro you okay? Your Staring at the wall like it stole your weights" He stated jokingly as he patted my back. I stared before blinking my eye's and letting out a groan.

"Yeah sorry about that. I don't know what came over me" I stated with a weak grin as I looked away from the wall. I don't even know I was staring at it but I didn't care anymore I don't want to EXPERIENCE a headache again maybe it was due to my crossing over to this world?

Whatever I need to control my outbursts I don't want my friends getting worried about anything dumb.

ANYWAYS. Apart from that outburst I had a relatively normal high school day something that I actually found surprising. Given that my friends seemingly also worked out over the 3 year's probably due to a friend wanting them to work out and thus everyone worked out we were pretty fucking muscular.


Part 1 of the 2 chapters of Seiyas life in this new reality as well as some...hints towards future volumes if we make it that far.

Shits gonna go down hill after this volume pretty fast and the title will make sense. Also now that were here I will update 3 times per week each chapter will have 1.2 thousand worlds instead of the 1.5 or 1.7 I had done before hand.

This is the starting point of the downhill writing shit because of school and because I need a job to better afford a computer...maybe.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this chap please comment waifus with a number like Mikasa 55 or Asuna 66 so when I roll for a waifu and if your waifu has the number that won your waifu will be introduced to the story.

I hope my smut wasn't too bad...but I'll get better. Maybe.


Okay please like and comment.

Kuro_Simpcreators' thoughts