

(their will be POV change) (No harem) This is my first fanfic, just trying it out …. Bored

Nerdio · ภาพยนตร์
3 Chs

Arthur Theed

On 36BBy, I was born on the planet of Naboo. The only things I remember of a young age were my parents and their loving smiles and how they would spoil me with anything I could ever have wanted.

After all, my parents were the CEO and founders of the Theed palace Engineering Corps of Naboo. The Company was the most prominent and only Manufacturing company that designed and built starships for the citizens of Nabbo.

So, of course, my family was loaded with an unbelievable amount of wealth and credits.

But in the year of 32BBy, the separatists Droid army invaded Naboo. I was five years old when that happened.

My parents were caught in the crossfire of the Droids and Nabbo soldiers and ended up getting gunned down. My parents died that day, leaving me alone to inherit the most enormous and wealthiest company on Naboo.

When I learned what happened to my parents, I had no idea what to do. I relied on them for everything. So I just cried as any six-year-old would.

But I remembered what my parents would say to me occasionally. "son, What makes a great leader?"

My answer would always be the same thing "strength! And money!"

I will never forget how my dad and mom would laugh at me and shake their heads while they patted my head. But they would never tell me their answer.

But one day, they did. They probably got tired of me saying the same thing repeatedly. They said, "A will to never give up and to never falter when their dreams seem unattainable. That is what makes a great leader."

So When other big companies outside of Naboo learned of the death of the CEOs of the Theed engineering corps, they wanted to absorb the company into their own. But they were met by me, a young kid who had a boatload of money and hired arm's and was unwilling to give up/sell any of his shares.

So most people gave up the idea of taking over the company as I had hired lots of variety of people to deal with it.

After years passed, I grew more mature and more intelligent. Being the head of a vast company and studying a crap ton can do that to a kid.

After a few more years of studying, I became a great engineer and scientist.

But unknown to people around me, I was studying how to make arachnids and human DNA compatible.

After another couple of years, I successfully created the first ever genetically modified arachnid compatible with my only my own DNA. After I finished all my work I deleted all my research and findings. I knew bad things could happen if my research got into the wrong hands.






It was known 22BBy—Coruscant Present day.

Coruscant is the nexus of Socioeconomic, cultural, intellectual, political, military, and foreign policy activities within the Galaxy.

It was the perfect place for a young CEO of a Major company to be. But I was here for different reasons.

In a vast, towering skyscraper on the very top level overlooking all of coruscant and its beauty was me, a teenage boy I had light white skin, about 5'9 with slim but angular body. My hair was short-coal black and my eyes were sky blue.

I sighed as I looked away from the sight of coruscant and looked down at my high tech wristwatch computer as a holographic image of a Venator class star destroyer popped up.

I spoke to the Ai. I had spent countless months programming with some questioning in my voice. "Alfred, are you sure the material is in this ship? If things go wrong, I could get into some major trouble."

A holographic image of a human old man in a fancy white suit popped out of the watch "Yes sir, the scanners have picked up the material inside the ship. The Jedi, known as Aayla Secura, is the general in charge. But if you want to get any material, you must be quick. The starship has been preparing for take-off for a while now."

I facepalmed as I groaned, "ugg, why can't I just hire someone to do this for me?"

"The material is too rare. And if you hired someone to do this job, it would most likely cost a fortune."

"Sooo? It's not like I'm short on credits?"

"The materials are too rare! And if you hire someone, there is a higher percentage rate of being caught."Alfred said as his holographic image disappeared back into the watch.

I groaned and cursed myself. The only reason I was going after this material was to upgrade my suit. And the only reason I wanted to upgrade my suit was to have a better fighting ability to remove separatists.

I have never forgotten what the separatist have taken from me. Not for a second.