
Sword Art Online: Three Blades

In the near future, a Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) called Sword Art Online has been released where players control their avatars with their bodies using a piece of technology called: Nerve Gear. One day, players discover they cannot log out, as the game creator is holding them captive unless they reach the 100th floor of the game's tower and defeat the final boss. However, if they die in the game, they die in real life. Their struggle for survival starts now.. We all know the black swordsman kirito & lighting flash asuna, but their is yet another player they meet that helps them in their journey to beat S.A.O eventually becoming long time friends...witness the tale between these three and how they venture through this game of life & death. (For those wondering yes this leads up to the movies and the end of Alicization for plot reasons I'll add in a harem for our protagonist too) —————————————————————————— DISCLAIMER: I don't own Sword art online neither the movies, anime, manga , and or light Novels. all right's belong to A-1 Picture, Aniplex USA, and Reki Kawahara please support the official Release! This is purely fanfic based & possibly theorized by how the flow of the show might’ve went with 2 Main protagonists

Aldric_ · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

| The World Of Swords |

Today marked the day of S.A.O 's official release I stood there in line at the gaming center waiting for it for what seemed like hours and hours just to get my hands on a copy of the game.

But just when it looked like the doors were about to fling open, people started rushing towards the doors, in some shape or form I managed to slip by a couple of people just as the doors opened.


I reached as far as my arm could stretch and grabbed hold of a copy of the game.

  The young man slammed the copy of the game onto the countertop with a very exhausted and frightening expression causing the cashier to freeze up a bit.


Cashier:..um y.. yeah sure thing pal...

The poor woman looked like she was about to cry out of fear. But managed to get the payment and send the young man on his way.

???: YES!!, got me a copy of the game! now or head home and get straight back into it!

If  I remover correctly so or more of the top players who made it to flood 10 during the beta were near level 20 to 30+ or higher, all that info during the beta test will surely come in handy.

The young man rushed home as fast as he could but during his rush to make it to his room he meet some obstacles along the way.

While making his way up the stairs he was met with a familiar face, she smiled brightly and had a bit of an annoyed look in her eyes.

???: ..what the..hey let me through Mya!, you know how long I've waited for this! no one gonna get in my way!

Mya: in your way huh?...

She angrily responded, while clenching her oh-so-ready fist.

She suddenly took a few steps down the stairs and grabbed hold of the young man's collar and yanked him close.

Mya: You jerk! you do realize we have kendo practice! don't you dare tell me you've forgotten all about it!

???: .. what...oh crap your right..listen how about I do it after when I  get off?, you know how long I waited in line for...

Mya: Ughh..fine..but if uncle doesn't see you in the dojo in a couple of hours he's gonna flip out on you...

She begrudgingly lets go of his shirt collar and walks past him down the stairs into the kitchen.

The very aggressive and responsible woman who just seemingly assaulted the young man was his sister Mya Yamada.

The young man then makes his way up the stairs to his room to get everything set up including his new NervGear.

???:..here we go..back into the world of virtual reality...

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous but who am I kidding I'm excited to get straight back into this masterpiece.

The young man would put on the NerveGear and hook up the gear properly to the game readying himself in a comfortable position on his bed slowly realizing himself and his muscles.

Slowly but surely he took small and easy breaths and said the keywords to activate the gear.

???:  [Link Start!]

Suddenly he opened his eyes slowly gazing at his hands and all around him players from old to new all around him.

The young man smirked and clench his virtual fist excitedly.

???: heh., hello SAO, I'M BACK!!

[FLOOR 1: Town Of Beginnings]

The young man can be seen running fast past many other players towards the fields of the many mobs.

???: (Okay first things first, I gotta start by farming in some spots most new players might not know about grinding spots to get some levels)

I should take the alleyways that way I can get to the fields faster

While making his way through the allies he ran into a long black haired man about the same size as him

They both stood there looking at one another noticing some familiar features about each other.

???: Hey Do I Know You-

???: Hey Do I Know You-

But before they could finish their sentences they were both interrupted by a long red-haired man.

???: Hey Dudes!, Got a second?!

Both: Huh?

The two of them looked back down the alleyway as the man approached them

But at the same time, the man stopped to catch his breath

???: Friend of Yours?

???: Huh- oh no don't know the guy

Both: need something?

The man finally catches his breath and is ready to speak what's on his mind.

???: You both look like you know your way around here right?, You two must've been in the beta test right?

This came as a surprise to the two young men while looking at one another and back at the man.

???: yeah I guess we are

The man smiled with glee and stood up straight

???: cool! Today is my first day, so do you two think you could lend me some tips on the lower floors?

The man put both of his arms over the two young men's shoulders causing them to feel a bit uncomfortable

One of the two young men the one with the black hair spoke up for both of them

???: look man I'm not sure if we-

???: OH PLEASE IM BEGGIN' YA, look my mames Klein good to meet ya both

The two young men stared at each other for a moment then smiled to look back at Klein

Kirito: Alright, I'm Kirito

Mikoto: And I'm Mikoto


Klein can be seen getting knocked back hard by a boar pretty hard, and he'd roll around on the ground seemingly in pain

But both Mikoto & Kirito look on  kinda dumbfounded

Kirito: Oh c'mon  seriously you can't feel any pain

Klein: ...Oh yeah your right...

Mikoto: (Sigh) drama queen...

Klein would get up finding his balance once more

Klein: Sorry....habit

Kirito: Remember what I & Mikoto said the first move is the most important

Klein begrudgingly looked on at the boar and back at Kirino & Mikoto

Klein: well that's easy for you two to say..but it won't stand still!

Mikoto would smile and pick up a pebble tossing it over to kirito

Then he'd go on to explain the mechanics of the game to Klein while Kirito demonstrates

Mikoto: If you do your initial motion right

Kirito would ready himself in a stance, and the pebble would glow

He'd then chuck the pebble at the boar gaining its agro on him

Mikoto: And if you activate a sword skill at the right time

Kirito would maneuver his way around the boar as it charged at him guiding it to Klein to try for himself

Kirito: The system sorta always guarantees you'll hit your target!


Klein readied his sword

Mikoto would shout as the boar shared at Klein

Mikoto: here's an easier way of looking at it! right after you start your move wait for a little bit, once you feel the skill start to activate. Drive it Home!

Klein is still a bit confused

Klein: drive it home?..

Klein gasped and got his stance ready understanding what to do next as his sword began to glow, his skill finally activating

Mikoto & kirito smirked as Klein let out a war cry and with a swift motion took down the boar and having Exp and a level

Klein: Ahah...Huehue!!!..YEAH!!

Kirito: Congratulations

Mikoto: your first kill and your first start

Klein smiled and gave both kirito & Mikoto a high five all three of them smiling

Kirito: that was nice

He'd remark as he sheath his sword

Mikoto: hah, not bad at all Klein

Also Sheathing his sword

Klein would grin with a smug face

Mikoto & Kirito would both look at each other sighing and smirking

Kirito: but, that boar was as weak as slimes in another game are

This info caught Klein off guard and took his confidence down a peg or two

Klein: wha- Holy crap you outta be kiddin' I thought that thing was a mid-level boss!..

Mikoto would grin and chuckle

Mikoto: heh, yeah as if

All three would gaze over at the field as more boars would appear

Klein would also be testing out his sword skill by swinging his blade around as it activates

Klein: Whooaa~~!

Kirito: Addictive isn't it?

Klein would look at both kirito and Mikoto  smiling

Klein: I'll say~

He'd say as he thrust his blade

Klein: so these skills there's atone of them like blacksmithing and stuff, RIGHT

He'd talk as he swings his sword

Mikoto: Uh-huh I  heard the game has. An unlimited number of them. All except for magic though

Klein would get in the same stance once more finally getting his sword skill to activate again

Klein: An RPG without Magic? That's a bold decision Maaan!

Klein would swing his sword once more

Klein would also giggle and laugh as he managed to do the sword skill once more excitedly

Kirito:  so what do you think? it's kinda fun to move your body as you fight, isn't it?

Klein turning to kirito happily

Klein: hue, Ah hells Yeah!

Mikoto and Kirito nod their heads at both Klein and turn to one another smirking

Then they'd turn back to Klein

Mikoto: so you ready to move on?

Klein: yeah Guys, let's keep going

[Time would fly by As both Mikoto & Kirito taught Klein the basics of the game soon it would get late not only in the virtual world but as well in the real world]



All around you can truly see the beauty of the world as the three sit and stand gazing around at the virtual reality they are in

Klein: You know, when I look around I can't believe it, we're inside a game dudes!

Both Mikoto & Kirito look forward with Klein still gazing at the world smiling

Klein: whoever made this is a genius, for real this thing is amazing. Makes me half I was born when I was you know?

Kirito: it's not THAT big of a deal

Mikoto: (Laughs)

Klein: Cut me some slack it's my first full dive

This catches Both Mikoto & Kirito off guard

Kirito: You've never used a nerve gear before today huh?

Mikoto: This is your first time?

Klein: Uh Huh, as soon as I got the money to buy the nerve gear I rushed out to buy all the hardware to play SAO

Klein would smirk

Klein: stood in line and scored one of the hard copies. Guess you could say I was pretty lucky

Klein, Kirito, & Mikoto would continue smiling at the story

Klein: Although, Your two gentlemen were ten times as lucky getting to play the beta tested. Dudes only a thousand people got the chance

Mikoto & Kirito would look at one another and look over at Klein rubbing their heads anxiously

Kirito: Yea, Guess we were lucky

Klein would smile at the two

Klein: Hey, mind if I ask how far you two go in the beta?

Both Kirito and Mikoto would both  stand in silence for a bit then they'd answer Klein giving the same answer

Mikoto: only 2 months, couldn't even get past floor 8...

Kirito: Heh I feel ya on that, but now I think I can get there within a month easy

Mikoto and Kirito would look on out at the scenery with competitive looks on their faces

Klein however would look at the two worried and kind of amazed but sorta more surprised at how similar the two are

Klein: sounds to me like you two are really into this

Kirito: Yeah you could say that

  He'd unsheathed his blade

Mikoto: Likewise, I mean, honestly during the beta test SAO was the only thing on my mind

Kirito: Heh yeah same here, day and night in this world a single blade can take you anywhere you wanna go. And even though it's a virtual world, I feel more alive here than I ever did in the real world

He'd raise his blade high

Mikoto: no kidding

Klein would look at the two once more surprised and still a tad bit worried

Mikoto would look back at Klein

Mikoto: anyways, you guys wanna go do some more hunting?

Kirito: sure I'm down for it

Klein: Oh!, You Know It!,...but the thing is

Klein would hold his stomach as a low growl could be heard

Klein; I'm Real hungry...I have to log out

This makes Mikoto and kirito look on not too surprised

Mikoto: Too bad the food here only satisfies your hunger virtually

Klein: Yeah!, for reals, That's why I ordered a pizza for 5:30!

Kirito would chuckle

Kirito: wow you're so prepared

Klein: you know it!, besides the game can wait till I get my pizza on!

Mikoto: Yeah, I guess...

Klein would stand up off the ground

Klein: hey, I was gonna go meet up with some other people I know from another game. I don't know what you two are up to after this, so if uh..you know if you two want you could friend them and hang with us

Kirito and Mikoto would look at each other and they'd look away for a second from each other and Klein

Klein: oh no, it's cool if you two don't want to, no pressure I could always introduce you guys to them another time or something

Kirito and Mikoto would look at Klein and respond

Mikoto: Yeah sorry...

Kirito: ...thanks anyways

Klein would look at the two and try to lighten the now dull atmosphere

Klein: No way you two, I should be doing all the thanking! Hey one of these days I'll pay you two back for all your guy's help

Grabbing onto both of their shoulders and then giving them a thumbs up

Klein: Virtually that is

Mikoto and Kirito look at Klein and then at each other

Kirito: Heh, yeah right

Mikoto: you might just forget

Klein: Hey! C'mon have a little faith in me, but anyways thanks for everything guys. Really

Mikoto and Kirito would stand there a bit taken back by Klein wanting to shake both their hands

Klein: Guess I'll see you both around then?

Both Mikoto and kirito cave in and shake his hand anyways

Kirito: if there is anything else you wanna know...

Mikoto: message us

All three shake their hands forming what would seem to be a good friendship

Klein: Aw Sweet!, I'll do that

[Time would pass as all three would go on to say their goodbyes to one another, both Mikoto Klein & Kirito heading off in separate directions]

[Although Before Mikoto or Kirito managed to get to a certain distance Klein would stop them from asking about the Log Out Button Missing From His Menu]

[As time passed they'd both try to explain to Klein that the log-out function should be there but as they try to demonstrate, they too were baffled at the sight of the log-out button missing]

[They'd all try to shove it off as some bug in the system and wait for the devs to try and fix it, although both Mikoto and kirito have their doubts and suspicions, while Klein is going insane at the thought of cold pizza]

[Klein questions the two of theirs another way to log out, but they both respond with bad news. There is no alternative to log out of SAO except for the log-out setting]

[Klein still in denial over a bug in the game tries to remove the NerveGear but to no avail, Kirito & Mikoto would go on to explain how the gear works to Klein]

[How the gear uses an interface built into the rig cutting all of your real-life body commands to move in reality]

[Mikoto would also note that theirs a chance that someone else could manually remove the NerveGear from them instead that would be their only alternative]


Klein: oh, I live alone what about you two?

Kirito: I got a mom and a sister

Mikoto: I got my little sister and uncle

Klein would jump from the words "sister", clutching onto both kirito and Mikoto

Klein: y-You two got sisters?!, How old are they? what do they like

[Unfortunately for Klein this would lead both Mikoto and kirito to knee Klein in the crotch sending him flying alongside his Persistent questions]

[Even so, he'd remember getting kicked in the groins wouldn't give him any game or pain but this did help bring him back to his senses]

Mikoto: get serious...

Klein: hm?

Kirito l: I mean don't you think this is weird?

Klein: I mean yeah totally, but it's just a bug

Mikoto: this isn't just a bug if we can't log out...

Kirito: it's gonna cause some serious problems for the game...

Klein: yeah...I guess your right

All three would look around and about still coming to terms with everything

Kirito: I wonder if the developers even know what's happening. Cause they could just shut down the server and log everyone out

Mikoto: But why haven't they made an announcement?

[Before they could gather themselves, a bell would ring across the area for all to hear catching all three of them off guard]

[Suddenly they were all teleported to the town of beginnings, alongside every player inside the game]

[Everyone in the center was very confused and some wondered if it was an event taking place, while others had their suspicions]

[The bell kept on ringing for what seemed like hours, until it finally stopped letting Mikoto, Kirito, and Klein gather their thoughts on the situation]

Kirito: Someone forced a teleport...

Kirito said anxiously

Mikoto: guys look above us...

Klein & Kirito: huh?

[Everyone would stare above witnessing a hexagon appear with the word warning across it soon more would begin to appear spreading across the sky]

Mikoto: No what...

[Shortly afterward, an oz of blood would come streaming out of the sky with it turning into someone cloaked in all red]

Kayaba: Attention players, I am Akihiko Kayaba and I welcome You to my World

Kirito: what's he mean by that?

Kayaba Would Continue

Kayaba: And as of this moment. I am in control of this world

Mikoto & Kirito: !!!

Both would realize who the man is

[Every player would be baffled and in awe to be meeting the man first hand]

Kayaba: I'm sure most of you have already noticed an item missing from your main menu. The log-out button

He'd demonstrate by opening up his menu and revealing

Kayaba: Let me assure you this is not a defect in the game. I Repeat This Is Not A Defect, this was how Sword Art Online was Designed to be

Klein: ... He's kidding right?...

Klein would have his mouth opened a bit in disbelief

Kayaba: You cannot Log Yourselves Out Of SAO, and no one from the outside can shut down or remove the nerve gear from your head. If anyone attempts to do so, a transmitter inside the nerve-gear would discharge a microwave signal inside your skull. Destroying your brain and ending your life

[Everyone is in shock and disbelief some would start to panic and others are still confused as to what he means by all of this, while the majority could only sit and listen to the madman behind this game]

[Others tried to leave the area thinking it was all but nonsense but a barrier would be placed to keep everyone inside, to listen to what Kayaba had to say next]

Klein: huh, are you guys listening to this crap? he's gotta be nuts right? Right?, Mikoto?, Kirito?

Kirito: ....he's not...

Mikoto: The transmitters signals, in the headgear, work just like microwaves

Kirito: yeah, and if the safety is disabled then it could fry your brain

Klein: huh?!, couldn't someone cut the power or-

Mikoto: that won't work the NerveGear has an internal battery

Slowly it dawned on Klein

Klein: Gah!, this is crazy! it's crazy!

Suddenly the game master would continue his explanation

Kayaba: Despite my warnings, the family and friends of some of the players have attempted to remove the nerve gear. An unfortunate decision to say the least. As a result the game now has 2013 fewer players than it originally did when it began

They've been deleted from both Aincrad and the real world.

Mikoto: Two-hundred thirteenth?!

Kirito: No way...

Klein: Ngh!, I don't Believe It!

The game master would continue his explanation by displaying real-world news reports live broadcasts and all about what's happening in the real world to prove his words to be correct and all the more true

Kayaba: As you can see, International media has round-the-clock coverage of everything, including the deaths. At this point, it's safe to assume the likely hood of nerve gear being removed is minimal at best

I hope that this brings you a little comfort as you try to clear the game.

[Both Mikoto & Kirito seeing that everything he saying and showing is all true gritting their teeth to only listen to what he has to say]

Kayaba: It's important to remember the following., There is no longer a way to revive someone in the game. If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be deleted from the system Forever

And the nerve gear will simultaneously destroy your brain.

[Both Mikoto and Kirito gasp almost simultaneously envisioning their deaths in their heads as their avatar's HP hit zero ending their lives]

[They were both brought back down to their sense clenching their fists, almost signifying their acceptance of this new world]

[All the more, the game master would continue his explanation to all the remaining players within SAO]

Kayaba: there's only one way for a player to escape now. You must clear the game.

He'd open a small mini-map of the castle Aincrad showing all 100 floors

Kayaba: Right now, you gathered on floor 1, the lowest level of Ainecrad. If you can get through the dungeon and defeat the boss, you may advance to the next floor

Defeat the boss on floor 100 and you will clear the game

[Everyone speaks amongst themselves gathering the information, some still are in disbelief some still try to make sense of it all, while all the more for others to listen]

Klein: we can't clear all one hundred floors..that's freakin' impossible...EVEN THE BETA TESTER NEVER MADE IT THAT HIGH!

Mikoto & Kirito:...

The game master would continue his explanation

Kayaba: And last but not least, I've placed a little item in the storage of every player. Please, Have a Look

[As every player opened their menus to their storage to get the item it would be a small mirror]

Mikoto & Kirito: A mirror....?

[It would show nothing but their reflections at first but suddenly everyone would be affected by it one after another revealing what they all truly looked like beneath their avatars]

Klein: Hey you two okay? Kirito?, Mikoto?

Mikoto: yeah- wait what the ?..

Kirito: Huh wait?.. you can't be.. who are you two?

Klein: I'm me..who are you two?..

[Both Mikoto & Kirito we're taken back by their appearances, it would be their actual faces of what they look like in the real world rather than the avatars they made]

Mikoto & Kirito: !!!

[Everyone would begin to be confused, shocked, panicked, and very frightened at this unexpected moment, some revealed to be who they are not]

[Then it dawned on the two]

Mikoto: Wait for a second-

Kirito: Wait for a second-

They'd point at each other than at Klein

Kirito: Is that you, Mikoto, Klein?

Mikoto: Is that You, Kirito, Klein?

Klein: Is that You, Kirito, or Mikoto?

Klein shocked at this sudden realization slowly baffled and confused

Klein: Eh? what- but how

Kirito: ! the scan, there's a high-density signal device inside the nerve gear rig

Mikoto: ! oh right it can see what our faces look like,

(Wait but how does it know our height and body type?)

Klein: When you first put the nerve gear on. It has to do this calibration thing, it asks you to touch your body all over like this remember?

Klein demonstrating

Kirito: oh yeah, your right, that's where it got our physical data

Klein: but, this is- what's the point why would anyone do this to us?

Mikoto would point up to kayaba

Mikoto: I think he's about to tell us

Kayaba: right now, you're probably wondering. Why?, why would Akihiko Kayaba develop sword art online and nerve gear? Do this?

Ultimately my goal was a simple one, the reason I created sword art online, was to control the fate of a world with my design.

Both Mikoto & Kirito Grit their teeth once more in disgust and anger

Mikoto & Kirito: Tch, (Kayaba!)

Kayaba: As you can see, I have achieved my goal.

Mikoto: ...


Kayaba: this makes the end of the tutorial. And the official launch of Sword art Online, players, I wish you the best of luck

[Just then kayaba would begin to vanish as his avatar began to slowly diminish into a thick dark red smoke]

[And the dome around them turned back into the sunset sky, leaving everyone in a state of panic and fear, some screamed for answers others begging to go back to the real world]

[A small vacuum of silence filled the area around Mikoto and Kirito, both feeling as if blood was dripping from their hands]

[ They both started to come to terms that if they died in the game, They would die for real, finally accepting this new reality of theirs, a game of life and death]

Mikoto: ( It's not a game....)

Kirito: (....It's Real)

They both slowly get a whole of the situation

Mikoto: (Akihiko Kayaba Created a Virtual World..)

Kirito: (...HE designed the nerve gear rig)

Mikoto: ( The man is a genius...)

Kirito: (...I've Been a fan of his for a long time)

Mikoto would look down at the ground while kirito gazed over the sea of people

Mikoto & Kirito: (So I Know...everything he JUST said...is the truth..if I die in the game...I'll die in real life!)

Girl: My god...NOOOO!

[Just then all around people began to panic man become disoriented, all begging for Kayaba to come back and release them from this nightmare]

Guy #1: Let Me Out!, LET ME OUTTA HERE!!


Girl: What did we ever do to you!!


Mikoto & Kirito:...

Mikoto: Hey kirito... I'm gonna go on ahead to the next village over you coming?...

Kirito: ...guess we both have the same plan huh?...you go on ahead I wanna talk with Klein...

[Mikoto nodded his head as he rushed through the crowd of people making his way through the shopping district to the west field]

Mikoto: .....

He'd have suddenly flashbacks to the argument he had with his sister as he dashed forward toward a mob


He'd quickly activate a sword skill killing the boar instantly moving forward none stop slightly smiling while cutting down boar after boar with one thing on his mind


Like hell I'll let you win..you hear me?...KAYABAAA!!!

Within the Game's First Month, 2,000 have Died.

Floor 1 Has yet to be cleared

December 2, 2022

Ohhhhhhh things are gearing up :D (keep calm and wait for more chapters!!!!)

Aldric_creators' thoughts