
Sword Art Online: Three Blades

In the near future, a Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) called Sword Art Online has been released where players control their avatars with their bodies using a piece of technology called: Nerve Gear. One day, players discover they cannot log out, as the game creator is holding them captive unless they reach the 100th floor of the game's tower and defeat the final boss. However, if they die in the game, they die in real life. Their struggle for survival starts now.. We all know the black swordsman kirito & lighting flash asuna, but their is yet another player they meet that helps them in their journey to beat S.A.O eventually becoming long time friends...witness the tale between these three and how they venture through this game of life & death. (For those wondering yes this leads up to the movies and the end of Alicization for plot reasons I'll add in a harem for our protagonist too) —————————————————————————— DISCLAIMER: I don't own Sword art online neither the movies, anime, manga , and or light Novels. all right's belong to A-1 Picture, Aniplex USA, and Reki Kawahara please support the official Release! This is purely fanfic based & possibly theorized by how the flow of the show might’ve went with 2 Main protagonists

Aldric_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

| Beaters |


Since this game began a whole month has gone by, I've spent that time grinding and upgrading my gear and also getting my hands on any materials I could get

But within that same period, 2,000 people have died so far, and even after all this time none of us players have been able to clear floor one. It's kinda crazy, isn't it? I used to be a beta tester and even I don't know where the dungeon to the floor boss is, hell I'm sure kirito is having the same issues as me

But regardless all that changes today were all gathering up, turns out some of us found lair to the boss on this floor and we're going to discuss how to take it down

[Mikoto would walk to the center of the large group of people noticing a familiar face, it would be kirito]

Mikoto: Hey didn't expect you to be here

Kirito would smirk

Kirito: yeah, and I didn't figure you as a team player..my guess is your having trouble finding the boss huh?

Mikoto: Yeah, feels slightly different from when we played the beta don't you think?

[Before they could continue to talk everyone made their way to the theater for the meeting on how to find and take down the floor boss and make their way up castle Aincrad]

[Each player would take a seat separately both Mikoto & Kirito would sit up too from everyone else, over to kirito's right there was a hooded girl, and over to Mikoto's left a silver-haired girl with hazel eyes]

[After a moment A player by the name of Diabel would speak up getting the meeting started]

Diabel: Alright!, let's get this meeting started everyone!!!!, thanks for coming today. My name is Diabel, I like to consider my "job" as a knight

[This lightens the mood for everyone some mocked Diabel and others cheered or laughed due to his enthusiasm]

Guy: There's no job system in this game!

Guy #3:  (Chuckles) A Knight?

Guy #4: You should take this seriously! come on man then is the meeting a joke too?

Diabel took their comments calmly and s showed a stern face of seriousness

Diabel: Today, our party found. The boss room is at the top of the tower.

Everyone: Seriously?

Everyone began to take the meeting seriously

Diabel: We need to defeat the boss, reach the second floor and tell everyone waiting in the town of beginnings

That it is possible to beat this game. Everyone present here shares this duty, do you all agree?

Everyone nodded in agreement all beginning to cheer and clap for diabel

Mikoto: the guy knows how to fire people up

Kirito: hah I'll say

Diabel would begin to speak once more

Diabel: ha thank you, everyone, now then let us begin our planning. First, divide into parties of six.

[While everyone began to speak and converse with one another Mikoto & kirito then realized they were left out]

Mikoto & Kirito: C-crap

[They looked around frantically for party members or opened spots for two or more players, but to no avail, Mikoto turned over to his left the girl with the long silver hair was all alone too, Kirito looked over to his right, and noticed the hooded girl as well]

[The two nodded their heads in agreement and scooted to their opposite ends to try and party up with the two]

Mikoto: Hey, you look like you were left out as well huh?

???: ...

The silver-haired woman stayed silent but Mikoto continued to cover to form a party with her

Mikoto: I know this is out of the blue but, you wanna party up?

???: ...you don't look like the type to party up with anyone, and for your information, I wasn't "Left out" I just decided not to join up with anyone

They all seemed to know one another and I didn't want to drag anyone down

She spoke with frustration and sincerity

  Mikoto:  Ah, yeah I can see that, and your right about the other part I'm a solo player myself, but as of right now I'm putting my pride to the side for us all to beat the floor boss

And right now we have a plan or at least a part of one, so forming a party should be our priority right now

???: ....

The woman begrudgingly nodded her head in acceptance

Mikoto would send her a patty invite and she'd accept

Mikoto: Hm

Mikoto Squinting his eyes getting a look at her name

Mikoto: ( her name is " Chitose" huh?)

Mikoto would then scoot over back to kirito

Kirito: how's it going on your end?

Mikoto: Good but I think it'll just be us two fightings, any other members might slow me down

Kirito: I can understand that being solo players it's only natural we feel this way

[Diabel would then continue the planning with everyone]

Diabel: Okay, has everyone formed up parties? if so! then-


Diabel and the others would hear a loud cry above everyone then a man would jump down the stairs to the stage

Kibaou: My name is Kibaou, I wanna say something before we take on the boss

Mikoto & Kirito: ...

Kibaou: Some of you here need to apologize to the two thousand who have died so far!

He'd point into the crowd of players while all of them with confused faces

But both Kirito & Mikoto know what he means and who he's referring too

Mikoto: ...

Kirito: ...

Just then Diabel spoke up

Diabel: Kibaoi-san, you're referring to the beta testers right?

Kibaou: Of Course I Am!, on the day this stupid game started, the beta guys ditched us beginners, and they all disappeared.

They took all the good hunting spots and easy quests for themselves, so only they could get stronger. And then, they just ignored the rest of us.

Kibaou then gritted his teeth in anger

Kibaou: I'm sure some guys here were in the beta! They should get on their knees and apologize, and give up all the items and money they've hoarded.

Otherwise, we can't trust them to protect us as party members, and they shouldn't trust us!

Mikoto & Kirito gripped their first out of guilt and anxiousness

Mikoto: ...Tch!..

Kirito: ...Ngh!...

It was slowly starting to get to them until someone from the seats got up and spoke

???: May I speak?

Mikoto & Kirito: ?!

Both looked on as a man stood up and walked down to the main stage

Egil: My name is Egil. Kibaou was it?, tell me if I have this right. You're saying that because the beta testers didn't take care of them, many beginners died.

That they should take responsibility, apologize, and provide compensation. Correct?

Kibaou: Y-yeah.

Egil would pull out a small guidebook from his pocket

Egil: You got this guidebook, didn't you? It was provided for free at the item store.

Kibaou: Sure, I did...why?

Egil: It was compiled from information given by the beta testers.

This caught everyone off guard, especially Kibaou

Egil: Listen, everyone had equal access to this information. And even still, many players died, I thought the topic of discussion here was that we could learn from their deaths, and how that can help us defeat the boss.

Mikoto & Kirito regaining their composure

Egil would turn to Kibaou for his next response but Kibaou would go and take a seat refraining from any further conversation

Egil would do the same

Diabel: All Right. Then, we can resume? The latest of that guidebook was just issued, and it contains information on the boss.

Everyone gasping  taking it all in and giving an ear to what diabel would say

Diabel: According to it, the boss's name is illfang The Kobold Lord. He is guarded by assistants known as Ruin Kobold Sentinels.

He is armed with an axe and a buckler. He has four health bars, and when the last one enters red, he switched to a curved sword-type weapon called a talwar. His attack pattern changes, as well.

Everyone takes the information to heart memorizing the details to the last

Diabel: This concludes the briefing. Lastly, items will be automatically distributed. EXP goes to the party that defeats the monster.

And whoever receives an item keeps it. Any objections?

Everyone would continue to converse but all came to an agreement

Diabel: Okay, we leave tomorrow, at ten in the morning.  See you there!

[Some would get up to leave others stayed to plan, while Mikoto & kirito would try and plan with their new party members going their separate ways for now]


Mikoto: (Hm? why is she eating alone)

- Mikoto would walk to Chitose

Mikoto: Wow you weren't kidding when you said you didn't want to join anyone. But you know it too is best if you did at least converse with me since we are at a party now

Chitose would look over her shoulder to see Mikoto standing behind her holding bread for the two of them

Chitose: ...

- She'd scoot halfway so Mikoto could sit down by the tree, handing her some bread

Mikoto: go ahead eat up, it's all I could get since we all had to distribute them equally

- She'd take a piece of bread and would try to eat the unsavory-looking bread slowly taking small bites

All the while Mikoto would open his menu getting an item that look like a small jar

Chitose: What's that for?...

Mikoto: To make our bread taste even better

- He'd tap on the jar spreading a small smooth cream onto his bread

Chitose's eyes would widen while Mikoto nudged her to get some as well

Chitose: ....Are you sure?..

Mikoto: Yea, we're a party now remember? Besides I wanted to share this so go on and have some

- Chitose would nervously take some tapping the small jar and add the cream to her bread

She'd take a bite and her eyes would glimmer as she scarfed down her food in an instant

- Mikoto would smile

Mikoto: I got it from a quest thanks to a friend of mine, it's called the "Heifer Strikes Back" one village behind us.

Though I was kinda salty for not getting to it first, he was kind enough to share the reward.

- Mikoto begrudgingly ate his bread with cream

Chitose: You know...I didn't come to this town to eat good food...

Mikoto: Oh? Let me guess it's to beat the floor boss and go up and beat SAO right?

- Chitose would nod her head

Chitose: I have to get back to the real world, I have people there waiting for me to get back. And I'll be dammed if this game keeps me from them.

That's why I came here to go up the floors and beat this stupid game.

- Mikoto showed a sympathetic look

- Chitose would sigh and continue to speak softly

Chitose: ...and so I could still be "Me" till the very end.. rather than anything else..even if I get killed I'd still like to remain me I know both here and IRL...

I don't wanna lose...not to this game...and not to this world...no matter what it takes I'll get back home...

- Mikoto would continue to eat his bread showing yet another sympathetic look

Mikoto: If I had it my way, I wouldn't want a party member to up and die on me..so at least guarantee me this...don't die on me tomorrow...

- Chitose nodded with a surprised look while Mikoto got up and walked off

Mikoto: (At the very least, I'll try to keep as many people alive to the best of my ability...so please no one dies)

[Shortly everyone went to their respected resting spot to sleep soon the night shortly became day and soon they all would have to prepare themselves for the upcoming battle ahead]


[DECEMBER 3, 2022]


[Everyone would be walking through the forest talking and getting their plans ready and in action, for the upcoming battle Mikoto & Kirito had already gone over what they both intended to do]

[They would be supported by their party members while the people chosen to remain on the front lines to battle the boss]

Kirito: Let's go over it again

Mikoto: Yeah, just so we're clear

- The hooded girl and Chitose nod their heads

Kirito: We leftovers are supposed to target the boss's helpers, The Ruin Kobold Sentinels

??? & Chitose: Understood

Mikoto: Me and kirito, We'll use sword skills to knock their pole axes up. The second we do, you two switch with me and kirito

??? & Chitose: Switch?

- Mikoto and Kirito would give each other sympathetic looks and turn to the two

Mikoto: Wait..is this your guy's first time at a party?..

- The two nodded their heads

- Mikoto and Kirito look at each other once more and sigh while they slightly slump over

[Time would move forward as they made their way through the Forest and to the dungeon fighting their way there]

[As they finished off some wandering mobs everyone in their respective parties had to catch there're breathing before fighting once more]

[Diabel Would then plunge his sword to the ground to gather everyone's attention]

Diabel: Listen up, everyone. I have only one thing to say. Let's win!

- Diabel clenched his fist while everyone looked on with serious and stern faces

Diabel: Let's Go!

- Diabel would walk to the dungeon doors and opened them everyone followed right after him

[As Diabel walked in first ahead of everyone else,  the boss room would be very dark and Erie, could give anyone a bad vibe. But shortly after the room would light up illuminating the area, but rather than looking at the room itself everyone focused their attention on what was waiting for them at the end]

[The floor boos could be seen sitting on what seemed to be a gigantic throne with his weapon to his left side waiting for them all to come. As soon as Diabel took a few more steps forward the floor would light up the surrounding area, and the floor boss sprung out of his throne to the front readying his assault on the party]

[IIlfang The Kobold Lord's name would pop up above his head, and alongside that, it would be shown that he'd have 4 health bars, he left out a vicious war cry., and his minions would spawn in as well they all began to rush together at the party]

Diabel: Commence Attack!

- Diabel Yelled Pointing his blade forward

[Every other player in the assault party began their charge ready to fight and take down the floor boss, each giving off their war cries for battle]

[As both parties began to clash, Kibaou would be the first to swing his blade up against one of the minions of IIlfang]


[The battle would rage on between the assault party and IIlfang's minions, everyone putting up a valiant effort]

Diabel: Squad A!, Squad C!, Switch!

-Diabel Giving orders from afar

[The Battle Continued With Relentless attacks on the floor boss]

[IIlfang has a vicious look readying his next attack]

Diabel: Here it comes!, Squad B, block!

-Diabel Shouted Once More

- Egil would block & Kibaou would attack at that prompting time

Diabel: Squad C, Keep guarding and prepare to switch! now.

- Diabel giving orders once more

[Squad C would go and switch]

Diabel: As you fall back, prepare to attack from the side! Squads D, E, and F keep the sentinel off us!

-Diabel would point over to the sentinels for the squads

Kirito: Roger!

Mikoto: Roger!

- Kirito & Mikoto nodded their heads and rushed over to fend off the sentinels with their partners

- As they rushed in Mikoto & kirito gave each other a boost and rushed forward to block one of each sentinels attacks

Kirito & Mikoto: Switch!

- Both Kirito & Mikoto managed to block each of the two sentinels attacks

-Chitose & ??? Switching places to attack the two sentinels finishing them off

???: Third One!

Chitose: And Fourth!

- Both using sword skills to quickly finish off their targets

[As both kirito & Mikoto stood there in complete awe of their skill at the game, they only assumed that these two were beginners. But their technique and dexterity were incredible to behold. The hooded girl, that kirito partied up with is incredibly fast that you couldn't even see the tip of her blade. While Chitose on the other hand showed incredible reaction timing moving faster than the initial time it takes for the sentinels to counterattack]

- Kirito & Mikoto could only smile at his revelation

Kirito & Mikoto: Good Job

- They both chimed

[Mikoto & Kirito quickly came back to their senses and began to attack and block the sentinels. Meanwhile, the assault party was doing all they could to take down IIlfang, just then he let out a mighty roar catching the attention of Mikoto & Kirito for a brief moment. IILFANG's health bar was in the red and almost guaranteed to die. Suddenly the boss threw away his choked and axe]

Kibaou: Heh, looks like that information was right…

Diabel: Stand Back. I'll go!

- Diabel ran past many of the party members to get in front readying his stance and sword skill against IILFANG

- Mikoto & Kirito managing to fend off the remaining sentinels and switch out with ??? & Chitose

- They both look on at what Diabel was doing and started to think

Kirito: (Wasn't the plan to surround it with the entire group?)

Mikoto: (If he's telling everyone he'll do it, then that could mean..)

[As Mikoto & kirito stood there thinking carefully it dawned on them, but they only came to this realization after Diabel gave them a cunning smile to only turn his attention back to IILFANG]

[Diabel managed to make it in front of everyone else, readying his sword skill to commence his attack on IILFANG, but the boss would pull out his weapon to the shock and horror of Kirito & Mikoto, it wasn't the weapon they'd anticipated]

- Sweat would run down both their faces

Kirito:( That Isn't a Talwar!..)

Mikoto: (...It's an Odachi!)

Kirito & Mikoto: (It's Not The Same As The Beta Test!)

-Their bodies moving frantically avoiding and attacking the sentinels knocking them away

Kirito: IT'S NO GOOD!!!


- Kibaou taking notice of their pleads

- Diabel continues his assault

[As diabel made his way closer to IIlfang the boss started moving frantically jumping from wall to pillar at fast speeds. And to the grave horror of everyone IIlfang gets the jump on Diabel landing two finishing blows on the brave knight sending him flying]

Kibaou: DIABEL!!-

- Kibaou called out to diabel only to be met with IIlfang's roars in close counters

[Mikoto & Kirito dropped everything to Chitose & ???, to go and help out Diabel rushing to him with caution. Diabel's health is completely in the red about to die. Simultaneously Mikoto & Kirito brought out their healing potions to give to Diabel, but he stops them]

Kirito: Why'd you try and do it alone?..

Mikoto: This isn't the time to be acting like a hero...

- Before each of their healing potions could reach him Diabel with all his strength stopped them both

- Mikoto & Kirito stopped and pondered what he was doing

Diabel: You two were…beta testers, weren't you? You knew…

- To the surprise of Kirito & Mikoto they both stayed quiet for a moment




Kirito: You were after the rare item from the last attack bonus

Mikoto: It was pretty obvious what you were going for…Diabel…you were a beta tester too?

- Diabel could only smile with the little strength he had

Diabel: Please…defeat…the boss

- His body began to glow as his health bar began to reach its end

Doable: For everyone…

- Suddenly his body disbursed into small light fragments indicating his death

- Mikoto & Kirito could only sit there in disbelief and horror to have witnessed death in front of their eyes

- Kibaou and the rest are all in shock and horror at their leader's death

When this death game started, to these particular two, all they thought about was their survival and how they'd make it out alive without fail

Kirito's thoughts could only remember the small conversation he had with Klein, saying his goodbyes and farewells

While Mikoto's thoughts brought him back to the meeting they all had with diabel before heading to the boss, and how he brought everyone together

Even though he was a beta tester, he never abandoned the other players. He led everyone and fought brilliantly! he tried to do what they couldn't

- Both Mikoto & Kirito began to get up from the floor turning their attention toward the boss

- Everyone still in shock and or injured is unable to fight against IIlfang's next assault

- They both prepared to fight readying their swords in hand, suddenly Chitose & ??? Came to their sides with their weapons ready as well

Chitose & ???: We'll go too

Kirito: "Right…"

Mikoto: "… thank you two"

- All four of them began their assault rushing at full speed toward the boss

Mikoto: Hey, kirito….

Kirito: Yeah I know…listen to you two were gonna use the same sequence we did for the sentinels

??? & Chitose: "Got it"

As they rapidly approached Illfang, he took notice of their charge. Reading its attack skill, Kirito & Mikoto rushed ahead of Chitose & ???.

Mikoto: "…KIRITO!…"

Kirito: "…RIGHT!!…"

Both of the two readying their sword skills, charging attacking, and parrying Illfang's attack.


Kirito & Mikoto screamed out. At that very moment Chitose $ ??? began their combined assault on Illfang, but at that same instant, Illfang gained a bit of its footing.

Mikoto: "Chitose!!!.."

Kirito: "Asuna!!…"

As Illfang swings its Odachi downwards toward Chitose & Asuna's heads, they both managed to duck out of the way in time. But unfortunately, Asuna's cloak was shredded due to the sword skill of Illfang's Odachi.

Revealing Asuna's pretty face and her long Orange-brownish chestnut hair. Kirito looked stunned to see his partner's face for the first time, Mikoto also looked stunned. In those last few seconds, Asuna landed a quick attack on Illfang's stomach, and Chitose joined in landing a blow of her own to Illfang's hip. Sending the boss flying backward, causing it to stagger.

Kirito's eyes fixated on Asuna, realizing just how beautiful she looked. Mikoto nudged his arm notifying him that Illfang was readying itself again.

Mikoto: "Gawk At Her Later, come on. Switch with us you two!"

Mikoto Rushed ahead of Kirito. Kirito quickly got up and gathered his composure rushing behind Mikoto, the both of them rushing in with complete unison. Mikoto & Kirito parried Illfang's attack, while Chitose & Asuna Attacked.

This Continued, parry, attack, Parry, Attack. Each duo managed their parts without fail, always landing their marks and protecting one another at the same time.

Kirito: "Hah!!…"

Kirito parried an attack from Illfang and swung his sword overhead to attack him back. Despite this effort, Kirito was almost hit with Illfang's Odachi.

Mikoto: "Look Out!!!…"

Mikoto managed to push Kirito out of the way enough to take the brunt of the blow, sending them both flying into Asuna & Chitose. Asuna & Chitose quickly regained their strength, and Kirito began to get up as well, Mikoto on the other hand was a bit in pain, lying on the floor beneath the trio.

They were only distracted for mere moments until a shadowy silhouette towered over them all. Illfang was in front of them, razing its Odachi overhead with a sword skill ready to swing down upon them. Despite noticing its incoming attack, Asuna, Chitose, and Kirito was a tad slow to react, but out of nowhere Egil appeared, parrying the attack in time.

Parties from the other groups came to help aid him, to fend off Illfang.

Egil: "We'll hold off this fat bastard as long as we can. Get your health back up, and recover your guy's strength"

Mikoto grabbed hold of his stomach and gritted his teeth, but manages to smile. Kirito looked at Mikoto, he then turned his attention toward Egil and nodded.

Kirito: "You got it…"

Egil took off to help the other party members to fend off Illfang. Despite their best efforts, Illfang manages to swing through them all, knocking each one down for the count. Illfang jumps overhead, readying a sword skill to finish them all off.

Kirito took notice of this and rushed in first, readying a sword skill to parry Illfang's attack, causing the boss to lose its footing and fall to the ground hard. Mikoto took notice of this, brushing off how low his health currently is.

Kirito glanced over at Mikoto who was rushing in bending him to help.

Mikoto: " Chitose!…"

Kirito:" Come on, Asuna!"

Both called to their respective partners, and both Chitose & Asuna nodded rushing to their sides. Mikoto & Kirito rushed in first, attacking in pairs. Chitose & Asuna came in second for a chain attack.

The four of them each landed attack after attack, blow for blow. Chipping away at Illfang's health, not giving to boss a second of recovery.

But as Illfang lost its balance, Both Mikoto & Kirito took that opportunity, they both activated sword skills and simultaneously attacked Illfang. Slicing up the boss's belly.

Kirito: "Aughh!!!…"

Mikoto: "..Ughhhh!!"

In one fast clean cut, both Mikoto and Kirito finished off Illfang. As it floated in the air for moments Illfang began to glow and disburse into tiny light fragments, indicating that the boss has been defeated.


Words displayed above for everyone to see, all of them were in awe at the teamwork of the four players but immediately began to cheer for their victory over the first-floor boss's defeat.

Mikoto & Kirito could be seen panting, they sat on the floor a bit winded after that final attack on Illfang. At that same time the lights within the boss room began to dim, both Mikoto & Kirito looked at each other and slightly smiled.

Suddenly a message appeared in front of them both.


(𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘎𝘖𝘛 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘓𝘈𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘛𝘛𝘈𝘊𝘒 𝘉𝘖𝘕𝘜𝘚). The message read clear as day.

Kirito looked over at Mikoto, and Mikoto also looked over at Kirito. They both seemed a bit, concerned. Kirito looked at the message again and saw he obtained an item a rare cloak. While Mikoto saw that he also obtained an item, 'Illfang's Odachi', a rare item.

Mikoto and Kirito sat in silence until Asuna, Chitose, and Egil came along.

Chitose: "..You two doing okay?"

Asuna: "Nice job…"

Egil: "That's some fine swordsmanship you two, congratulations, today's victory is all thanks to you two"

Each one of them came with its separate compliments. Mikoto & Kirito gathered their composures and looked at the trio.

Kirito: " No really…"

Mikoto: "..it was nothing but luck.."

Suddenly a roar of cheers could be heard from behind the group. The rest of the large party members cheered for their MVPs of the boss room. Mikoto & Kirito looked on, and the guilt they felt for stealing the final attack bonus slightly began to fade away.

Until a sudden shout from behind the cheers roared out for them all to stop cheering. Kibaou shouted for them all to listen to him.

Kibaou: "why'd you do it, huh? Why'd you let Diabel Die?!"

Mikoto: "wha…"

Kirito: " ..let him die?"

Kibaou looked on at the two of them with frustration and anger, tears fell from his eyes.

Kibaou: "That's what I said, admit it! You two knew what technique the boss was gonna use! You could have told us, then Diabel could of stand a chance against that monster. HE WOULDN'T HAVE HAD TO DIE!"

Everyone at the party began to talk amongst themselves, thinking, and saying how both Kirito and Mikoto knew about the boss's techniques. They all looked on at the two with suspicion and speculation.

"I know why he knew, he use to be a beta tester! Think about it! They knew the boss's attack patterns, THEY knew but kept it from us!"

One of Kibaou's party members spoke up, Kibaou wiped his tears, and the one guy spoke up again with a frustrated face.

"And I bet they're not the only beta testers here, come on show yourselves!"

Asuna, Egil, and Chitose looked on in the group of players to see if it was true or not, and the rest of the other players began to suspect one another of being beta testers. The tension was rising, and Mikoto and Kirito looked on at what was happening, they both knew that if this continued, the players would turn on each other in no time.

Kirito: "..Mikoto, I have to ask you something.."

Mikoto: "Go ahead…"

Kirito: "This doesn't look good huh?…"

Mikoto shook his head slowly at Kirito with a sorry smile. Kirito also had a sorry smile, he looked over at Mikoto and asked him.

Kirito: "Do you think you can help me?…"

Mikoto: "..sure I think I'm done with being in a large group like this anyways, it was fun while it lasted though…"

The thought of Diabel appeared in their minds, Mikoto stood up first, then Kirito stood up. They gave each other stern looks and nodded.

Egil: "Hey calm down"

Kibaou: "Tch!"

Suddenly they all heard the laughter of both Kirito and Mikoto. This caught the attention of every player there. Mikoto walked up first and spoke with a smile on his face.

Mikoto: "So you guys think we use to be beta testers?…"

Suddenly Kirito chimed in as he searched through his menu.

Kirito: "It's not safe to put us in the same class as those noobs"

Kibaou's frustration and anger began to rise as he heard what the two were spouting.

Kibaou: "What the hell did you say?!.."

Mikoto walked right in Kibaou's face, still holding his cocky smile.

Mikoto: "You heard him, most of the people who scored a slot in SAO's beta, well they were rookies, nothing more…"

Kirito came up from behind standing in the middle of the large group of players, he stared every one of them down.

Kirito: "Right, if they were so great, they would even know how to level up, Hell, even you guys were better than they were…"

Kibaou's expression grew scarce while hearing Mikoto and kirito's banter. Mikoto walked back into the group of people near the end of the boss's room.

Mikoto: " But us? We're nothing like those guys, during the beta test, both I and Kirito managed to make it to floors none of the other beta testers could even dream of getting to. That's an undeniable fact"

Kirito once again chimed in.

Kirito: "we knew about the boss, because aside from any of the other testers, we fought tons of monsters, with even more sword skills on higher floors…"

Kirito and Mikoto Continued while everyone looked at them with nervous expressions. Kibaou was getting angrier and more anxious by the second.

Mikoto faced the large group of players while Kirito walked over near the exit of the boss room.

Mikoto: "We also know other things too…more than you all could imagine…more than any info broker.."

Mikoto looked at everyone with the most serious expression he could give.

Kibaou: "Wha-what the hell, if that's true then you sons of bitches are worse than beta testers. Your goddamn cheaters!"

Roars from behind Egil, Chitose, and Asuna began to arise. The players all swore and roared at Mikoto and Kirito, not even giving them room to breathe.

"They're worse than a beta tester and a cheater!!!…"

"..Yeah, They're Beaters!!"

Kirito & Mikoto smiled at the sound of a title the group of players gave them.

Mikoto: " Beaters…"

Kirito: "..Yeah that's good, I like it"

Kibaou looked at the two with a surprised expression, the rest of the other players looked at them with confusion and caution.

Mikoto raised his hand and smiled opening his menu, whilst talking aloud for all to hear.

Mikoto: "Yeah, Alright! Call Us Beaters"

Kirito Chimed in while scurrying through his menu, equaling the black coat item he got from the boss.

Kirito: "Just call us that, and don't confuse us with those beta testers anymore"

Mikoto then equipped the sword item he got from the boss, the Odachi appears on his back where his old weapon use to be.

Kirito looked over at Mikoto, he responded with a slow nod and they both began to walk over to the door of the boss room. Suddenly Asuna and Chitose ran after the pair.

Asuna:" Wait, both of you…"

Kirito stopped and glanced over his shoulder, to see Asuna and Chitose waiting for them at the bottom of the staircase.

Asuna: "You, when we were fighting the boss, you called me by my name"

Kirito: " I wasn't trying to be rude, did I mess up the pronunciation?.."

Asuna: "How'd you even know my name?.."

Kirito turns around to see even Chitose was curious, he glanced over at Mikoto as if asking for a hand. Mikoto pondered for a moment and responded to Asuna for Kirito.

Mikoto: "If you look right about here, you'll see another HP gage under yours, there's a name written right next to it"

Asuna and Chitose looked at one another and did what Mikoto said. Both saw their party members' names, managing to say them without fail.

Asuna: "Kirito?.."

Chitose: "..Mikoto?"

As they asked the two if they got their names right, they nodded simultaneously. Asuna and Chitose looked at them seeing the position their in, showing some form of concern. Suddenly they both laughed, catching Mikoto & Kirito off guard a little.

Asuna": Pfft, Haha.."

Chitose: "We're so Dumb, Haha. It was there the hold time and we never knew"

Kirito and Mikoto at each other and back at them. Kirito suddenly spoke up.

Kirito: "You two can become more powerful here on your guy's own. But if the day comes, and someone decides to invite you to join a guild. Don't turn it down, there's a limit to what a solo player can do"

Chitose: "But, aren't you two solo?…"

Mikoto and Kirito stayed silent, they then began to walk up the staircase away from Chitose and Asuna. Kirito suddenly nudged Mikoto's arm, he nodded and opened his menu disbanding his party, Kirito also did the same.

The doors to the boss room opened and they both exited it without saying another word.

Mikoto: "Guess we part ways here also huh?.."

Kirito: "Yeah, thanks again. I didn't know how I'd handle that situation on my own"

Mikoto shook his head and gave Kirito a fist bump while looking on ahead.

Mikoto: "It's better than suffering alone, right?"

Kirito smiled bumping his fist back. They both smiled symbolically and walked their separate ways. Mikoto looked on ahead at the sky. He reminisced on the days he went up the floors during the beta on his own.

Mikoto: 'Back to being solo, back to grinding, back to surviving…'

He walked off only planning out what he does from there.

Sorry this took so long, I’ll continue to work on this series:D hope you like the other MC of this version of SAO

Aldric_creators' thoughts