
Sweet Life of AJ and Rena

Lauren_Ross · สมจริง
7 Chs

The Party



Age in chapter- 21


Age in chapter- 16

To celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, a group of students rented a venue to throw a huge party. They invited everyone they knew and asked that they tell everyone else about the party.

As far as everyone knew, the whole school was invited. Perhaps even some of the staff and teachers. Rena had gotten wind of this party. She grew ecstatic and drove to AJ's house excitedly. "Baby! Do you wanna go to a party with me?" She asked, clinging to his bicep and looking up at him with big blue-green orbs. Her long eyelashes were curled upward, almost touching back against the upper part of her eyelids.

AJ looked down at her face and smiled, his heart melting. "What kind of party is it, exactly?" He asked. "Um, it's a huge one. The whole school is going." She says. AJ gives Rena a worrisome look. He knew how she was in social situations. He wondered if this was something she'd actually be able to handle. "Are you sure?" He asked. Rena only nods.

"I promise I'll be okay as long as you're there with me!" She beams, unadulterated adoration evident in her eyes. AJ's face softens as he smiles. He can't get over how adorable his young girlfriend is. He kisses her forehead. "I'll go. When is it?" He asked. Rena thought for a moment.

She reaches into her back pocket and takes out her phone and types something in. She turns her phone for AJ to see. "This is the post one of the hosts sent out. It's the when and where." She explained. AJ examined it carefully and pulled his own phone and typed the date, time and location in his notes.

"Mm! Thank you! I want to go, just not by myself." She then looks down at her feet and adds quietly, "Plus, I can't legally go to a bar and I want to go drinking with you." She still has her clutch on his arm but her grip momentarily tightening.

"Rena... is there going to be alcohol at this party?" He asks gently. He places his fingers under her chin. Their gazes meet momentarily but Rena looks off to the side. "Yes, sir." She whispers. "Am I still allowed to go?"

"You've drunk alcohol before, love. I have no authority over you. I will not tell you no. But I need you to listen because I have some conditions." He says, his eyes now locked on hers. He has her full attention now.

"First and foremost, always watch your drinks. I don't want some scumbag to slip something in your cup and take advantage of you." She nods, understanding. "Second, don't go around drinking too much. Your vulnerability will be at an all time high if you're shit faced drunk." She smiles at his word choice. "Along with number two, don't drink too much. It's going to be hell when you wake up with a hangover." He says. His tone is serious and it sends little shivers down Rena's spine. "Do you understand these conditions?" He asked. Rena nods.

He smiles. He leans forward and kisses her gently on the lips.


The next day at school, Rena caught up with her group of friends. It's a small group consisting of only five people, including herself. "Are you guys going to that party?" She asks them. They look at her a little surprised. "Just wondering. 'Cause I'm thinking I might go." She shrugs. "Rena, you do realize how many people will show up? Are you sure you'll be able to handle that?" Alison asked. Rena simply rolled her eyes.

"I'll be fine, I promise! I wanna live my life. I'm gonna sneak out to this party. I already have a small drinking issue, so like-" She trails off as she realizes she was rambling. The minute bell rang and the crowds of students dispersed, including Rena.


It was around eleven. Rena had her lamp on in her room as she was quietly getting ready for the party. She wanted to dress a little scantily. She put on a black bustier she decorated with rhinestones, the idea to do so was inspired by the singer, Selena. She put on a high waisted black pleated mini skirt. She brushed out her hair and put it in a high ponytail and skipped makeup. She knew she looked good without it and it was better for her skin.

She goes into her closet and picks out a pair of polished black Doc Marten Mary Jane shoes and fixes the straps.

She decides against bringing anything with her because the outfit she's wearing doesn't have any pockets and she doesn't feel like carrying her things around and risk losing them. She snuck downstairs and walked out the front door. She knew where the location was held and luckily it was within walking distance.

She reached the place the party was held and walked through the doors with false confidence. She immediately went to where the drinks were. There was also a bar, but she didn't feel like ordering something and having to wait for it. She simply filled up a red solo cup with beer from one of the many kegs on the long buffet table.

As she filled up her cup, she couldn't help but look around her. Students she knew or recognized from school were sweaty and gyrating against each other to the music, their drinks sloshing around in their cups. Her eyes bugged out as she saw her History teacher making out with one of the seniors who just graduated. They were pressed up really close, the teacher's hands hidden under the girl's skirt.

She knew she wouldn't have much fun until AJ found her, so she spent the next hour and a half continuously refilling her cup with beer. She felt amazing, her heart beating and her mind racing. She felt a surge of excitement go through her. She had no problem ditching her cup and making her way into the mosh pit. She began first shyly swaying with the music. Her pacing gradually becomes more sensual and full of drunken zeal.

She felt a pair of hands grab her waist from behind. Being too far gone into her drunkenness, she allowed this stranger behind her to grind his hips against her butt. She appreciated the warmth of the other person behind her because her back was getting cold. The stranger offered her no name, even as he moved her hair aside to kiss along her neck.

"Haven't I seen you at school?" He purred near her ear. "But, you don't go to school," She slurred, jutting her hips back to meet him. "I've definitely seen you around. Why don't you talk to people, hm? A pretty girl like yourself could be with a nice fellow." He said, his fingers drumming against her hips. "You could be talking to me." He whispered.

One of his hands had reached lower, running up her bare thigh. Rena stayed quiet, her breath hitching as his fingers danced across the fabric of her panties. She looked down at the hands that held and a realization hit her.

AJ's hands are darker. AJ's hands are more calloused. AJ's hands don't look like that. AJ's voice is different. This isn't AJ. She quickly moved away, attempting to push the guy away with a hand on his chest. Her arms weren't as strong, so the guy barely moved. He simply smiled.

"Y-you're not AJ. You're not my sir." She said, her words still slurring. "I could be your sir." He murmured, getting closer. "Get away from me!" Rena shouted. Some of the nearby partiers halted their movements and looked at them.

The guy who was touching her looked on nervously. "Babe, it's me. You're just drunk." He said, reaching out. Rena flinched back. "No! I don't know you!" She screamed. Someone finally stepped forward. "Everyone at school knows Rena doesn't date. Back off." The girl said. The guy mumbled incoherent words under his breath as he walked away.

"Rena, how much have you been drinking?" She asked, searching her face. Rena tipped her head back and laughed. "Since I got here!" The girl narrowed her eyes. "You should go home." Rena locked her eyes on the girl and glared. The girl shrunk back a little before sighing. She left Rena alone as she continued to the bar.

She sat down on a barstool and asked for a bottle of Corona. Since it wasn't anything fancy and was within arms reach, her order was given to her within a few short seconds. She asked for the bartender to open it for her as she hadn't the strength to do it herself. With a corkscrew, the top was popped off and Rena was then handed the bottle. Her fingers became wet due to condensation lining the exterior of the container.

She tipped her head back and took a huge gulp of the contents. When she set the bottle down on the counter, she had a sour look on her face as the taste of cheap beer remained on her tongue. She then just decided to down the rest of the beer and ask for something else when she was finished.

"Excuse me, can I please have a fruit cocktail, please?" She asked. The bartender got to work right away while Rena simply bobbed her head to the music. Her drink was placed in front of her and she took a tentative sip, not sure how it would taste. She decided she liked it and chugged the whole thing.

"Rena!" A voice called out. It was familiar. Her heart warmed and she smiled. She turned around and saw AJ making his way toward her. "Baby," She murmured, smiling widely. A look of disappointment crossed his features. He moved the strands of hair that got in her face. Rena leaned forward against him, grateful for the support. "Rena... I thought I told you not to drink so much." He said.

Rena tensed. "How many drinks have you had?" He asked her gently. Rena counted on her fingers. "A lot." She said. She hopped up from her barstool and gave her boyfriend a hug. "I've been here for a couple hours, I waited for you and got bored." She whined, reaching up to kiss him.

"Rena, I've been trying to call you. You just wouldn't answer." He says. Rena laughed. "I left it at home! I don't wanna lose it." AJ sighed with contempt. He knows better than to raise his voice at her so he just accepts the fact and drops the issue.

AJ allowed himself to be dragged off to the mosh pit to dance with his drunk girlfriend. He wasn't necessarily mad at her for not listening to him, just a little disappointed. The most drunk he had ever seen Rena get was tipsy. She'd have a few glasses of her mother's wine.

If anything, he was amused by her behavior. She was even more childish when she was like this. The outfit she chose to wear was nothing short of sexy. Her cute ass would show from under her short skirt as she walked. Her breasts poked out from the top of her bra, as if she was wearing a push-up bra. It's probably what that was, with rhinestones sewn in a floral pattern.

AJ couldn't stop himself from staring. Her toned stomach was on display. Years of surfing, swimming and various exercises have certainly paid off. Her thighs were a little meatier than the rest of her body because of the greasy fast food she'd eat. Instead of them just being fat, they were balanced out through leg exercises and swimming.

Rena had taken her ponytail out and her long brunette locks were now cascading down her back in beautiful waves. She shook her hair out and ran a hand through the front a few times.

She looked back at AJ with flushed cheeks and parted lips. "Wanna dance with me?" She asked, her eyes full of nothing but mischief and a promise of strenuous activity in his bedroom later on in the night. He looked at her hungrily, not hearing a word she said. "Sirrrrrr!" She whined, tugging at his arm. "Dance with me." She said a little louder, her voice taking on the higher octave she knew would make him weak.

He took a few steps closer to her and turned her around. He pushed her back with his hands on her hips. Once he got familiar with the beat of the song, he began to rotate her hips in sync with his own.

AJ did this for a few minutes before Rena also got the beat down and was able to grind against him on her own. AJ kept one hand firmly on her hip while the other glided up her stomach and reached to grab a handful of her tits. He gently massaged her breast while she was massaging his groin with her supple ass.

Rena reached down and hiked up the back of her skirt, allowing AJ to see the purple lace panties she wore. He cursed as he felt his pants constrict. Rena giggled and only rubbed her ass against him more. They grinded for a few more songs before Rena led AJ to another part of the party. It was a lounging area with various couples making out on the sofas.

Rena pushed him down onto one of the chairs and straddled his thighs. She placed her hands on his shoulders while he had his firmly on her ass. She rolled her hips as she leaned forward and closed the space between them, kissing him with force. AJ's hands reached under her skirt as his lips collided with hers. She ran her tongue along his lower lip and to her satisfaction, he parted his lips, allowing her entry.

AJ's fingers moved the thong aside and began to stroke her soaked cunt with his thumb. Rena shivered with delight and moaned in his mouth. She moved her hips back onto his thumb, causing it to enter her. He pulled his thumb back and used it to rub along her clit as his middle and ring finger slipped inside her aching pussy.

Rena squealed as her pussy clenched around his fingers. He ran his tongue along the side of her neck, loving the feel of her long nails gripping his shoulders. "You should get those nails trimmed, baby." He murmurs in her ear before gently nibbling along the lobe. Rena's cunt gave another squeeze to his digits. She dragged her hips upwards as she rode his fingers.

He added a third finger and she hid her face in his neck. "T-take me home!" She whined. She had stopped riding him and instead let him thrust his fingers in and out of her. "But I haven't had any drinks yet," He whispers, giving her a hard thrust to her G-spot. Rena howled. She came on his fingers and he pulled them out. He brought his wet digits to his lips and licked her juices.

He took her back to the bar. He didn't drink heavily, but he allowed Rena to. Rena took shot after shot. Meanwhile, AJ consumed only two and watched his girlfriend with interest. He gave a stern look to the bartender and said, "I think this lady has had enough to drink." The bartender finally looked at Rena. "Oh, shit! God. I don't really look at who I serve, I should have noticed she was so drunk." He tossed his rag over his shoulder and ran a hand through his hair.

"Keep an eye on her, mate. She looks like the fragile type." He says. AJ nods, his lips quirking up for a split second. He nodded and the bartender went back to making his drinks. AJ got up and placed a hand on Rena's back. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "Time to go baby."


Rena wasted no time throwing herself at AJ the minute he had kicked the front door closed. She slotted her mouth to his and reached down to grip his belt. She whined when her fingers fumbled and failed to undo his belt and free his waist. AJ popped off her mouth and grabbed her gently by the wrists. "Be patient, love." He said, his tone of voice husky and laden with lust.

Rena gulped as a surge of desire coated her panties in a white sticky fluid that was evidence of her arousal. She pushed herself back onto him and immediately slipped her small tongue through his lips. He sucked on her lips and then kissed down her neck. He found a specific spot and started to suck, his teeth and tongue grazing over the spot. Rena released a moan that could have AJ cum right there.

"Fuck." He mutters. He tosses Rena over his shoulder and pulls her into his room. He throws her on his bed and she kicks her shoes off. AJ did the same. He towered over her, drinking in the sight in front of him. He climbs over her and hikes her skirt up. He pulls her panties off and grins at her. He dives between her thighs and starts lapping up her cunt.

He held her by her hips while her thighs wrapped around his head. She often worried she'd choke him when she squeezed his head like that. AJ didn't mind it if she did, the taste of her juices on his mouth and the melodic moans that fell from her lips compensated for the discomfort he might have felt.

His tongue explored every inch of her pussy; darting this way and that, inside and outside. Sometimes he even flicked the nub of her clit with the tip of his tongue. He showed her no mercy when she was at his command. The tip of AJ's tongue worked its way through her folds and savored the taste of her sweet slick. He alternated between fucking her with his tongue while his fingers pinched and rubbed at her clit to fingering her with his middle finger while he unceremoniously sucked on her clit.

Rena howled and giggled and moaned and screamed. She ran her fingers gently through his scalp to praise him for his work. He hummed in appreciation. She came in his mouth at least twice before he got up from between her legs and wiped his mouth with his arm. He tore his shirt off, unbuckled his belt and undid his pants. Rena panted as she set her eyes on her boyfriend. She moaned softly as she watched him stroke his dick a few times. She reached down to relieve the consistent ache in her womanhood but AJ's hand quickly stopped her.

He gave her a warning look while lining himself up to her twitching cunt before pushing his tip in. Rena gripped his forearms, pushing her hips forward to suck him in deeper. They both let out deep moans while he continued to sink inside the tight passage he'd fucked so many times already. Rena's hands unclasped her bra and tossed it aside. She moved her arms down and grabbed the waistband of her skirt, moving it up to pull it over her head.

She was now also completely naked, satisfied she could now call it even. "More!" She commanded, reaching out to make grabby hands at AJ's neck. He leaned his head forward so she could wrap her arms around him. He also pushed his hips forward, thrusting all the way into her while her legs instinctively wrapped around his midsection.

Even though he's fucked Rena many times before, AJ can never get over how tight her pussy is. It took them over two hours to properly stretch her out before she was fucked for the first time. He'd finger her for a bit, then try to push himself in. Her cunt would tighten up as she tensed, trying to drive him out. She'd tense so hard, just the tip hurt when it was pushed through. He thought she was just extremely tight for two reasons. She's small. And she's a virgin.

She was just nervous. So AJ caressed her skin and gave her gentle kisses while he continued to work his fingers through her. As he lined himself up to her hole, he continued to stroke her with featherlight touches and gave her gentle words of encouragement.

Now, here she was underneath him. She was writhing, tearing her nails down his back and mewling like a cat. Her face was dusted pink and her skin was warm. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her mouth hung open in bliss. He took that as a moment to lean his body forward to kiss her open mouth. He couldn't thrust very well when their torsos were slotted against each other, so he just rolled his hips and grinded his cock into her.

She wrapped her arms around his back and hugged him closer. She had slowly begun to sober up and her adrenaline helped her regain some of her strength. She used her legs to flip them over.

AJ, now on his back, was at Rena's mercy. She placed her small hands on his pecs and used his chest as a leverage to raise herself up. AJ grabbed onto her hips and assisted in her bouncing. He bounced her quickly, her breasts bouncing along with her body. She leaned closer to his face. He latched onto one of her nipples and bit into her. Her back arched as she screamed in ecstasy.

Her walls clamped around AJ's cock, prompting him to fill her with ropes of his thick cum. Rena collapsed forward onto her boyfriend, panting. "I love you." She purred.


Rena awoke the next morning in one of AJ's shirts. She had a massive headache and pussy felt sore from the abuse she suffered from his cock. She snuggled into AJ's chest and closed her eyes, trying to shield her eyes from the light of the morning sun. AJ had an arm wrapped securely around her middle. He breathed in and mumbled, "Mornin, babe."

"Kill the sun." she whimpers. He laughed. "Aw. I did warn you not to drink too much didn't I?" He pet the top of her head. Rena kept her eyes closed as she tilted her head towards his face. "Being drunk makes me bold. I would have probably just made out with you on the couch if I wasn't in a drunken stupor. Mm. You fucked me real good last night." She says. She then tucks her face into his neck and falls back asleep.

AJ looked at the time and saw it was still early and joined her happily.