
Sweet Life of AJ and Rena

Lauren_Ross · Realistic
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7 Chs

Sex on the Beach



Age in chapter- 22

Rena- 16 1/2

Rena spent most of her time at AJ's place. They would do normal couple things, like dating or dancing or going shopping. They didn't have sex everyday. A lot, certainly, but not all the time.

They were walking hand in hand along the beach. Rena was going to surf while AJ would linger on the sand, keeping an eye on her. He simply wanted to watch his skilled little Rena surf, while also admiring her body. Rena was clad in a skimpy and tight bikini. A simple tug on the strings on her hips would cause her bikini bottom to fall. Her triangle bikini top was struggling to cover her bouncing tits, but Rena couldn't bring herself to care. As long as they covered her areolas, there was no possibility of public indecency.

She ran off into the waves with her surfboard before mounting it. She laid on her stomach and used her arms to paddle. She made sure to stay within AJ's view so that he could watch her do one of the many things she was good at and would enjoy. She loved to surf, but she loved to tease him even more.

AJ couldn't stop himself from staring. The way her hips swayed as she walked and the way her breasts shook with her every move tantalized him. When they had first met, she was considerably smaller than how she is now. Her tits were two sizes smaller. She is currently at a double D. She never told him her size, he just found it on the tag of one of her bras. Her hips were pretty narrow when she was fifteen. Along with a gap between her thighs. While she had a subtle outline of ab muscles along her stomach, she had pretty powerful legs.

Now, her legs are toned, her thighs perfectly shaped and thick. Her ass was a mound of thick muscle and fat because of her love for fast food and sweets. Her stomach had a healthy layer of fat while maintaining its shape. She had a six-pack of abs. Not as impressive as AJ's, but they were still worth noting.

He watched her stand up, emphasizing the use of her hips and ass, arching her back. She looked over her shoulder, grinning as she saw AJ's eyes glued to her. She kept her balance as she stood and rode wave after wave. All of them have various sizes and frequencies. AJ stood up when he saw Rena disappear under a rip curl. He craned his neck and let out a relieved sigh when he saw her emerge from the water, still on her feet.

But her face didn't match his relief. She looked around with a worried look. Her hands were holding onto her hips in a strange way. AJ let his eyes travel downward. He saw that the strings of her bikini were hardly supporting themselves. Rena finally locked her gaze on AJ. She was frantic as she beckoned to him.

AJ wasted no time. He ran into the water and swam to her as fast as he could. When he was Basic Training, the corps covered swimming as a branch of their training. He was fairly quick on reaching her. She was sitting on her board. She wrapped her legs around his shoulders and held his cheeks. She didn't look as worried now. Her expression was now smug.

Rena leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "I hadn't meant for this to happen. But let's take advantage of this." AJ's gaze never met her face. It kept fleeting from her breasts, to her stomach, to her legs and thigh pale thighs that were around his neck.

He brought his hands to the strings and carefully undid the loose knots. He stuffed the garment into the pocket of his swim trunks and got to work.

AJ slid an arm around Rena's waist, pulling her closer. The rough pads of his fingers slid across her pussy lips, eliciting a breathy moan from Rena. She tilted her head back and ran her hands across his tattooed shoulders. Her face was illuminated by the sun while her wet hair splayed behind her.

"Baby," She called, gaining her lover's attention. She tilted her chin downwards and dragged her gaze along his features. "More."

AJ was more than eager to oblige. He slipped a finger into her pussy, curling it upwards in a 'come here' motion. He ran his thumb along her clit before finally diving in.

Rena wet her lips by running her salivating tongue along the luscious thick pair she was blessed with. She tasted salt from the water. She felt her insides clench around his one finger. She breathed in through her nose, and exhaled heavily through her mouth. "B-baby.. gimme more." She rasped. AJ looked up at her, his vision of her face almost completely obstructed by the size of her tits.

He gazed into her face, smiling. Her only response was to part her thighs and squeeze his shoulders. AJ savored the sight in front of him. Rena was a divine deity seeking pleasure and gratification from a peasant. AJ was simply in awe. Though not for the first time; he marveled at the fact that Rena had chosen him, and was still choosing him.

AJ held Rena's thighs in place on his shoulders as he pressed closer. He began to mouth at her cunt. Rena's cheeks were painted red as her boyfriend kissed at her most intimate place, with his finger still thrusting in her pussy.

AJ was gentle, running his tongue along the sides of Rena's opening, eagerly running his thick, roughened muscle along slick pussy lips and lightly teasing her swollen pink clit with the tip of his tongue.

Rena's thighs were trembling against his neck and shoulders as she was so carefully eaten and fingered.

He held Rena's hips, arms resting across her lower stomach and pinned her down, not allowing her to ride his face like every other time while they were in their home, and ran the smooth underside of his tongue up against Rena's clit, moving his head as he applied pressure.

Rena's thighs squeezed around his head as she tried to get closer, gaining additional relief. AJ's grip had proven to be too strong and she stopped trying to resist his hold. "Fuck! Ah, f-fuck~!" Rena moaned. She then quickly held a hand over her mouth, remembering she was in the ocean in a public place, not in AJ's bed.

Finally, AJ poked his tongue through her pussy. Rena hadn't noticed when he had removed his finger, she assumed it was when he held her down to hold her still. He had his tongue in so deep, his nose was buried against her pelvic bone. AJ licked in long, slow strokes, drawing out each drag with a low moan as Rena's slick coated his taste buds.

Finally, AJ's tongue reached a place far into her pussy. Bumping into her G-spot, he felt an immediate clench around his tongue. Rena choked back a sob as she struggled to stay quiet. Her juices flooded his mouth and while he struggled to get it all, some leftovers dribbled down his chin.


"Race you?" Rena asked AJ, wiggling her eyebrows. AJ knew there was a slim chance he'd claim victory because of how long she'd been swimming for, but he accepted her offer anyway. With graceful fluid movements, Rena had beat him by four minutes. She then took his hand and led him to the tropical looking beach bar.

AJ sat down on a stool and Rena sat herself comfortably on his lap. The bartender smiled at them. Rena couldn't help but return her smile. The bartender's smile was probably a routine way of greeting customers, but Rena's smile was genuine and radiated happiness.

"Hi! Do you serve piña coladas?" She asked. AJ gave her a warning squeeze to her middle, and a look that read, Don't drink too much. The bartender noticed, but ignored the action. "Of course! Virgin or regular?" She asked. Rena gave a gentle snicker, thinking about the fact she was willingly being served alcohol without the request of seeing an ID. She also wanted to remark that she wasn't a virgin, just as a joke. But she refrained.

"Regular please! Can I have an extra one of those little umbrellas?" The bartender nodded with the same smile on her face. She tipped her head towards AJ. "And what about you, sir?" She asked. She was eying his muscles and the tattoos that were littered across his torso. Tattoo sleeves on his arms and one stretching to one of his pectorals.

Rena had also noticed her staring enviously at her abs. Possibly wanting to be as fit as well. AJ thought for a moment. He shifted his weight a bit and squeezed Rena's thigh, his thumb grazing the soft pale skin in a liquid motion.

"I'll take a sex on the beach please. Please add a little extra vodka to it." His nonchalance sent a shiver down Rena's spine and made her face heat up. The woman's face shifted for a moment, her eyes widened and her mouth agape. She quickly regained her composure and got to work on their cocktails.

"Sex on the beach sounds lovely, don't you think?" AJ whispered against Rena's flushed neck. Rena simply craned her neck and gave him a small kiss on the bottom of his chin.

Her drink was served. She raised her glass and tilted her head upward again. "Yes sir!" She answered his question, her voice higher. She gave a sip of her drink and relaxed against AJ's muscled chest. "Yummy." She gave her hips a little wiggle, as if to test the limits while they were at the bar.

AJ quickly had a firm grip on her, holding her still. "Don't tempt me, Rena." He warned. She looked over her shoulder at him with an innocent glint in her eyes while she took another drink.

AJ's drink was then handed to him shortly thereafter and he made sure he had Rena's attention while he drank from his glass. His free hand glided up and down her thigh, his fingers straying and playing with her clothed cunt.

"This is so yummy," She said slowly. She grabbed AJ's hand and moved it to cup her crotch. "You know what else is yummy? It sort of looks like this drink." She took another sip for show.

"Your cock is pretty tasty. Your cum is even better." She continued guiding AJ's hands, putting pressure. AJ gave a gentle squeeze and ran his fingers up and down. Rena tried her best not to make any noise. "Well, if I taste that good, why don't you give me a taste when we're done with our drinks." He said, his voice low and deep.

Rena immediately chugged the rest of her piña colada and AJ followed suit. They quickly got up and scavenged the place to find a place discreet and away from the public eye. When they found a place, neither of them had any hesitation. They kissed with pent up passion and fervor.

AJ was kissing Rena's neck when she finally spoke up, "Baby, I.. ah~ I came back here to suck you off. So let me." It came out sounding like a whine as she pushed her hips roughly against his. He popped off her neck and gave her room to work.

Rena kissed her way down his stomach and the space below his belly button. As she moved lower, she pulled his trunks down and gave his dick a few strokes, coaxing him to full hardness.

Rena's eyes were hazy, unfocused as she slid lower, kissing the base of AJ's shaft, relishing in the thick, heady taste of the older man's lust. "Please," AJ choked out, hands covering his mouth as he withstood the girl's feather light touches and soft kisses. "Re-na~!"

'Thank you for this meal,' Rena thought, mouth opening and taking in the glistening cockhead. AJ hissed as the sensitive flesh was surrounded by slick, searing warmth of his girlfriend's mouth. Rena's tongue worked the tip, swirling around it before inching down, lightly bobbing her head.

"Mmph! Mn! Hngh!" AJ grunted, hands covering his mouth as he fought to stay quiet. Rena finally grabbed AJ's hand and placed it on the back of her head. Rena let out a gentle moan as she slowly sank further on AJ's cock with his fingers threaded through her hair.

AJ's fingers flexed, gently scratching Rena's scalp and causing her moans to deepen as she drew back up slowly and teasingly, lips tightening around the considerable girth as she moved.

AJ gasped as Rena's head dipped low again, his cockhead brushing against the back of her throat where her moaning caused low vibrations. He was so lost in the sensation that he unintentionally tightened his hold on Rena's hair. The hand he'd been using to muffle his voice flew to Rena's head as well, his trembling fingers holding Rena down on his cock.

Rena's lips tightened around AJ's base, the tip twitching just outside her mouth as she applied light suction, suckling on AJ's dick while bobbing her head only a few centimeters. AJ, with his hands in Rena's hair and lost in his pleasure, was moaning freely, his thighs tensing as he squirmed, his body wanting to thrust but having nowhere to go with Rena's mouth taking him so perfectly.

Finally, he gave in. He bucked his hips forward as his hands brought Rena's head further onto his dick, causing her to choke. Rena hummed encouragingly. He kept fucking her mouth until he came.

There was no warning. Spurt after spurt of his virile cum spilled down her throat. Rena had no choice but to swallow. She wasn't able to swallow everything and some drops dribbled down her chin. She popped off of AJ's cock and gave the tip a kiss before AJ quickly dressed himself.

He looked at her softly, drawing his thumb against her lips and chin to wipe off his remaining spend. She opened her mouth and licked the cum off his fingers.

He leaned forward and rested his forehead on her shoulder, still trying to catch his breath. "Better than anything I've ever tasted." Rena said happily. She ran her fingers through his moist shaggy hair. "Liar." He mumbled. "It kinda tasted like your drink. The fruits used were absorbed and it made your cum taste really sweet this time!"

"Let's go home," He whispered. "I'm not done with you yet."