
surviving as a hero

everyone must have read those next generation villain stories, right? stealing hero's harem and lots of face slapping. I'm also finding myself in this type of world ... except [ding] you are now inside an novel dear host. "huh...oh that means breaking plot armour of protagonist-" [ding] as the main protagonist of this novel. . . . "wha-" [ding] congratulations dear host. . . . "WHAAAAAAAT" A/n: thumbnail isn't mine

Novel_Soup · สมัยใหม่
46 Chs

Chaotic Third Event (part 3)

(Xin's POV)

'fuck...how long has been since I was unconscious....maybe the Third Event has already ended.....'

I opened my eyes slowly..... only to see Chen, smoking at the end of this hallway...he was looking the other way...so, guess he didn't notice me yet.....

soon, I started taking a lot of deep breaths...

'ha....ha....fuck..... I just wanted to see Ran receive the Spear and go away..... I just wanted my rewards.....fuck.....why did I lose?....did I lose to them?.....no.....is this like before?? like how it happened with reaper!!! NO!!!!.....THAT CAN'T BE!!!! I'M STRONGER THEN THEM!!!!!! I CAN'T BE DEFEATED BY THESE BASTARDS!!! I WANT A REMATCH!!! I DEMAND A REMATCH!!!! I'M GONNA FUCKING TEAR THESE BASTARDS APART AND MAKE THE FLYS FLY OVER THEIR HEADS!!!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL THEM!!!!!!'

I don't even know, what I was thinking??? where did all this anger came from??? my body was turning hot.....my breathing became faster!!! My head was filled with nothing just rage....my heart was beating so fast....it feels as if...if I don't kill these guys!!! my whole body will just tear apart!!!!

my mind went blank and in this whole situation, the last thing I saw was a pop up...

[ {MADNESS COMBAT} skill has been activated.]

(??? POV)

Huh?....you want to know about the passive skill called [madness combat]....hmm... let's see....uh right!! it's a really dangerous but helpful skill...

Think of it this way, when you lose to someone or anyone in particular, but you still have enough fighting spirit left .....and all the blooodlust inside you is overflowing, or more commonly, when a fight is not going in your favour but you desperately want to win, that's when this passive skill is automatically activated....

A skill that can easily turn the tables, you might think, how is it so powerful.....does it increase your strength....or speed...or maybe any other attributes....heck some might even think that it might make their attack power!!! ptf!! hahahahahahaha funny right!! but it does not do any of the following... instead, it blanks your instincts and rational thinking....your ethics.... everything that is morally correct inside your head gets blanked out...and then it unlocks the darkest part of your mind...

that part which is ready to use any form of tactic no matter how morally questionable or ethically wrong it is...all that, just to win..

now now.....it might not look that amazing infront of every other skill however....this is the only skill that increases your chances of survival....

but this skill's most fatel flaw is that it doesn't have any limitations.....the only way to stop is by breaking your body...and because of that, many transmigrator died..... that's why all these reincarnated players and regressors avoided this skill or straight up exchange them with the help of system.... that's why they never get to see it...

they never get to see how this skill truly works...and how amazing it truly is...

* * * * * * * * * *

(Chen's POV)

after making Xin unconscious, I sent those two downstairs to break havoc in the casino, so that the queen of Underworld will show up.....at first it was supposed to be a quietl assassination....but because of this bastard, we had to change plans since he might have informed somebody about the assassination and now we're gonna have to kill her infront of everyone..

soon I lit up a cigarette and started smoking, while waiting for those two to give me the signal.....so I can join them and kill that bitch Ying Xiu ya.

(smoking is injurious for health)

'it's been ten minutes since those two bastards went and I can already hear screams from the second floor...maybe I should also join them.....'

I then looked behind me, only to see that bastard still lying.... completely motionless....

'hehe....look at this bitch, and to think he was supposed to be the successor....'

after few seconds, I started hearing deep breathing noise....

'did this bastard finally woke up....'

as soon as I turned back, I couldn't see anything.... I mean literally nothing....a black coat was blocking my vision...but soon I realised something was.....wrong.

soon, someone wrapped that coat on my face while pulling the sleeves from my back!!


it was Xin....but this time his approach was different.


he repeatedly started hitting the back of my neck with his knee!!

before I could comprehend anything else, I felt immense pain of my face....this bastard!! he has now started punching me while I was still blind folded with his coat!! his punches didn't stop even once but finally, when I saw an opening, I was able to throw him off me..

and with a little struggle, I was finally free from that fucking coat that was wrapped around my head..


before I could finish, I felt something hit my face.... something..... metallic!!! soon I noticed that it was Xin.....

he was standing there, he's the one who hit me.....but he wasn't bare handed....he had a metallic tap of sink on each of his hand, he's using them as weapons!!!

and after looking closely, the Xin infront of me had this really big sadistic smile on his face....and soon, he finally opened his mouth..


he then jumped right at me, hitting me on all my vital areas with those metallic taps!!!

"argh!!! FUCK!!!"

In retaliation, I tried punching him several times but unlike before when he was just evading my attacks.....this time.....he was countering them without missing a beat...

...no even though I speed up my attacks!! he's just dodging them at impossible angles!!!


Soon I noticed that even though my body is strong and can easily endure an attack ....but after getting continuously beaten by taps on my vital areas.....my body started breaking down...but he didn't stop at there...


in mere seconds, he grabbed my hair and fit one of the taps in my mouth and then....


the then punched my mouth using the other tap as a knuckle!!!



most of my teeth broke down and I could no longer feel my jaw...no....my mouth....this bastard!!! he's fighting like an animal!!!

"gagh!!! FIN FU-"

before I could say anything, he immediately hit my face with a knew, breaking my nose!!

after that he.... I guess he finally dropped his guard but I didn't take any risk.... immediately after I got hit, I grabbed his arm and swing my fist at full speed..!!



he stopped it...he stopped my punch.....with his forehead!!?


'why!!?? why can't you just get hit!!!!???'

he then in a span of seconds, used a low kick and made me lose my balance.....and finally as I felt like I was in mid air.....he punched my face with that metal tap!!! pushing not just my face....but my body down as well....and after that I felt a crash sound.....at that point I realised that I'm falling from the second floor to first floor.....but that thought changed when I heard another crash sound and with that, I lost my consciousness...

but before losing my consciousness, the last words I heard were.... Xin's maniacal laugh....and then...


-to be continued