

Just a guy who will rise to the top of the food chain. read and enjoy. English is not my first language

oneaboveall_47 · ภาพยนตร์
40 Chs

chapter 36 - For our masters

As they hurried through the shadows, the two figures in black cloaks seemed to evade the morning sunlight effortlessly. Their steps were silent, as if their feet possessed a knowledge of their surroundings that allowed them to move without making a sound.

"Why are we here?" one of them questioned the other.

Coming to a sudden stop, the second cloaked figure halted beside the first. They both removed their hoods, revealing their flawless and delicate faces.

The girl possessed an ethereal beauty, resembling a porcelain doll that had come to life. Her graceful movements were both mesmerizing and unsettling, and her eyes held a chilling intensity that was far from ordinary for someone her age.

The boy, too, had delicate features that made it difficult to determine his gender at first glance. However, upon closer inspection, one could see the subtle contours of his face that hinted at his masculinity. Yet, his growth seemed to be forever halted, preventing him from ever becoming a fully grown man.

The girl retrieved a unique dagger from her cloak, its dull edge glimmering in the sunlight and reflecting the faces of the duo and the surrounding trees.

"Look," the girl pointed at the dagger. Under the sunlight, the dagger seemed to possess a life of its own, with intricate runes pulsating like nerves, all pointing in the same direction as if guiding the pair.

Alec, unfazed by this phenomenon, simply gazed intently at his sister.

Ever since their mission began, his sister had been acting strangely. Normally, she would secretly defy Aro behind his back, but suddenly she had transformed into the loyal soldier Aro had always desired.

Jane stared back at her brother with an emotionless gaze, a stark contrast to her usual vivacity when they were together. Alec sensed something amiss and attempted to embrace her, but Jane materialized a few feet away, clearly hesitant to make physical contact.

With an indifferent smile, Alec lowered his arms and sprinted in the direction guided by the ancient dagger. Jane followed suit, maintaining a few feet of distance between them.

Regrettably, Alec was unable to witness the sight of the runes crawling on his sister's neck, disappearing from the dagger to her eyes with a single throb. Jane tightly gripped the dagger in her hands, her gaze fixed on her brother's vulnerable back. A foreboding glint flickered in her eyes before they became expressionless.

As Alec sprinted, a multitude of thoughts raced through his mind.

"Has she been mind-controlled?"

"Did Aro do something to her?"

"She was never like this before, why has she suddenly become so loyal?"

Despite these concerns, Alec's movements remained graceful. Each step he took was lightning-fast and precise. He slightly turned his head to glance at his sister's face.

Jane's appearance was delicate and flawless as always, but this time her actions seemed almost mechanical, as if she were a puppet being controlled.

Determined to find answers, Alec abruptly came to a stop, causing dust and loose soil to fill the air. Jane mirrored his actions and locked eyes with her brother, her gaze meeting his crimson eyes.

Their standoff continued, and the surroundings seemed to grow heavy with tension. The once-bustling wildlife fell silent, as if aware of the confrontation between these two apex predators.

"Jane," Alec hissed through clenched teeth, his lips curling to reveal his cold, glinting white teeth. Black miasma swirled in his palms, enclosing the siblings and leaving no means of escape for Jane.

Jane remained silent, standing motionless as Alec enveloped the area in his inescapable dome of black miasma, sealing their fate.

"There's no way out. Tell me now," Alec hissed sharply in his metallic voice, his words carrying across the distance and instilling fear in the howling animals, silencing them completely.

Black miasma swirled near Jane's feet, threatening to strip away her senses at any moment. Yet, her face maintained its cool composure, as if her life were not in danger.

"What have you done to my sister?" Alec's voice echoed through the air, filled with fear and concern. The dark miasma continued to tighten its grip on Jane's foot, intensifying the sense of urgency.

"My dear brother, it is I, Jane," she responded calmly, her voice a stark contrast to Alec's frantic tone. The swirling miasma ceased its movement, releasing Jane from its grasp.

Jane approached her twin, her voice carrying a mixture of gentle reprimand and disappointment. "Do you not recognize your older sister? We have endured so much together, facing the rejection of humanity and the abuse of our own parents. We have always taken care of each other."

Alec's suspicion began to wane as he listened to Jane's words. The miasma surrounding them dissipated, leaving only traces of its presence lingering around Jane.

Confusion filled Alec's voice as he questioned, "But why are you behaving so strangely?" Memories of their shared past flooded his mind, reminding him of the unbreakable bond they had forged over centuries.

In his thoughts, Alec realized, "That's right, my own twin sister would never harm me." He allowed Jane to caress his face, feeling a sense of calm wash over him as the black miasma vanished completely, and the sounds of the forest returned.

Before Alec could inquire further, Jane motioned for him to be silent and embraced him tightly. The embrace reminded him of the countless trials they had faced together, weathering storms side by side.

Transformed into vampires at a tender age, their physical and mental growth had been stunted, leaving them trapped in the past.

"All of this is for our masters," Jane whispered, her tone devoid of emotion. The once gentle voice now carried a fanatical edge that unsettled Alec once again.

Without releasing the embrace, Alec shifted his gaze to the side, catching a glimpse of his sister's profile. His eyes gradually widened with fear, then transformed into despair, and finally settled into a serene acceptance as his body withered away, consumed by the dagger.

The once concealed runes on the blade now pulsed with an otherworldly energy, its dull surface gleaming with a silver sheen. The surrounding space seemed to waver, as if on the verge of being torn apart at any moment.

Jane cradled the dagger in her hands, her expression devoid of any remorse. With a look of devotion, she peered down at it, a glimmer of madness flickering in her eyes. Her flawless hands began to crack, as if tiny shards of crystal were falling from her grasp. It appeared that even a vampire couldn't withstand the sharpness of the blade.

Unconcerned about the damage she was inflicting upon herself, Jane brushed off the dirt and swiftly sprinted towards the city, her determination unwavering.