
Growing up is tough

Now what most people think when I tell them "I have two moms" they think "oh so your a lesbian too?" Just because my moms are both lesbians doesn't mean that I'm lesbian!."oh hi my name is Amber,Amber inkrose!".

The day after the two ladies took me into there house they took me to a store.they said I could "pick any toys or snacks or clothes I wanted !" I was shocked I never had anyone who would say such a thing I was in shock so much that I said "m-mam are you okay? You shouldn't trust me like that".the two ladies were shocked!.after we shopped we went to get icecream. I had never had icecream before.It was to delicious oh my I'm drooling haha!.wile we were eating icecream the two ladies interdicted themselves first the skinny one with blonde hair interludes herself "my name is karra but you can call me mom" the other one spoke next she was absolutely beautiful she had puffed lips, big green, eyes lovely brown hair, with the tips purple!."my name is Audrey but you can call me momma!" I nodded quietly.

The next month I got comfortable I was happy until they said "it was time for school".I was terrified the last time I started school I ended up getting hurt. I told them "I DONT WANNA GO,"

My dear moms were kind about and told me they could homeschool me for a littlewile.

The next month I went to public school I was as the teachers said "very special" for the next few years I lived happly until I turned 13 my body started to change but not in a way I expected.