
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Average Joe

"Honey, I'm done with this class." Tommy said as he closed his laptop.

"Dinner is on the table for you, I'm just finishing feeding the baby." His wife Gabby calls from the other room.

Tommy lives a fairly basic life with his wife and 2 kids. He recently decided to go back to school in order to earn a degree. Just make life a little easier for him and his family. Accounting was his choice. He was a bit of a slacker but highly intelligent so he never really had to work to hard to make things work.

Life had gotten to be a little to expensive to coast by with the kids and buying a house. So back to school he went. It was all online these days which was great to stay home with the kids for a change.

Tommy didn't really have a dad himself growing up. Life was rough for him being a short kid at an inter city school on the not so nice side of town. He got picked on alot growing up and had to, more often than not, fight his way out of some pretty tough situations. He learned how to box at a young age to learn some discipline and self defense. Due to his high intelligence he quickly became quite good at it.

Being a smart kid he never pushed the boxing and preferred to stick with schooling. Well after moving around quite a bit he ended up in a nice small town of about 10,000. A place he thought would be great to raise kids.

"So what's for dinner babe?" he asks walking into the kitchen. Seeing a beautiful plate of steak, white rice, corn, and biscuits. His stomach immediately starts growling.

"Your favorite." she calls cheekily.

Tommy grabs his plate and his favorite large, thick, personally sharpened steak knife and his favorite fork. As he cuts deeply into the steak, he hears a familiar buzzing of a fly or mosquito. He spots it flying directly in front of him before seemingly disappearing into thin air.

"What the f*@k?" he thought as he rubbed his eyes, thinking they were playing tricks on him.

The next instant it the buzzing was back, but it was behind him.

"How did it?" the broken thought goes through his mind. He brushes it off just assuming he has lost track of it. He lifts the peice of juicy steak that he had cut off into his mouth. As he closes his mouth on the savory, meaty morsel he felt something slip into his mouth.

*God status creature consumed* a voice rings inside his head. A voice he didn't recognize.