
Supreme Demon Lord

JD goes through the motions of every day life, wishing that he could make his nerdy dreams become reality. One night as he goes to sleep, he finds himself in what he believes is just a normal dream, but soon realizes that he can't wake up to his reality. The thing that shocks him the most after this revelation, is that he's taken the form of a small demon named Rokene. After realizing that this new reality has become his own, he also finds that he has a system similar to that of what you find in video games, and it begins to explain to him that his objective in this new world is to become the god of not only the demon race, but of every existence in this world.

mel0n · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Power rankings

After 20 minutes, Jupiter finally regained consciousness. "What happened?" She asked while holding her head. "You couldn't handle my awesomeness and fainted." Rokene replied, chuckling to himself.

Jupiter ignored his comment and asked "are you actually that powerful or did I just have a mental break for a moment?" Rokene then proceeded to show her his different aptitudes again just to show that it wasn't all in her head.

"What is your power rank? It must be near the knight rank." She said. "Power rank? I have no idea what you're talking about tabletop." He replied. Jupiter's face turned a few shades redder after hearing his nickname for her. Instead of lashing out at him with her words though, she decided to calm down and explain what the rankings meant to the best of her ability.

"Everyone in this world has a power rank. For example, you can go from pawn-1 to pawn-9 and the same goes for all the ranks until you have a breakthrough and reach the next level. So like I said you have your pawns which are basically normal humans in the lower levels, but once you reach the peak of the pawn rank, you're considered an elite human. But when compared to the ranks that follow, a pawn is nothing more than an ant.

Next you have the bishop rank. Those who reach that rank are able to start really drawing out their magic abilities and even a low level bishop can crush a dozen peak rank pawns. Then you have your knights. They are typically considered powerhouses in their respective kingdoms. They're the ones who will lead armies. If they were to step onto a battlefield, they can wipe out small armies all on their own.

After that, you have the rooks. A rook is someone who whose power begins to affect the world around them. Their bodies are so strong that even a hundred knights would struggle to injure them. Those are the ones who would rule a nation, just like King Jethro. Once you step past that rank though, you have the king rank followed by the Queen rank. There isn't any real information regarding those two ranks because the only ones who have reached it, ceased to deal with out world."

Rokene could feel his head reeling after hearing about all these different power levels. After getting his thoughts straightened out, he said "So a pawn-1 is considered a nobody basically?" Jupiter couldn't hold her laugh back after hearing this question. "Of course a pawn-1 is a nobody. Especially in the grand scheme of power."

A grin appeared on Rokene's face after hearing what Jupiter said. "So what you're saying is, if I want to rule this world, then I need to jump through the ranks and become a king or queen rank?"

Jupiter couldn't tell if the little demon in front of her was dumb or simply delusional. "What rank are you really?" She asked with what sounded like a little fear in her voice. "I'm a pawn-1" he said while maintaining that same grin. Jupiter almost fainted again after hearing this. "How could this strange demon have that many aptitude's and be this powerful as a simple pawn-1?" She thought to herself. "If what he is saying is true, then his potential is absolutely frightening."

"What rank are you?" He asked after waiting for her to come down from her shock. "Im a pawn-1 as well. But I could have never been able to kill those two guys on my own with my lightening magic." She replied. "You have lightning magic?" He asked excitedly. "Can I see?"

Jupiter's chest puffed out after seeing how excited he was at seeing her amazing magic. She pointed her finger towards the air and concentrated for a few moments before a small spark left her fingertips and fizzled out a few feet away from her. After seeing her own performance, she lowered her head and breathed a heavy sigh. "It's really not that strong right now. The most it can do is make someone feel a small tingle go through their body."

Rokene was not impressed by her show of power, but it made him wonder something. "Are all pawn-1s this weak with their magic?" He asked, genuinely curious. Jupiter became annoyed at his insulting question, but gave another sigh before saying "unfortunately, yes. The sadder thing is that I would be considered an impressive pawn-1 with the level of power that I just showed, but it's still nothing compared to the higher ranks, even within the upper pawn ranks."

Rokene knew that he had a long ways to go before he could fulfill his main objective given to him by his system, but he knew that it would be plenty fun getting to that point. "How do you go about increasing your rank?" He asked. "You have to become stronger through combat and practice with your magic. As your magic grows, your rank will typically grow as well. The growth of your magic also strengthens your body as well. That's more evident when you reach beyond the pawn rank."

Everything became clear to Rokene at this point. He had a goal, and the way to reach it was to become more powerful. That was when he decided that it was time for him to practice his magic and find more prey for him to kill.