
Supreme Demon Lord

JD goes through the motions of every day life, wishing that he could make his nerdy dreams become reality. One night as he goes to sleep, he finds himself in what he believes is just a normal dream, but soon realizes that he can't wake up to his reality. The thing that shocks him the most after this revelation, is that he's taken the form of a small demon named Rokene. After realizing that this new reality has become his own, he also finds that he has a system similar to that of what you find in video games, and it begins to explain to him that his objective in this new world is to become the god of not only the demon race, but of every existence in this world.

mel0n · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs


Two days passed, and it was time for all of the people that had agreed to help Vincent, to appear at his guild. He was starting to feel anxious about seeing his old comrades from the military. He began pacing in front of the old beer stained bar that sat in the main hall.

Even though they all shared the same profession, their guilds were all separated throughout the lower area of the kingdom. The reason that they decided to meet after two days, was because that was the longest that it would take for them all to get there using their flight amulets.

There were many people throughout the kingdom who could fly by using their own magic, however, none of the guild leaders had the wind aptitude, and so they had to make do with the amulets that their guilds possessed.

None of the leaders were given much information about what this favor consisted of that Vincent had called them there to cash in. They just knew that he wanted them to join him, ready to fight. They had served with him in the military many many years ago, and they knew of his combat prowess. Even though the military had raised their standards for the power that their soldiers needed to even be considered to join their ranks, the leaders remembered that Vincent had always been exceptional on the battlefield.

He had saved all of their lives at some point while they were out protecting the kingdom, which is where a few of them had decided that they would pay his service back one day. The others owed favors to him because of the sticky jams that he had been able to get them out of back in the day.

One of the leaders named Liam, used to be known for being an alcoholic. This was something that would get him into trouble in the military, because he was notorious for getting drunk before entering the battlefield. After being threatened that he would be discharged by his commanding officers if he were to be caught drinking before battle, he still couldn't help himself. One morning before they marched out, he had begun his daily routine of drinking four beers, and Vincent who was friends with him, decided that he couldn't have his friend being kicked out. So he made the choice of hiding the bottles under his bed before their captain came in to check the soldiers over before marching out. Liam tried to talk Vincent out of it, but he wasn't able to change his friend's mind. The captain found the bottles and made the choice to use Vincent as an example to Liam and the others by having Vincent discharged from the military.

This completely ruined Vincent's military career, but he couldn't stand seeing his friend ruin his life, so he chose to sacrifice his career instead. Many thought that his choice was one of stupidity, and empty loyalty to a bum of a soldier, but the truth was, Liam was an incredible warrior. He was a pawn-6 and had the potential of making it far in the military ranks. However, he was unable to keep his drinking problem at bay, and eventually got kicked out of the military anyways.

This was something that thoroughly angered Vincent and caused him to cut ties with Liam. The guilt of betraying his friend's loyal act, made Liam vow to pay him back the first chance that he could. Vincent was a better friend than Liam deserved, and wanted to do anything in his power to mend that broken relationship. So when Vincent called him about his favor, Liam with tears in his eyes, jumped at the opportunity. He knew that his time had finally come after all these years.

After almost causing a blood clot from all of his anxiety, Vincent heard the doors swing open to see all of the leaders walking into his halls. "Wow, this place is pretty shitty. No wonder you asked us all to help you out. This place shouldn't even be open anymore from the looks of it." said a thick woman with long wavy brown hair. "Leave him alone Veronica. His guild had clearly suffered from something major. He must have asked us here to assist with whatever has caused him this much grief." Said a tall muscular man with a bald head and thick beard.

It took Vincent a few moments to realize that the man who had just spoken was Liam. "Is that really you Liam?" Vincent asked. "It sure is old friend. As a way to make up for what you did for me, I made sure to focus on bettering myself in every way that I could." Liam responded.

The reason why Vincent didn't hardly recognize him anymore was because the last time that they had seen each other, Liam was scrawny and also had long hair that always appeared to be matted. He had been known for not only acting like a bum, but also looking like one. The only reason that Vincent had been able to really tell that it was him, was due to the fact that Liam always had small flames appear around him as he moved, only to disappear a second later.

Liam was an exceptionally powerful fire user amongst those in the pawn ranks. Typically speaking, most people weren't able to influence the area around them with their magic, until they reached the bishop rank. This was the reason why Vincent was convinced that Liam would make it far in the military. He was thought to be blessed by the angels to have that kind of power at his rank.

Vincent could only smile at seeing the progress that his old friend had made with his life. Behind Liam and Veronica, the two other leaders began to come in as well. One was a shorter gentleman with long black hair that was combed into a neat ponytail. His name was Callan, and he was a very capable water user.

The other woman who entered next to him was much younger looking. Her name was Clementine, and she had long gorgeous silver hair. She was well known as a hot head, and she was the only person that Vincent had ever known with a space aptitude. This meant that she was able to teleport. The reason that she didn't attempt to teleport to the guild though, was because she had never been there before. Her power could only take her to places that she had seen which was one of the limitations of her incredible magic. But she was not very powerful in terms of combat strength. She was seen as more of a support soldier back in the day, and Vincent knew that she would be invaluable to them on this mission.

"Thank you all for coming. Now, I must ask your help with taking care of whatever it was that wiped out all my men." Vincent said to them all.

Hey guys, please give a review on the story and power stones if you feel like it deserves it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and will help me to continue writing and to grow as a writer also. Thank you for those who are already supporting the story!

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