
Supreme cultivation system in marvel comics

Lin Fan a Taoist priest and genius graduated from Tsinghua university.went home to inherit the family property and mountain temple. while cooking in the temple kitchen gas explode and crossed over to marvel comics.

last_wariror · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

ingraving spells

As Lin Fan returned to the sea of consciousness, he felt the vast expanse of his inner world welcoming him like an old friend. He focused his divine sense, allowing it to explore the depths of this ethereal realm where the true essence of his cultivation resided.

The first elemental spell he chose to engrave was the "Burning Palm Technique," a powerful fire-based spell that would allow him to unleash scorching flames upon his enemies. Lin Fan could sense the flickering flames of the spell dancing within his sea of consciousness, waiting to be harnessed.

With a surge of concentration, Lin Fan activated his qi, channeling it towards the engravings of the Burning Palm Technique. Instantly, the sea of consciousness lit up with a fiery blaze, and he felt the sensation of heat emanating from his palms. The spell had come to life within the sea of consciousness, and he could now wield its power at will.

Next, he turned his attention to the "Flowing Water Blade," a graceful water-based spell that allowed him to manipulate water into razor-sharp blades. As he engraved the spell in the sea of consciousness, he felt the fluidity of water merging with his qi.

With a swift motion, Lin Fan activated his qi once more, and the sea of consciousness responded. He could see water materializing from thin air, forming a swirling vortex of water blades around him. Each blade glinted with a deadly edge, ready to slice through anything in its path.

Moving on, he focused on the "Earthen Wall Defense," an earth-based spell that could summon a sturdy barrier for protection. The solid and unyielding nature of earth resonated with his qi, and he etched the spell's glyphs with unwavering determination.

As he activated his qi, the sea of consciousness transformed into a virtual battlefield. A massive earthen wall emerged, shielding him from all sides. The earthy barrier exuded an aura of resilience, reflecting his mastery over the spell.

Lastly, he chose the "Gale Step," a wind-based spell that granted him incredible speed and agility. The winds within his sea of consciousness seemed to pick up speed as he engraved the spell's patterns.

With a burst of qi, the sea of consciousness erupted with gusts of wind. Lin Fan felt the sensation of weightlessness as he moved effortlessly through the air. He could traverse great distances in the blink of an eye, leaving only a trail of wind in his wake.

Each elemental spell now ingrained within his sea of consciousness, Lin Fan marveled at the profound connection he had forged with the natural elements. The power of the spells lay at his fingertips, ready to be unleashed with a mere thought.

With his newly acquired prowess, Lin Fan felt a surge of excitement and determination. He knew that these elemental spells were only the beginning of what he could achieve with his divine sense and sea of consciousness. There were countless possibilities and undiscovered techniques waiting to be explored.

Eager to test his skills, Lin Fan ventured out into the surrounding wilderness at the back of the mountain, where he could unleash the full potential of his engraved spells without any restraints. He found a vast open field, a canvas for him to display the might of his elemental powers.

With a deep breath, he activated the "Burning Palm Technique." Instantly, flames erupted from his palms, casting a warm glow across the field. Lin Fan moved his hands with precision, directing the flames in intricate patterns. The fire danced and twisted, resembling a dragon coiling through the air. He marveled at the finesse and control he had over the spell, realizing the vast improvement his sea of consciousness had brought to his cultivation.

Next, he summoned the "Flowing Water Blade." With a graceful wave of his hand, water materialized into razor-sharp blades, cascading through the air with elegance. Lin Fan practiced his footwork, evading invisible adversaries as he manipulated the water blades like a skilled puppeteer. The blades whirled around him, forming a beautiful and deadly dance.

Moving on, he activated the "Earthen Wall Defense." A solid barrier of earth rose from the ground, surrounding him with an impenetrable shield. He focused on enhancing its strength and stability, amazed by how much power he could draw from his sea of consciousness. The barrier stood resolute, undisturbed by the strongest of blows.

Finally, he engaged the "Gale Step," propelling himself forward with the speed of the wind. Lin Fan darted through the field with unparalleled swiftness, leaving trails of wind and dust in his wake. He felt invigorated, knowing that this newfound agility could give him a considerable advantage in battle.

As the display of elemental prowess came to an end Lin Fan was eager to further explore the depths of his abilities, he decided to practice his mastered and more advanced techniques—the "Five Thunder Technique" and the "Golden Light Curse."

Lin Fan took a deep breath and focused his qi. With a surge of energy, he began to invoke the "Five Thunder Technique." The sky above him crackled with energy as dark clouds gathered, heralding the impending thunder. Lin Fan channeled his qi to control the elemental forces, directing the thunder with precision.

A bolt of lightning shot from the dark clouds, illuminating the area with a blinding flash. The earth beneath him trembled and crumbled into a 100-meter radius scorched pit as the power of thunder echoed through the air. Lin Fan felt the raw power of nature coursing through his veins, a sensation unlike anything he had experienced before.

He practiced the technique diligently, honing his control over the thunder and refining its potency. With each successive attempt, he felt the technique becoming more natural and effortless. Soon, he could summon multiple bolts of lightning simultaneously, unleashing a torrential storm of thunder and awe-inspiring power.

Next, he turned his attention to the "Golden Light Curse.". Lin Fan visualized the golden light surrounding him, shimmering with an ethereal glow. With a focused mind and heart, he uttered the sacred incantations that would bring forth the power of the curse.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, root of all qi.

cultivating for billion calamities, to prove my supernatural power.

Inside and outside the three realms, only the Tao is respected.

There is a golden light in my body, covering my body.''

condensing the golden light into a whip with a single slash 200 meter mark appeared in the ground, Lin Fan stood amidst the aftermath, his heart pounding with exhilaration. He had honed his skills and witnessed the true extent of his powers.