
Supreme cultivation system in marvel comics

Lin Fan a Taoist priest and genius graduated from Tsinghua university.went home to inherit the family property and mountain temple. while cooking in the temple kitchen gas explode and crossed over to marvel comics.

last_wariror · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Divine sense and sea of consciousness

As the first rays of dawn illuminated the tranquil surroundings of Laoshan Temple, Lin Fan stirred from his slumber. He yawned and stretched, feeling refreshed and energized from a restful night's sleep. With a sense of purpose, he rose from his futon and began his morning routine.

Heading to the temple's bathing area, Lin Fan immersed himself in the cleansing waters. The coolness of the water invigorated his senses, washing away any lingering drowsiness. With each splash, he felt a renewed connection to the natural elements that surrounded him.

After his bath, Lin Fan donned his simple Taoist robe and proceeded to the temple's main hall for his daily prayers. As he knelt before the altar, he closed his eyes and focused his mind, offering his gratitude and respect to the heavens and the earth. His prayers were filled with sincerity, a reflection of his deep reverence for the forces that governed the world.

With his prayers completed, Lin Fan's eyes glowed with determination. He decided to use his Divine Sense, a heightened state of perception granted by his awakened Divine Consciousness. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, centering his mind and activating his Divine Sense.

As the world around him faded, Lin Fan's consciousness expanded beyond his physical body. He felt a connection to everything within a 5-mile radius, his senses reaching out like tendrils into the environment.

The first thing he sensed was the vibrant aura of nature—the rustling of leaves, the soft chirping of birds, and the gentle flow of a nearby stream. He felt the rhythm of life, the harmony of the natural world that surrounded him.

But his Divine Sense went beyond the mundane. Lin Fan could perceive the presence of living beings—animals, insects, and even some distant villagers going about their morning chores

he delved even further, connecting with the fundamental building blocks of existence. With each breath, he felt the particles and molecules that composed the air around him, swirling and dancing in an intricate symphony.

As his Divine Sense expanded, it effortlessly penetrated the essence of matter, perceiving the tiniest particles that formed the world. He could sense the electrons orbiting the atoms, the protons and neutrons at the nucleus, and the mysterious quarks that bound them together.

The magnetic fields of the Earth also came into focus under his perception. The swirling currents of electromagnetic energy painted an intricate tapestry around him. Lin Fan could feel the pull and tug of magnetic forces, guiding him like a compass through the vastness of his surroundings.

Beyond the realm of the visible, he sensed the presence of spiritual energies that interwove with the physical world. It was as if he could see the very fabric of reality, woven with threads of Qi and essence that connected all things. He was attuned to the ebb and flow of these energies, understanding the profound interplay between the spiritual and the material.

In this heightened state of awareness, Lin Fan could detect even the slightest changes in his environment. The heartbeat of the Earth, the rustle of leaves, the vibrations of sound—all were crystal clear to him. He marveled at the intricate harmony of the world, feeling deeply connected to its rhythms and cycles.

As Lin Fan stood before the vast expanse of his sea of consciousness, he could sense the boundless energy swirling within, like a primordial chaos waiting to be tamed. Drawing from the depths of his cultivation knowledge and the wisdom he had gained over time, he recalled the ancient tales of Pangu, the divine being who split chaos to create the world.

Taking a deep breath, he mustered his will and focused his Divine Sense on the sea of consciousness. With a resolute determination, he channeled his Qi, allowing it to surge through his meridians and gather at the center of his being.

As the energy coalesced, it radiated an awe-inspiring brilliance, illuminating the darkness that enveloped his sea of consciousness. Lin Fan's eyes gleamed with determination as he prepared to undertake a feat that few cultivators had dared to attempt.

In that pivotal moment, he envisioned himself as a divine entity, channeling the power of the universe itself. Like Pangu, he would split the chaotic sea of consciousness to reveal the profound mysteries hidden within.

With a forceful motion, Lin Fan thrust his hands forward, releasing the condensed energy in a burst of power. The sea of consciousness trembled and quaked, as if responding to his command.

Cracks began to appear in the chaos, and a blinding light emerged from within, illuminating the recesses of his mind. Lin Fan felt an immense surge of energy surging through his body, connecting him to the primal forces of creation.

As the chaos split open, the sea of consciousness transformed into a majestic landscape.

As Lin Fan immersed himself in the landscape of the sea of consciousness, he felt the boundless expanse of his own mind. It was a realm that extended far beyond the physical constraints of his body, where thoughts and emotions ebbed and flowed like waves on an endless ocean.

With the awakened Divine Sense, he sought to explore the depths of his consciousness and refine this newfound power. Closing his eyes, he delved inward, navigating the currents of his thoughts with ease. He could sense the different layers of his mind, from the surface-level surface-level conscious thoughts to the deeper subconscious and unconscious realms.

As he ventured further into the sea of consciousness, he encountered memories and emotions, both vivid and distant. It was like revisiting the past, reliving moments that had shaped him into who he was. Yet, he could also observe these memories with a newfound clarity and objectivity, untainted by the weight of emotion.

Lin Fan's Divine Sense acted as a guiding light, illuminating the darkest corners of his mind. He faced his fears, doubts, and insecurities with unwavering courage, acknowledging and embracing them as a part of his being.

As he continued to refine his Divine Sense, he realized that it was not just an ability to perceive, but also a tool for introspection and self-discovery. He could see the threads that connected different aspects of his consciousness, understanding the intricate web of thoughts and beliefs that shaped his identity.

With each moment of practice, his Divine Sense grew stronger and more refined. He could distinguish between the fleeting ripples of passing thoughts and the deep undercurrents of his core beliefs. It was as if he had unlocked a new level of self-awareness, peering into the essence of his being.

Within the sea of consciousness, he could also connect with the spiritual essence that resided within him—the pure and refined Qi that fueled his cultivation. He could harness this inner energy to nourish and strengthen his Divine Sense, extending its reach and sensitivity.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as he delved deeper into the sea of consciousness. He lost track of the hours spent in this profound introspection, consumed by the vastness of his own mind.

When he finally opened his eyes, he felt a profound sense of clarity and peace